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Biblidinae taxinomice sunt stabilis grex monophyleticus, saltem post "quisquiliarum genus" Catagramma circa 1950 dirutum.
The Biblidinae are a taxonomically stable monophyletic group, at least since the "wastebin genus" Catagramma was dismantled around 1950.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nec mirum: animum advertebat enim villas exuri, agros vastari, pecus diripi, trucidari, oppida castellaque dirui deserique, principesque civitatum aut interfici aut in catenis teneri, liberos eorum obsidum nomine in servitutem abripi; eis se [in] miseris suamque fidem implorantibus auxilio propter copiarum paucitatem esse non posse.
Nor was it wonderful; for he saw the villages burned, the country laid waste, the cattle destroyed, the towns plundered, the principal citizens either slain or put in chains, and their children dragged into servitude under the name of hostages; nor could he, amid all this scene of misery, afford any relief to those who implored his protection, on account of the small number of his forces.latin-ancient latin-ancient
cumque dirutis omnibus Aventicum gentis caput infesto agmine peteretur, missi qui dederent civitatem, et deditio accepta.
Every place having been completely destroyed, the army was marching in regular order on Aventicum, the capital town, when a deputation was sent to surrender the city.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Coit se a praefectura motus ethici anno 1935 removit, et ei successit Haroldus Blackham, qui elementa quasi ecclesiastica diruit, facultatem Societati Humanistae Britannicae dans, a Blackham et Iuliano Huxley constitutae.
Coit retired as leader of the Ethical Movement in 1935 to be succeeded by Harold Blackham, who dismantled the "churchy" elements, paving the way for the later establishment of the British Humanist Association by Blackham and Julian Huxley.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Iesus divisionis parietes diruit et peculiari consummatoque modo per participationem sui mysterii unitatem efficit.
Jesus destroys the walls of division and creates unity in a new and unsurpassed way through our sharing in his mystery.vatican.va vatican.va
Etiam animum advertebat frumento se in Africa nisi importaticio uti non posse: priore anno enim propter adversariorum dilectus, quod stipendiarii aratores milites essent facti, messem non esse factam; praeterea ex omni Africa frumentum adversarios in pauca oppida et bene munita comportasse omnemque regionem Africae exinanisse frumento, oppida praeter ea pauca quae ipsi suis praesidiis tueri poterant, reliqua dirui ac deseri, et eorum incolas intra sua praesidia coegisse commigrare, agros desertos ac vastatos esse.
At the same time he established workshops, made a great number of darts and arrows, provided himself with leaden bullets and palisades, wrote to Sicily for hurdles and wood to make rams, because he had none in Africa, and likewise gave orders for sending corn; for the harvest in that country was like to be inconsiderable, the enemy having taken all the laborers into their service the year before, and stored up the grain in a few fortified towns, after demolishing the rest, forcing the inhabitants into the garrisoned places, and exhausting the whole country.latin-ancient latin-ancient
muros civitatis, congregantibus se cum maxime Romanorum exercitibus, augere nobis quam diruere tutius est.
With respect to our fortifications, as at this very moment the Roman armies are assembling, it is safer for us to strengthen than to destroy them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Si praesens status tribuendus est condicionibus diversae indolis, alienum non est de « structuris peccati » loqui, quae, ut diximus in Adhortatione Apostolica Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, peccato personali inhaerent et ideo actibus personarum definitis annectuntur, quae eas inducunt, confirm ant efficiuntque ut difficile diruantur (65). Hinc corroborantur, diffunduntur atque aliorum peccatorum fons fiunt hominum mores condicionibus astringendo.
If the present situation can be attributed to difficulties of various kinds, it is not out of place to speak of "structures of sin," which, as I stated in my Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, are rooted in personal sin, and thus always linked to the concrete acts of individuals who introduce these structures, consolidate them and make them difficult to remove.65 And thus they grow stronger, spread, and become the source of other sins, and so influence people's behavior.vatican.va vatican.va
Anno 1162 Fridericus praeclaram et opulentam urbem Italiae Mediolanum diruit.
In 1161 Frederick captured and destroyed the city of Milan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
N e e mora, diversis machinationibus incumbunt, moenia diruere nituntur.
Nec mora, diuersis machinationibus incumbunt, moenia diruere nituntur.Literature Literature
Non tamen ausus oppidum Batavorum armis tueri, raptis quae ferri poterant, ceteris iniecto igni, in insulam concessit, gnarus deesse navis efficiendo ponti, neque exercitum Romanum aliter transmissurum: quin et diruit molem a Druso Germanico factam Rhenumque prono alveo in Galliam ruentem, disiectis quae morabantur, effudit.
