deformis oor Engels


/deːˈfoːr.mis/ adjektiefmanlike

Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels


offensive to one's sensibilities or morality
Quod est deformis infantem.
That is an ugly baby.


unusual of shape
Ne inserueritis in propositum vitae vestrae, quod deforme, inane, corruptum est: amor “congaudet veritati”.
Do not inscribe in the plan of your life a deformed, impoverished and falsified content: love "rejoices in the truth".


causing or meriting shame or disgrace

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illos primus statim aspectus obstupefecerat, cum ex diverso velut aciem telis et armis trucem, semet clausos nudosque et inluvie deformis aspicerent: ut vero huc illuc distrahi coepere, metus per omnis et praecipua Germanici militis formido, tamquam ea separatione ad caedem destinaretur.
Among the troops from Germany the panic was particularly great; for they believed that this separation marked them out for slaughter. They embraced their fellow soldiers, clung to their necks, begged for parting kisses, and entreated that they might not be deserted, or doomed in a common cause to suffer a different lot.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Inde enim dignitatis et muneris tui conscientiam trahens, sanctimoniam vitae tuae instituere valuisti, ut esses quaedam Christi Summi Sacerdotis non deformis imago.
For from then on, being aware of your dignity and responsibility, you were given the strength to resolve to live a holy life so that you might portray an image of Christ, the High Priest, which would not be
Et ecce has sequebantur aliæ septem boves in tantum deformes et macilentæ, ut numquam tales in terra Aegypti viderim; quæ, devoratis et consumptis prioribus, nullum saturitatis dedere vestigium; sed simili macie et squalore torpebant.
And behold, there followed these, other seven kine, so very ill-favoured and lean, that I never saw the like in the land of Egypt. And they devoured and consumed the former, and yet gave no mark of their being full: but were as lean and ill-favoured as before.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Luctuosus erat domorum adspectus, et deforme universae urbis spectaculum.
The Anti-Monitor plans to destroy every Universe and form a single universe from the remaining Earths.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quod est deformis infantem.
That is an ugly baby.Alumbabeh Alumbabeh
Quin etiam iumentis, quibus maxime Galli delectantur quaeque impenso parant pretio, Germani importatis non utuntur, sed quae sunt apud eos nata, parva atque deformia, haec cotidiana exercitatione summi ut sint laboris efficiunt.
Moreover, even as to laboring cattle, in which the Gauls take the greatest pleasure, and which they procure at a great price, the Germans do not employ such as are imported, but those poor and ill-shaped animals, which belong to their country; these, however, they render capable of the greatest labor by daily exercise.latin-ancient latin-ancient
quae ut augendae infamiae composita, sic reliqua non in obscuro habentur, una die quadraginta milium spatium emensum esse Paetum, desertis passim sauciis, neque minus deformem illam fugientium trepidationem, quam si terga in acie vertissent.
Though this may have been invented to enhance our disgrace, yet about the rest of the story there is no obscurity, that, in a single day Paetus traversed forty miles, leaving his wounded behind him everywhere, and that the consternation of the fugitives was as frightful as if they had turned their backs in battle.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Illic omne malum vino cantuque levato, Deformis aegrimoniae dulcibus adloquiis.'
illic omne malum vino cantuque levato, deformis aegrimoniae dulcibus adloquiis.’Literature Literature
praemisso Caecina ut occulta saltuum scrutaretur pontesque et aggeres umido paludum et fallacibus campis inponeret, incedunt maestos locos visuque ac memoria deformis.
Further on, the partially fallen rampart and the shallow fosse suggested the inference that it was a shattered remnant of the army which had there taken up a position.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ne inserueritis in propositum vitae vestrae, quod deforme, inane, corruptum est: amor “congaudet veritati”.
Do not inscribe in the plan of your life a deformed, impoverished and falsified content: love "rejoices in the truth"
eo infensior populus, addita ad vetus Tigellini odium recenti Titi Vinii invidia, concurrere ex tota urbe in Palatium ac fora et, ubi plurima vulgi licentia, in circum ac theatra effusi seditiosis vocibus strepere, donec Tigellinus accepto apud Sinuessanas aquas supremae necessitatis nuntio inter stupra concubinarum et oscula et deformis moras sectis novacula faucibus infamem vitam foedavit etiam exitu sero et inhonesto.
