de nocte oor Engels

de nocte

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after dark

after nightfall, at night

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De nocte praeterita tecum loqui volo.
I want to talk to you about last night.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Laban vero de nocte consurgens osculatus est filios et filias suas et benedixit illis reversusque est in locum suum.
But Laban arose in the night, and kissed his sons and daughters, and blessed them: and returned to his place.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Statimque de nocte consurgens Abimelech vocavit omnes servos suos et locutus est universa verba hæc in auribus eorum; timueruntque viri valde.
And Abimelech forthwith rising up in the night, called all his servants: and spoke all these words in their hearing, and all the men were exceedingly afraid.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ad hos opprimendos cum omni equitatu tribusque legionibus Afranius de nocte proficiscitur imprudentesque ante missis equitibus aggreditur. Celeriter sese tamen Galli equites expediunt proeliumque committunt.
To attack them by surprise, Afranius set out in the beginning of the night, with all his cavalry and three legions, and sent the horse on before, to fall on them unawares; but the Gallic horse soon got themselves in readiness, and attacked them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Igitur Abraham de nocte consurgens stravit asinum suum ducens secum duos iuvenes suos et Isaac filium suum. Cumque concidisset ligna in holocaustum, surrexit et abiit ad locum, quem præceperat ei Deus.
So Abraham rising up in the night, saddled his ass, and took with him two young men, and Isaac his son: and when he had cut wood for the holocaust, he went his way to the place which God had commanded him.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Hac re cognita Caesar mittit complures equitum turmas; eis de media nocte imperat, ut paulo tumultuosius omnibus locis vagarentur.
Caesar, on being informed of this circumstance, sends several troops of horse to the place immediately after midnight; he orders them to range in every quarter with more tumult than usual.latin-ancient latin-ancient
De media nocte missus equitatus novissimum agmen consequitur: magnus numerus capitur atque interficitur; reliqui ex fuga in civitates discedunt.
Immediately after midnight, the cavalry are sent out and overtake the rear, a great number are taken or cut to pieces, the rest by flight escape in different directions to their respective states.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quinque cohortes, quas minime firmas ad dimicandum esse existimabat, castris praesidio relinquit; quinque eiusdem legionis reliquas de media nocte cum omnibus impedimentis adverso flumine magno tumultu proficisci imperat.
He leaves the five cohorts, which he considered to be the most steady in action, to guard the camp; he orders the five remaining cohorts of the same legion to proceed a little after midnight up the river with all their baggage, in a great tumult.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nocte dieque de ea cogito.
I think of her day and night.tatoeba tatoeba
Thomas nocte laborat, de die contra dormit.
Tom works at night and sleeps during day.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Eo de media nocte Caesar isdem ducibus usus qui nuntii ab Iccio venerant, Numidas et Cretas sagittarios et funditores Baleares subsidio oppidanis mittit; quorum adventu et Remis cum spe defensionis studium propugnandi accessit et hostibus eadem de causa spes potiundi oppidi discessit.
Thither, immediately after midnight, Caesar, using as guides the same persons who had come to him as messengers from Iccius, sends some Numidian and Cretan archers, and some Balearian slingers as a relief to the towns-people, by whose arrival both a desire to resist together with the hope of [making good their] defense, was infused into the Remi, and, for the same reason, the hope of gaining the town, abandoned the enemy.latin-ancient latin-ancient
His paratis rebus magnum numerum levis armaturae et sagittariorum aggeremque omnem noctu in scaphas et naves actuarias imponit et de media nocte cohortes LX ex maximis castris praesidiisque deductas ad eam partem munitionum ducit, quae pertinebant ad mare longissimeque a maximis castris Caesaris aberant.
These things being prepared, he embarked on board small boats and row galleys by night, a considerable number of light infantry and archers, with all their fascines, and immediately after midnight, he marched sixty cohorts drafted from the greater camp and the outposts, to that part of our works which extended toward the sea, and were at the furthest distance from Caesar's greater camp.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Itaque se quod in longiorem diem conlaturus fuisset repraesentaturum et proxima nocte de quarta, vigilia castra moturum, ut quam primum intellegere posset utrum apud eos pudor atque officium an timor plus valeret.
