de novo oor Engels

de novo


Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

once again

one more time
de novo, afresh, anew.

from the new

"Anew" or "afresh". In law, a trial de novo is a retrial. In biology, de novo means newly synthesized, and a de novo mutation is a mutation that neither parent possessed or transmitted. In economics, de novo refers to newly founded companies, and de novo banks are state banks that have been in operation for five years or less.

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Fanum Sanctae Mariae de Novis
De orbe novo decades
Decades of the New World
Arnaldus de Villa Nova
Arnaldus de Villa Nova


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Thomas me de novo consilio certiorem fecit.
Tom told me about the new plan.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Eodem tempore consilium de nova constitutione deliberabat.
We need a new line-up to cope with a new session of parliament.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Conciliabulum de novo aedificandum erat, quod anno 1731 factum est.
It was significantly rebuilt in 1731.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sed de novo marito liberos non peperit.
Again, a little patience wouldn’t hurt anyone.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Memoranda etiam est scriptura quae titulus diverbium de nova stella est qua Galileo (1564–1642) adscribuntur.
Notable is a manuscript titled "Dialogue ... on the New star" attributed to Galileo (1564–1642).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fanum Sanctae Mariae de Novis
Novolilangbot langbot
Pontificium Consilium de Nova Evangelizatione promovenda
Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelizationlangbot langbot
Pontificium Consilium de Nova Evangelizatione promovenda constituitur, ut Romanae Curiae Dicasterium, secundum Constitutionem apostolicam Pastor bonus.
The Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization is established as a Dicastery of the Roman Curia in compliance with the Apostolic Constitution Pastor
Repperistine hodie aliquid de novo?
Did you discover something new today?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ad extremum, ex iis quae hactenus de novo Missali Romano exposuimus quiddam nunc cogere et efficere placet.
In conclusion, we wish to give the force of law to all that we have set forth concerning the new Roman
Eae de novo nominatae sunt Lepidosauria a Michaele Benton anno 1985.
The members of Gephyrosauridae were named lepidosaurs in 1985 by Michael Benton.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De nova imagine Dei in primis agitur.
First, the world of the Bible presents us with a new image of
Propter competentias per praesentes Litteras Apostolicas Motu proprio datas sibi commissas, Pontificium Consilium de Nova Evangelizatione Promovenda:
In virtue of the competences granted it by this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio, the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New
Mons de Novem
Montedinovelangbot langbot
Illius nuntii habita ratione, id etiam plenum intellectum habet, quod lesus, in suprema illa Cena, ait de novo suo « adventu ».
In the light of that prediction, we also grasp the full meaning of what Jesus says, also at the Last Supper, about his new "coming."
Tu venis ut ex me sanctificeris et mihi uniaris, ut novam gratiam recipias a Deo et de novo ad emendationem accendaris.
You come to be sanctified and united with Me, to receive new grace and to be aroused anew to amend.Literature Literature
Anno 1948 cum aliis in Consilio Parlamentarico Bonnae de nova constitutione Germania liberavit et deinde ad annum 1949 Consilio Parlamentari interfuit.
In 1948, the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed the British Nationality Act 1948, which came into effect on 1 January 1949 and introduced the concept of Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Consilium sua proposita persequitur, tum meditationem de novae evangelizationis argumentis concitans, tum eligens et promovens formas instrumentaque ad eandem efficiendam apta.
The Council pursues its own ends both by encouraging reflection on topics of the new evangelization, and by identifying and promoting suitable ways and means to accomplish
Dum dialogus de novis argumentis producitur vel altius evolvitur, obeundum prostat novum munus, quomodo scilicet effectus ad hoc usque tempus adepti recipiantur.
While dialogue continues on new subjects or develops at deeper levels, a new task lies before us: that of receiving the results already
Etenim, si omnes inter se conveniunt de nova exstruenda societate, quae homini revera deserviat, id oportebit imprimis scire, quali de homine agatur.
For even if all agree to build a new society at the service of men, it is still essential to know what sort of man is in
Omnino excludantur ideo negotia quae - sive lege sive consuetudine - tantum ad Romani Pontificis potestatem pertinent vel normas respiciunt de novo Pontifice eligendo secundum huius Constitutionis praescriptiones.
This task must be carried out in the ways and within the limits set down by this Constitution: consequently, those matters are to be absolutely excluded which, whether by law or by practice, come under the power of the Roman Pontiff alone or concern the norms for the election of the new Pope laid down in the present
Articulus 94 Constitutionis apostolicae Pastor Bonus aboletur atque munus, quod de re catechetica hucusque gerebat Congregatio pro Clericis, totum ad Pontificium Consilium de Nova Evangelizatione Promovenda transfertur.
Article 94 of the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus is abolished and the competence for catechesis hitherto enjoyed by the Congregation for Clergy is entirely transferred to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New
Quaedam viri stirps aviaria, dicta H5N1, suscitavit sollicitudinem de nova influentiae pandemia, ante annum 2000, sed haec mutavit se in aliquam formam quae difficiliter transit ad humanos.
Research has shown that a highly contagious strain of H5N1, one that might allow airborne transmission between mammals, can be reached in only a few mutations, raising concerns about a pandemic and bioterrorism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ad Pontificium Consilium de Nova Evangelizatione Promovenda pariter transfertur “Consilium Internationale de Catechesi”, quod per litteras, die VII mensis Iunii anno MCMLXXIII datas, condidit Venerabilis Dei Servus Paulus VI.
The International Council for Catechesis established by the Venerable Servant of God Paul VI with a Letter dated 7 June 1973, is likewise transferred to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New
326 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.