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Antiqua Iudaeorum exegesis, sicut Midras (Genesis Rabbah 38) habet Adam Lingua Hebraica locutum esse quia nomina quae uxori dedit—Isha (Latine: Virago, Genesis 2:23) et Heva (Genesis 3:20)—solum Hebraice intelleguntur.
Traditional Jewish exegesis such as Midrash (Genesis Rabbah 38) says that Adam spoke the Hebrew language because the names he gives Eve – Isha (Book of Genesis 2:23) and Chava (Genesis 3:20) – only make sense in Hebrew.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lorentz operam pelliculae dedit cum Vergilio Thomson compositore, qui studii Lorentziani musicae vulgaris particeps fuit, qua pro causa multa carmina vulgaria sonis adiecit, cum aliis generibus musicae popularis et religiosae.
Lorentz worked on the film with composer Virgil Thomson, who shared Lorentz's enthusiasm for folk music and incorporated many folk melodies, along with other popular and religious music, into the soundtrack.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Remuneratio autem istius modi reddi poterit tum per salarium tamiliare, quod dicitur — unicum id est salarium capiti tributum familiae ob ipsius laborem ut ita necessitatibus familiae satisfaciat neque alius oporteat labor retributivus extra domum ab uxore suscipiatur — tum per alia praesidia socialia, qualia sunt scidulae nummariae familiares vel subsidia matri concessa, quae soli se familiae dedit, quae subsidia veris necessitatibus debent convenire, scilicet numero ipsi hominum e familia pendentium in totum illud tempus, quamdiu nequeunt in se digne recipere propriae vitae curandae officium.
Such remuneration can be given either through what is called a family wage-that is, a single salary given to the head of the family fot his work, sufficient for the needs of the family without the other spouse having to take up gainful employment outside the home-or through other social measures such as family allowances or grants to mothers devoting themselves exclusively to their families. These grants should correspond to the actual needs, that is, to the number of dependents for as long as they are not in a position to assume proper responsibility for their own
Quae quidem scientia quum abest, id etiam consequitur ipsis sacerdotibus perniciosum, ut nimirum, Deo neglecti officii poenam repetente, contemnantur a plebe: Propterea dedi vos contemptibiles et humiles omnibus populis (Malach ib.
2) And where this knowledge is wanting, this evil also follows for the priests: they are condemned by the people, with God also exacting a penalty for their neglect of duty. Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all people.(
Pervestigationi se dedit, institutioni variisque servitiorum formis, cum eius munere culturali consentaneis.
It is dedicated to research, to teaching, and to various kinds of service in accordance with its cultural
Plinius Minor duas litteras ei dedit.
Josephus preserved two of the letters he received from him.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ei librum dedit.
He gave her a book.tatoeba tatoeba
Ea feli lac dedit.
She gave a cat some milk.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Hic ipse error indolis practicae imprimis laborem humanum affecit, affecit hominem operi deditum, atque causa fuit renisus socialis, iusti quidem secundum ethicam disciplinam, de quo sumus locuti.
It was this practical error that struck a blow first and foremost against human labour, against the working man, and caused the ethically just social reaction already spoken of
Sic ille promissiones emittit et officia die Ordinationis episcopalis sumpta, cum libere suum dedit assensum Ecclesiae petitioni ut curam adhiberet, paterno amore, de Dei populo sancto eumque in via salutis duceret; ut semper esset hospitalis et misericors, in nomine Domini, erga pauperes, aegrotos et omnes consolatione adiumentoque indigentes et immo, veluti pastor bonus, ad quaerendas iret oves amissas ut ad Christi ovile eas adduceret.205
It is in this way that he fulfils the promises and carries out the commitments made on the day of his episcopal ordination, when he freely assented to the Church's charge to care for the holy People of God as a devoted father and to guide them in the way of salvation; to be always welcoming and merciful, in the name of the Lord, to the poor, the sick and all those in need of comfort and help; and, like a good shepherd, to go in search of the sheep who stray, in order to bring them back to the fold of
Quidem post Germani dediderunt in Nederlandia et Dania, 5 Maii 1945, et post deditionem completam Germanicam 8 Maii, dimicatio continuavit.
The bloodshed lasted beyond the German capitulation in the Netherlands and Denmark on 5 May 1945 and even beyond Germany's general surrender on 8 May 1945.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Singulis quoque proferri iussit vestimentum mutatorium; Beniamin vero dedit trecentos argenteos cum quinque vestimentis mutatoriis. Patri suo misit similiter asinos decem, qui subveherent ex omnibus divitiis Aegypti, et totidem asinas triticum et panem et cibum pro itinere portantes.