That he would therefore instantly set about what he had intended to put off till a more distant day, and would break up his camp the next night, in the fourth watch, that he might ascertain, as soon as possible, whether a sense of honor and duty, or whether fear had more influence with them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Postero die Caesar similiter praemissis prima nocte impedimentis de quarta vigilia ipse egreditur, ut, si qua esset imposita dimicandi necessitas, subitum casum expedito exercitu subiret.
The next day Caesar sent his baggage forward early in the night, and marched off himself immediately after the fourth watch: that if he should be under the necessity of risking an engagement, he might meet a sudden attack with an army free from incumbrance.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Eadem nocte transfuga nuntiavit Pompeium et Labienum de iugulatione oppidanorum indignatos esse.
The same night a deserter informed us that Pompey and Labienus were greatly offended at the massacre of the citizens.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Fidei probationi devovet paginas animum nostrum commoventes: de purificationis gratia sermo est qua in longam ipsamet ac dolorosam mergitur noctem obscuram quam tamen collustravit illius fiducia de misericordi paternoque Dei amore.
She devotes moving pages to her trial of faith: a grace of purification that immerses her in a long and painful dark night, illuminated by her trust in the merciful, fatherly love of
et Vibulenus quidam gregarius miles, ante tribunal Blaesi adlevatus circumstantium umeris, apud turbatos et quid pararet intentos 'vos quidem' inquit 'his innocentibus et miserrimis lucem et spiritum reddidistis: sed quis fratri meo vitam, quis fratrem mihi reddit? quem missum ad vos a Germanico exercitu de communibus commodis nocte proxima iugulavit per gladiatores suos, quos in exitium militum habet atque armat.
"Vibulenus, a common soldier, was hoisted in front of the general's tribunal on the shoulders of the bystanders and addressed the excited throng, who eagerly awaited his intentions. ""You have indeed,"" he said, ""restored light and air to these innocent and most unhappy men, but who restores to my brother his life, or my brother to myself? Sent to you by the German army in our common cause, he was last night butchered by the gladiators whom the general keeps and arms for the destruction of his soldiers."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ergo, Noctes Atticae probabiliter non est optimus fons rerum de Frontone.
Progress at Aachen, I felt, would be virtually impossible without a good wind tunnel.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nox ista vigiliarum Domino, quando eduxit eos de terra Aegypti: hanc observare debent Domino omnes filii Israel in generationibus suis.
This is the observable night of the Lord, when he brought them forth out of the land of Egypt: this night all the children of Israel must observe in their generations.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Per negotia rustica et conventus syndicati, mulieres cenas ferebant et inter se certabant ut probarent quam gregem maxime pascere potuerit, et agricolae post negotia intente disceptabant de quibus honoris causa eorum hospites nocte domi fuerint.
At rural affairs and union meetings, the farm women would bring "suppers" and would vie with each other to see who could feed the troupe most, and after the affair the farmers would have earnest discussions about who would have the honor of taking them home for the night.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Adhuc enim et post dies septem ego pluam super terram quadraginta diebus et quadraginta noctibus et delebo omnem substantiam, quam feci, de superficie terræ.
For yet a while, and after seven days, I will rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights: and I will destroy every substance that I have made, from the face of the earth.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
De Lamantia, Nancy Peters, uxor et editrix litteraria, dixit, "Nocte narcotica genus invenit rei gemellae castelli gothici, regionem periculi, quae symbolice aut exsistentialiter transcendenda est."
Nancy Peters, his wife and literary editor, said of Lamantia, "He found in the narcotic night world a kind of modern counterpart to the Gothic castle -- a zone of peril to be symbolically or existentially crossed."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Proxima nocte Pharnaces interceptis tabellariis, qui de Alexandrinis rebus litteras ad Domitium ferebant, cognoscit Caesarem magno in periculo versari flagitarique ab Domitio ut quam primum Caesari subsidia mitteret propiusque ipse Alexandream per Syriam accederet.
Next night, Pharnaces, having intercepted the couriers who brought Domitius an account of the posture of affairs at Alexandria, understood that Caesar was in great danger, and requested Domitius to send him succors speedily, and come himself to Alexandria by the way of Syria.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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