Civilis was joined by some auxiliaries from the Chauci. Nevertheless he did not venture to fight for the defence of the Batavian capital, but carrying off property that could be removed, and setting fire to the remainder, he retreated into the island, aware that there were not vessels enough for constructing a bridge, and that the Roman army could not cross the river in any other way.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quomodo namque omnia, quae fieri possunt, facere recusent ut, Deo adiuvante, divisionis ac diffidentiae diruant muros, impedimenta superent et praeiudicia, quae Evangelii salutis per Iesu Crucem, unici Redemptoris hominis, cuiusvis hominis, nuntium impediunt?
Indeed, how could they refuse to do everything possible, with God's help, to break down the walls of division and distrust, to overcome obstacles and prejudices which thwart the proclamation of the Gospel of salvation in the Cross of Jesus, the one Redeemer of man, of every individual?vatican.va vatican.va
Ubicumque enim communistae invalescere suumque exercere dominium potuere, — atque heic peculiari paterna caritate Russiarum ac Mexicanae Reipublicae populos recogitamus — inibi, quemadmodum iidem aperte praedicant, quoquo modo enisi sunt christianae religionis humanitatisque fundamenta radicitus diruere, atque in hominum animis, iuvenum praesertim, eius prorsus memoriam restinguere.
Where Communism has been able to assert its power - and here We are thinking with special affection of the people of Russia and Mexico - it has striven by every possible means, as its champions openly boast, to destroy Christian civilization and the Christian religion by banishing every remembrance of them from the hearts of men, especially of the young.vatican.va vatican.va
In quo vos victores extabatis? An me deleto non animum advertebatis decem habere legiones populum Romanum quae non solum vobis obsistere, sed etiam caelum diruere possent? Quarum laudibus est virtute . .
Against whom do you hope to be victorious? Can you be ignorant that even if I should be destroyed, the people of Rome have still ten legions, capable not only of opposing you, but even of pulling down heaven? With whose praises and virtues ...latin-ancient latin-ancient
Celebris inter ceteras paene innumeras venit memoranda illa ac teterrima catholicae religionis insectatio, quae septimo decimo saeculo in regionibus ad orientem vergentibus exarsit, cum illic Cosacorum copiae, quae tunc temporis in terras illas invaserant, furoris sui impetum in catholicos in eorumque Pastores et in Evangelicae veritatis praecones fecerunt; quapropter cernere erat dirutas aedes divino cultui dicatas; incensa monachorum domicilia; sacerdotes eorumque greges passim trucidatos; vastata omnia; sacra omnia dispersa.
14. Notable among almost countless others was the unforgettable and savage onslaught on the Catholic religion which flared up in the 17th century in the Eastern countries. The Cossack forces then invaded those lands, and directed their furious attack on Catholics and their pastors, and on the heralds of the truth of the Gospel. Temples dedicated to the divine worship were utterly destroyed; monasteries were consumed by fire; priests and their flocks were everywhere put to the sword; everything was laid waste; all that was sacred was scattered to the winds.vatican.va vatican.va
Tune infortunium albi festinabit et aedificia hortulorum eius diruentur.
Tunc infortunium albi festinabit et aedificia ortulorum eius diruentur.Literature Literature
Postulatur idcirco vehementer ut in vita consecratorum ampliora aperiantur spatia oecumenicae precationi atque testimonio vere evangelico, ut Spiritus Sancti virtute moenia divisionum praeiudiciorumque inter christianos dirui possint.
There is an urgent need for consecrated persons to give more space in their lives to ecumenical prayer and genuine evangelical witness, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit the walls of division and prejudice between Christians can be broken down.vatican.va vatican.va
Quia vallum impetibus usitatis sufficere potuit Sultanus Muradus bombardas adhiberi decrevit, quae vallum usque ad 10 Decembris profunde diruerunt.
While the wall could hold against medieval attacks, Sultan Murad used bombards to supplement the usual siege engines and scaling ladders; the bombards breached the wall on 10 December 1446.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Muri Hierosolymorum diruti, delubrum mansit.
The walls of Jerusalem were destroyed, the temple was left standing.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Europa post secundum bellum mundanum prostrata et diruta iacuit.
After World War II, the firm grew by merger and bolt-on.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Muris dirutis, qui Ecclesiam veluti in quadam felici arce tamdiu concluserant, nova ratione Evangelium nuntiandi advenit tempus.
The walls which for too long had made the Church a kind of fortress were torn down and the time had come to proclaim the Gospel in a new way.vatican.va vatican.va
21 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.