He ordered also to be brought out for every one of them two robes: but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver, with five robes of the best, sending to his father as much money and raiment; adding besides, ten he-asses, to carry off all the riches of Egypt, and as many she-asses, carrying wheat and bread for the journey.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
et propria vi Crispus incubuerat delatorem fratris sui pervertere, traxeratque magnam senatus partem, ut indefensum et inauditum dedi ad exitium postularent.
Besides the terror of the law, Crispus had exerted his own power to the utmost to destroy the man who had informed against his brother.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hoc in munere ad annum 1973 operam dedit.
The second, in 1977, would require surgery.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dedit autem Iudas uxorem primogenito suo Her nomine Thamar.
And Juda took a wife for Her, his first born, whose name was Thamar.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Interim Trinobantes, prope firmissima earum regionum civitas, ex qua Mandubracius adulescens Caesaris fidem secutus ad eum in continentem Galliam venerat, cuius pater in ea civitate regnum obtinuerat interfectusque erat a Cassivellauno, ipse fuga mortem vitaverat, legatos ad Caesarem mittunt pollicenturque sese ei dedituros atque imperata facturos; petunt, ut Mandubracium ab iniuria Cassivellauni defendat atque in civitatem mittat, qui praesit imperiumque obtineat.
In the mean time, the Trinobantes, almost the most powerful state of those parts, from which the young man, Mandubratius embracing the protection of Caesar had come to the continent of Gaul to [meet] him (whose father, Imanuentius, had possessed the sovereignty in that state, and had been killed by Cassivellaunus; he himself had escaped death by flight), send embassadors to Caesar, and promise that they will surrender themselves to him and perform his commands; they entreat him to protect Mandubratius from the violence of Cassivellaunus, and send to their state some one to preside over it, and possess the government.latin-ancient latin-ancient
[32]Non tam benignum ac liberate tempus natura nobis dedit, ut aliquid ex illo vacet perdere.
[32] Non tam benignum ac liberale tempus natura nobis dedit ut aliquid ex illo vacet perdere.Literature Literature
Fratri glossarium dedi.
I gave my brother a dictionary.tatoeba tatoeba
Prisca quidem Ecclesia missionem exsequitur sicut officium quoddam communitatis, quamvis intra se “missos extraordinarios” agnoscat aut “gentibus deditos missionarios”, quales Paulum et Barnabam.
The early Church experiences her mission as a community task, while acknowledging in her midst certain "special envoys" or "missionaries devoted to the Gentiles," such as Paul and
Postquam anno 1975 scholam finivit, tirocinium mercatoris industriae fecit et brevi tempore hoc munere operam dedit.
He left school in 1975 and over the next few years had short stints in jobs including labouring, carrot picking, plumbing and working at a builder's merchant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Inde lupae fulvo nutricis tegmine laetus / Romulus excipiet gentem et Mavortia condet / moenia, Romanosque suo de nomine dicet. / His ego nec metas rerum nem tempora pono: / imperium sine fine dedi".
"Then Romulus the nation's charge shall claim, / wolf-nursed and proud her tawny hide to wear, / and build a city of Mavortian fame, / and make the Roman race remembered by his name. / To these no period nor appointed date, / nor bounds to their dominion I assign; / an endless empire shall the race await."tatoeba tatoeba
Medicus ei medicamentum dedit.
The doctor gave him the medicine.tatoeba tatoeba
Quae quidem insimulationes quum res attingant sensibus obiectas, eo periculosiores accidunt, manantes in vulgus, maxime in deditam litteris iuventutem; quae, semel reverentiam divinae revelationis in uno aliquo capite exuerit, facile in omnibus omnem eius fidem est dimissura.
Attacks of this kind, bearing as they do on matters of sensible experience, are peculiarly dangerous to the masses, and also to the young who are beginning their literary studies; for the young, if they lose their reverence for the Holy Scripture on one or more points, are easily led to give up believing in it
Concilium Oecumenicum Vaticanum II, in Decreto Christus Dominus, praeter quam quod veneranda institutio conciliorum particularium vult novo vigeat robore (cfr n. 36), dedita opera de Conferentiis Episcoporum definite disserit, edicens in pluribus nationibus iam ipsas esse institutas ac ea de re peculiares pariter statuens normas (cfr nn.
The Second Vatican Council, in the Decree Christus Dominus, not only expressed the hope that the venerable institution of Particular Councils would be revitalized (cf. No. 36), but also dealt explicitly with Episcopal Conferences, acknowledging the fact that they had been established in many countries and laying down particular norms regarding them (cf.
Respicio et, quae sit me circum copia, lustro. / Desuere omnes defessi, et corpora saltu / ad terram misere aut ignibus aegra dedere.
I look around for comrades; none are near. / Some o'er the battlements leapt headlong, some / sank fainting in the flames; the final hour was come.tatoeba tatoeba
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