creveramus oor Engels



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first-person plural pluperfect active indicative of crēscō "we had come to be" "we had become visible, we had sprung from, we had arisen, we had come forth" "we had increased, we had risen, we had grown, we had thrived; we had multiplied, we had augmented"
first-person plural pluperfect active indicative of cernō "we had separated, we had sifted" "we had distinguished, we had discerned, we had seen"

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Quidquid veri mens humana, sincere quaerens, invenire poterit, iam acquisitae veritati profecto adversari nequit; siquidem Deus, summa Veritas, humanum intellectum condidit atque regit, non ut rite acquisitis cotidie nova opponat, sed ut, remotis erroribus qui forte irrepserint, verum vero superstruat eodem ordine ac compagine quibus ipsa rerum natura, ex qua verum hauritur, constituta cernitur.
Whatever new truth the sincere human mind is able to find, certainly cannot be opposed to truth already acquired, since God, the highest Truth, has created and guides the human intellect, not that it may daily oppose new truths to rightly established ones, but rather that, having eliminated errors which may have crept in, it may build truth upon truth in the same order and structure that exist in reality, the source of
Sinceris ominibus optamus, ut cuncti “crescant in gratia et in cognitione Domini nostri et Salvatoris Iesu Christi”, quemadmodum Princeps Apostolorum desideravit (2 Pt.
We express the sincere wish that all "may grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ", as the Prince of the Apostles desired (2 Pet 3:18)
Tam magnae crescere possunt ut longitudines praeter metrum et pondera usque ad 100 chiliogrammata non sint rara, quamquam in grege tali magno, species magnopere variant.
They can be quite large, and lengths over a meter and weights up to 100 kg are not uncommon, though obviously in such a large group, species vary considerably.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ideologiae fide alienae incitare ceteroquin possunt credentes familiae sodales ut in amore crescant amorisque testificatione.
Moreover, ideologies which are alien to the faith can stimulate the believing members of the family to grow in faith and in the witness of
Ab his profectus Ecclesiae iudiciis, Teresiae a Iesu Infante spiritalis fulgor crevit atque universum per orbem est dilatatus ad nostros usque dies.
Beginning with these acts of recognition, the spiritual radiance of Thérèse of the Child Jesus increased in the Church and spread throughout the
Bene ergo fecit Deus obstetricibus, et crevit populus confortatusque est nimis; et, quia timuerunt obstetrices Deum, ædificavit illis domos.
Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied and grew exceedingly strong. And because the midwives feared God, he built them houses.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Cernimus exemplis oppida posse mori."
"Pioneer probation officer dies".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quod significat morales aestimationes et scientificam inquisitionem coniunctim crescere debere, et caritatem veluti in concinno et interdisciplinari complexu, unitate et distinctione constituto, eas stimulare.
This means that moral evaluation and scientific research must go hand in hand, and that charity must animate them in a harmonious interdisciplinary whole, marked by unity and
cerni adhuc Germanorum in lucis signa Romana, quae dis patriis suspenderit.
There are still to be seen in the groves of Germany the Roman standards which I hung up to our country's gods.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In ipsa societate, quamvis multa sint secum pugnantia, largiorem et fortiorem invenimus iustitiae et pacis sitim, vividiorem sensum curae hominis de mundo deque cultu rerum naturae; apertiorem veritatis inquisitionem atque hominis dignitatis adsectationis, crescentem sedulitatem in multis totius mundi populorum partibus pro necessitudine inter nationes magis in usu posita et pro novo ordine orbis terrarum secundum libertatem et iustitiam.
Despite many contradictions, society is increasingly witnessing a powerful thirst for justice and peace; a more lively sense that humanity must care for creation and respect nature; a more open search for truth; a greater effort to safeguard human dignity; a growing commitment in many sectors of the world population to a more specific international solidarity and a new ordering of the world in freedom and
Quod fore suspicatus Caesar militesque adhortatus, ut aequo animo laborem ferrent, parvam partem noctis itinere intermisso mane Dyrrachium venit, cum primum agmen Pompei procul cerneretur, atque ibi castra posuit.
