decipito oor Engels



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third-person singular future active imperative of dēcipiō
second-person singular future active imperative of dēcipiō

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mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur


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His Caesar ita respondit: eo sibi minus dubitationis dari, quod eas res quas legati Helvetii commemorassent memoria teneret, atque eo gravius ferre quo minus merito populi Romani accidissent; qui si alicuius iniuriae sibi conscius fuisset, non fuisse difficile cavere; sed eo deceptum, quod neque commissum a se intellegeret quare timeret neque sine causa timendum putaret.
"To these words Caesar thus replied:--that ""on that very account he felt less hesitation, because he kept in remembrance those circumstances which the Helvetian embassadors had mentioned, and that he felt the more indignant at them, in proportion as they had happened undeservedly to the Roman people: for if they had been conscious of having done any wrong, it would not have been difficult to be on their guard, but for that very reason had they been deceived, because neither were they aware that any offense had been given by them, on account of which they should be afraid, nor did they think that they ought to be afraid without cause."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Indicium namque est huius operis Cain, qui innocentem fratrem ira decepit invidiae.
For Cain is a sign of this work, who deceived his innocent brother in the anger of envy.Literature Literature
Primum enim simplices et incautos facile decipiunt hac via, multoque pluribus invitamenta praebent.
First, in this way they easily deceive the simple-minded and the heedless, and can induce a far greater number to become
Quod quidem si in multis aliis ordinis moralis veritatibus locum habet, id tamen potissimum in his, quae ad coniugium pertinent, attendi debet, ubi voluptatis libido irrumpere in fragilem humani generis naturam eamque decipere et corrumpere facile possit; idque eo magis, quod ad legis divinae observationem, ardua interdum, eademque diu coniugibus experiunda sunt, quibus, ut rerum usu docemur, debilis homo quasi totidem utitur argumentis, ut a lege divina servanda se se eximat.
And if this is applicable to many other truths of the moral order, we must all the more pay attention to those things, which appertain to marriage where the inordinate desire for pleasure can attack frail human nature and easily deceive it and lead it astray; this is all the more true of the observance of the divine law, which demands sometimes hard and repeated sacrifices, for which, as experience points out, a weak man can find so many excuses for avoiding the fulfillment of the divine
Ista Nos et similia, quae, ut licet e certis quibusdam indiciis cernere, late ad irritandos animos spargentur in vulgus, iam nunc indignando denuntiamus esse falsissima, vestrumque, Venerabiles Fratres, et bonorum omnium erit redarguere, ne scilicet imperitos ignarosque decipiant. — Nominatim vero quod ad illud attinet, faciliorem se alibi Ecclesiam impertivisse in causa simili, monstretis oportet, hoc eam fecisse, quum diversa prorsus verterentur momenta rerum, quumque praesertim divinis Hierarchiae rationibus aliquo saltem modo consultum esset.
These recriminations, with others of the same sort, which, as can be foreseen from certain indications, will be disseminated among the public in order to excite irritation, We denounce now and henceforth with the utmost indignation as false; and it is incumbent upon you, Venerable Brethren, as upon all good men, to refute them in order that they may not deceive simple and ignorant
Aenean credam quid enim fallacibus auris et caelo, totiens deceptus fraude sereni?'
et caeli totiens deceptus fraude sereni?’Literature Literature
Maomethes contra deceptas carmine gentes, Alcorane tuo campos descendere in equos coget et audaci committere prelia dextra.
Mahmet, conversely, having deceived the nations with ritual from the Koran, compels calvary to descend onto your lands and with boldness to engage in favorable
Decipere est istud, docere paupertatem, cum divitias promiseris.""
Decipere est istud, docere paupertatem cum diuitias promiseris.Literature Literature
Cur clam fugisti et decepisti me, non indicans mihi, ut prosequerer te cum gaudio et canticis et tympanis et citharis?
Why wouldst thou run away privately, and not acquaint me, that I might have brought thee on the way with joy, and with songs, and with timbrels, and with harps?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Iuvenum Ecclesiarum multiplicatio recentibus temporibus ne decipiat.
The growth in the number of new churches in recent times should not deceive
Agnovit prolem ambiguam geminosque parentes, / seque novo veterum deceptum errore locorum.
The two-fold race Anchises understands, / the double sires, and owns himself misled / by modern error 'twixt two ancient lands.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Adgnovit prolem ambiguam geminosque parentes, seque novo veterum deceptum errore locorum.
agnovit prolem ambiguam geminosque parentis, seque novo veterum deceptum errore locorum.Literature Literature
Exempla quidem protulimus, e quibus clare patet beatam Virginem nonnullas, easdemque graves, hodiernorum hominum exspectationes haud decipere, immo perfecti Christi discipuli specimen iisdem praebere, quippe qui sit terrenae et temporalis civitatis artifex simulque ad caelestem aeternamque tendat, qui provehat iustitiam, oppresses homines liberantem, itemque caritatem foveat, qua indigentibus subvenitur, sed praecipue illius sit testis actuosus amoris, qui Christum in hominum animis aedificat.
105) These are but examples, but examples which show clearly that the figure of the Blessed Virgin does not disillusion any of the profound expectations of the men and women of our time but offers them the perfect model of the disciple of the Lord: the disciple who builds up the earthly and temporal city while being a diligent pilgrim towards the heavenly and eternal city; the disciple who works for that justice which sets free the oppressed and for that charity which assists the needy; but above all, the disciple who is the active witness of that love which builds up Christ in people's