They rushed from every part of the city into the palace and forum, and bursting into the circus and theatre, where the mob enjoy a special license, broke out into seditious clamours. At length Tigellinus, having received at the springs of Sinuessa a message that his last hour was come, amid the embraces and caresses of his mistresses and other unseemly delays, cut his throat with a razor, and aggravated the disgrace of an infamous life by a tardy and ignominious death.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Druso propinquanti quasi per officium obviae fuere legiones, non laetae, ut adsolet, neque insignibus fulgentes, sed inluvie deformi et vultu, quamquam maestitiam imitarentur contumaciae propiores.
When Drusus approached, the legions, as a mark of respect, met him, not as usual, with glad looks or the glitter of military decorations, but in unsightly squalor, and faces which, though they simulated grief, rather expressed defiance.latin-ancient latin-ancient
agmen legionum alae cohortesque praeveniebant; et ex ipsa urbe haud spernenda manus, quinque praetoriae cohortes et equitum vexilla cum legione prima, ac deforme insuper auxilium, duo milia gladiatorum, sed per civilia arma etiam severis ducibus usurpatum.
The capital itself contributed no contemptible force, namely five Praetorian cohorts, some troops of cavalry, and the first legion, and together with these, 2000 gladiators, a disreputable kind of auxiliaries, but employed throughout the civil wars even by strict disciplinarians.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Itaque suadetur ut nati deformes, graviter praepediti et invalidi, senes potissimum sibi providere non valentes, necnon insanabiliter aegrotantes tollantur.
Thus it is proposed to eliminate malformed babies, the severely handicapped, the disabled, the elderly, especially when they are not self-sufficient, and the terminally
quin et feminae inlustres deformia meditari; exstructaque apud nemus, quod navali stagno circumposuit Augustus, conventicula et cauponae et posita veno inritamenta luxui.
Money too was distributed, which the respectable had to spend under sheer compulsion and which the profligate gloried in squandering.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ita ad summa eloquentiae praemia magna etiam necessitas accedebat, et quo modo disertum haberi pulchrum et gloriosum, sic contra mutum et elinguem videri deforme habebatur.
There was thus a strong stimulus to win the great prizes of eloquence, and as the reputation of a good speaker was considered an honour and a glory, so it was thought a disgrace to seem mute and speechless.latin-ancient latin-ancient
relatum caput eius inlusit Nero tamquam praematura canitie deforme.
The head was taken to Rome, and Nero scoffed at its premature grey hairs as if they were a disfigurement.latin-ancient latin-ancient
ut vero deformis et flens et praeter spem incolumis Valens processit, gaudium miseratio favor: versi in laetitiam, ut est vulgus utroque immodicum, laudantes gratantesque circumdatum aquilis signisque in tribunal ferunt.
But when Valens, thus unexpectedly preserved, came forward in sad plight, shedding tears, they were moved to joy, to pity, even to affection. Their revulsion to delight was just that of a mob, always extreme in either emotion.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hoc cum in speciem varietatemque opus deforme non est alternis trabibus ac saxis, quae rectis lineis suos ordines servant, tum ad utilitatem et defensionem urbium summam habet opportunitatem, quod et ab incendio lapis et ab ariete materia defendit, quae perpetuis trabibus pedes quadragenos plerumque introrsus revincta neque perrumpi neque distrahi potest.
This work, with respect to appearance and variety, is not unsightly, owing to the alternate rows of beams and stones, which preserve their order in right lines; and, besides, it possesses great advantages as regards utility and the defense of cities; for the stone protects it from fire, and the wood from the battering ram, since it [the wood] being mortised in the inside with rows of beams, generally forty feet each in length, can neither be broken through nor torn asunder.latin-ancient latin-ancient
unde dubitare cogor fato et sorte nascendi, ut cetera, ita principum inclinatio in hos, offensio in illos, an sit aliquid in nostris consiliis liceatque inter abruptam contumaciam et deforme obsequium pergere iter ambitione ac periculis vacuum.
This compels me to doubt whether the liking of princes for some men and their antipathy to others depend, like other contingencies, on a fate and destiny to which we are born, or, to some degree, on our own plans; so that it is possible to pursue a course between a defiant independence and a debasing servility, free from ambition and its perils.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Et ecce intus eras, et ego foris, et ibi te quærebam; et in ista formosa quæ fecisti, deformis irruebam[268].
Et ecce intus eras, et ego foris, et ibi te quaerebam; et in ista formosa quae fecisti, deformis irruebam.Literature Literature
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