And so it happened; for Pompey, at first not knowing his design, because he imagined he had taken a route in a different direction from that country, thought that the scarcity of provisions had obliged him to shift his quarters; but having afterward got true intelligence from his scouts, he decamped the day following, hoping to prevent him by taking a shorter road; which Caesar suspecting might happen, encouraged his troops to submit cheerfully to the fatigue, and having halted a very small part of the night, he arrived early in the morning at Dyrrachium, when the van of Pompey's army was visible at a distance, and there he encamped.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Alia verbi definitio est: quaelibet structura viva, sicut Planta, Animal, Fungus, Bacteriumve quae potest crescere et se reproducere" (Chambers 1999).
Dictionary definitions can be broad, using phrases such as "any living structure, such as a plant, animal, fungus or bacterium, capable of growth and reproduction".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Conscii nempe nobis universi illius christianorum officii, quo suas ad partes missionali operi progressuique populorum pauperum conferendas obstringuntur, interrogare ipsi nos debemus cuncti cur pluribus in Nationibus, crescentibus quidem candidatorum numeris, periculum tamen subsit ne missionariae vocationes evanescant quae veram regulam sive mensuram praebent donationis pro fratribus.
Conscious of the overall responsibility of Christians to contribute to missionary activity and to the development of poorer peoples, we must ask ourselves how it is that in some countries, while monetary contributions are on the increase, missionary vocations, which are the real measure of self-giving to one's brothers and sisters, are in danger of
Atqui facile cernitur falsam hanc esse ac detrimentosam cleri educandi rationem eiusdemque ad crediti muneris assequendam sanctitatem conformandi.
But it is easily seen that this method of educating and training the clergy to acquire the sanctity proper to their calling is wrong and
Cum hommum ritu Iesus cresceret “sapientia et aetate et gratia”, partes in ipso praestantes agebat operositatis virtus, quandoquidem “est . . . Iabor hominis bonum” quod “mutat naturam” sicque per illud “quodammodo magis homo evadit” (IOANNIS PAULI PP.
In the human growth of Jesus "in wisdom, age and grace," the virtue of industriousness played a notable role, since "work is a human good" which "transforms nature" and makes man "in a sense, more human."(
Gasis pressio, cum gas ideale est, in proportione temperaturae crescit.
It states that the pressure exerted on a container's sides by an ideal gas is proportional to its temperature.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Crescit enim cum amplitudine rerum vis ingenii, nec quisquam claram et inlustrem orationem efficere potest nisi qui causam parem invenit.
His mental powers rise with the dignity of his subject, and no one can produce a noble and brilliant speech unless he has got an adequate case.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Crescere posse inperfectae rei signum est
Crescere posse imperfectae rei signum est.Literature Literature
Crescite et multiplicamini.
Be fruitful and multiply.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
660 Crescentia
660 Crescentialangbot langbot
Quod autem nominatim ad eos spectat, qui cotidiano labore vivunt, non sine solatio cernere est ea omnia incepta recens irrita, quae humaniores reddunt condiciones quibus opifices in officinis in ceterisque laboris campis utuntur, id efficere, ut iidem opifices non tantum ad rem oeconomicam quod attinet aestimentur, sed ad elatius etiam digniusque humanae vitae genus.
As for the condition of those who live by their daily toil, it is consoling to note that recently undertaken improvements in working conditions in factories and other places of employment have done more than give these workers a greater economic value; they have made their lives nobler and more
You grow.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Plurimae sunt plantae herbaceae, sed aliquae sunt suffrutices qui ad 60 cm alti crescunt.
Most are herbaceous plants, though a few are subshrubs growing to 60 cm (24 in) tall.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eorum praesentia omnes locupletat sacerdotes variaque charismata, ex quibus vivunt, dum presbyteris adhortationi sunt ut crescant in cognitione ipsius sacerdotii, conferunt ad excitandam et prosequendam sacerdotum formationem permanentem.
Their presence is a source of enrichment for all priests. The different particular charisms which they live, while challenging all priests to grow in the understanding of the priesthood itself, help to encourage and promote ongoing priestly
Ac non sine animi Nostri delectatione cernimus haec proposita ubique in Ecclesia iam ad effectum deduci et sapienter incensoque religionis studio promoveri.
And we are happy to see that these resolutions are already being implemented everywhere in the Church and are being fostered by prudent and ardent religious
201 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.