Et dixit Dominus Deus ad mulierem: “Quid hoc fecisti?” Quæ respondit: “Serpens decepit me, et comedi”.
And the Lord God said to the woman: Why hast thou done this? And she answered: The serpent deceived me, and I did eat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Mucius illum pro rege deceptus occidit.
The devil whispers to the despairing Rei.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Homo — quivis homo — est filius ille prodigus, captus tentatione a Patre discedendi ut ad suum vivat arbitrium; tentationi cedens; deceptus rebus inanibus, quibus ut falsa imagine est allectus; solus, dedecoratus, quaestui habitus, dum vitae rationem, sibi propriam et peculiarem, studet suscipere; discruciatus, etiam dum in summa versatur miseria, desiderio redeundi ad Patris communionem.
This prodigal son is man every human being: bewitched by the temptation to separate himself from his Father in order to lead his own independent existence; disappointed by the emptiness of the mirage which had fascinated him; alone, dishonored, exploited when he tries to build a world all for himself sorely tried, even in the depths of his own misery, by the desire to return to communion with his
Qui error, quo fucatior quam socialistarum quorundam affirmantium quaecumque bonis conficiendis inserviunt, ea in reni publicam transferenda seu, ut aiunt, « socializanda » esse, eo periculosior est et ad incautos fallendos aptior: blandum venenum, quod multi avide hausere, quos apertus socialismus decipere non potuerat.
This error, much more specious than that of certain of the Socialists who hold that whatever serves to produce goods ought to be transferred to the State, or, as they say "socialized," is consequently all the more dangerous and the more apt to deceive the
Rituum renovatio, post Concilium effecta, nullatenus permittit ut quis hac in re decipiatur eoque mutationem in ducat.
The renewal of the rites carried out after the council does not sanction any illusion or alteration in this
Post quas indutias Agesilaus simulavit sese in Cariam exercitum ducturum ita ut Tissaphernes deceptus illuc pedites suos tramiserit.
In a move of desperation, they decided to unveil an arrangement that the Glee Club director had explicitly asked them not to perform, fearing its bawdy five-part harmonies and scandalous lyrics would offend the sensibilities of the stodgy New Haven audience.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ac novimus etiam angustias vestras, novimus moerores, quibus afficimini ob miserum tot filiorum discessum errorum fallaciis deceptorum, ob rerum penuriam qua res catholica apud vos maiora incrementa interdum capere non potest, ac praesertim ob sacerdotum numerum, multis in locis, necessitatibus succrescentibus imparem.
99. And We also know your hardships, your sorrows. You grieve that so many of your children are lost, pathetically duped by falsehood; you are confronted by a lack of material means, which sometimes makes impossible a wider spread of Catholicism in your dioceses; and the number of priests at your disposal is in many places inadequate to the mounting demands for their
Tamen de eo queruntur omnes, in quo uno nemo decipitur. ' Sed puer decessit.'
Tamen de eo queruntur omnes, in quo uno nemo decipitur.Literature Literature
quid tum claustra montium profutura? quid tractum in aestatem aliam bellum? unde interim pecuniam et commeatus? quin potius eo ipso uterentur quod Pannonicae legiones deceptae magis quam victae resurgere in ultionem properent, Moesici exercitus integras viris attulerint.
What good then will our mountain-passes do us? What will be the use of having protracted the war into another summer? Where are we to find in the meanwhile money and supplies? Why not rather avail ourselves of the fact that the legions of Pannonia, which were cheated rather than vanquished, are hastening to rise again for vengeance, and that the armies of Moesia have brought us their unimpaired strength? If you reckon the number of soldiers, rather than that of legions, we have greater strength, and no vices, for our very humiliation has been most helpful to our discipline.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Neque Maroboduns iactantia sui aut probris in hostem abstinebat, sed Inguiomerum tenens illo in corpore decus omne Cheruscorum, illius consiliis gesta quae prospere ceciderint testabatur: vaecordem Arminium et rerum nescium alienam gloriam in se trahere, quoniam tres vagas legiones et ducem fraudis ignarum perfidia deceperit, magna cum clade Germaniae et ignominia sua, cum coniunx, cum fiius eius servitium adhuc tolerent.
Arminius in his infatuation and ignorance was taking to himself the glory which belonged to another, for he had treacherously surprised three unofficered legions and a general who had not an idea of perfidy, to the great hurt of Germany and to his own disgrace, since his wife and his son were still enduring slavery. As for himself, he had been attacked by twelve legions led by Tiberius, and had preserved untarnished the glory of the Germans, and then on equal terms the armies had parted.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Deinde iidem scripto (Die 20 Febr. an. curr.) declarationem Nobis porrigendam curarunt, quae spem augebat fore ut decepti hi filii sincero animo praeteritas ludificationes abiicere ad Tectumque tramitem vellent redire:
They then caused to be transmitted to Us a written statement which increased Our hope that these deluded sons would sincerely abandon past illusions and return to the right
Ii, qui eiusmodi rem provehunt, summa quidem versutia ac calliditate eo contendunt ut, qui simplici vel pavido sunt animo, decipiantur, vel e recto abstrahantur itinere; quam ad rem fallaciter asseverant eos solummodo suam reapse amare patriam, qui Ecclesiae, quam ipsi mente effingunt, adhaereant, « autonomiis » nempe hisce fruenti.
22. The promoters of such movements with the greatest cunning seek to deceive the simple or the timid, or to draw them away from the right path. For this purpose they falsely affirm that the only true patriots are those who adhere to the church thought up by them, that is, to that which has the "Three Autonomies."
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