dis- oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

utterly, exceedingly
reversal, removal
asunder, apart, in two

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Soortgelyke frases

Deo ac veritati
For God and for truth
ex Deo
from God
Pax Deorum
Peace of the gods
Archidioecesis Moscoviensis Matris Dei
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Moscow
Dei gratia
by the Grace of God
Deus solis
Solar deity · solar deity
La battaglia di Legnano
La battaglia di Legnano
ad maiorem Dei gloriam orad majorem Dei gloriam|AMDG|
to the greater glory of God


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Repudiatio paterni amoris Dei eiusque donorum, amore praebitorum, semper causa est divisionum generis humani.
Refusal of God's fatherly love and of his loving gifts is always at the root of humanity's divisions.vatican.va vatican.va
Deus orationes meas audivit.
God listened to my prayers.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Via di Ripetta
Via di Ripettalangbot langbot
a) Intima Ecclesiae natura triplici exprimitur munere: praedicatione Verbi Dei (kerygma-martyria), celebratione Sacramentorum (leiturgia), ministerio caritatis (diakonia).
a) The Church's deepest nature is expressed in her three-fold responsibility: of proclaiming the word of God (kerygma-martyria), celebrating the sacraments (leitourgia), and exercising the ministry of charity (diakonia).vatican.va vatican.va
In quo satis cuique est, si vere spiritualem habeat sensum, quo Dei nuntium in rerum cursu signatum detegat.
It suffices to have true spiritual sensitivity for reading God's message in events.vatican.va vatican.va
Nam indulgentiae acquiri nequeunt sine sincera metanoia et coniunctione cum Deo, quibus additur operum praescriptorum impletio.
For indulgences cannot be acquired without a sincere conversion of mentality ("metanoia") and unity with God, to which the performance of the prescribed works is added.vatican.va vatican.va
Id quod ab auscultantibus postulabatur hodie quoque pro nobis viget: “Quid faciemus, ut operemur opera Dei?”
The question posed by his listeners is the same that we ask today: “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?”vatican.va vatican.va
Vocavitque pharao Moysen et Aaron et ait eis: Ite, sacrificate Deo vestro in terra.
And Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and said to them: Go and sacrifice to your God in this land.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Est enim exorabilis Deus, gratifican vult hominibus, aperte pollicitus, sua se munera large copioseque petentibus daturum.
For God is easily appeased, and desires to aid men, having promised openly to give His grace in abundance to those who ask for it.vatican.va vatican.va
Homo est ad magnam realitatem creatus – ad ipsum Deum, ut ab Eo impleretur.
Man was created for greatness—for God himself; he was created to be filled by God.vatican.va vatican.va
Nisus ait: ‘dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt, Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?
Nisus ait: 'dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt, Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?Literature Literature
Per ea vitam Dei communicamus, germanam vitam humanam quam maxime vivendo.
They enable us to share in God's life, living the authentic human life to the full.vatican.va vatican.va
Doctrina tamen modo exhibenda est, quo comprehensibilis fiat iis, ad quos illam ipse Deus destinat.
Even so, doctrine needs to be presented in a way that makes it understandable to those for whom God himself intends it.vatican.va vatican.va
Deus mise- retur nobis peccatoribus sine limitibus.
God’s forgiveness knows no bounds.vatican.va vatican.va
Imprimis igitur optamus, Venerabiles Fratres, ut hanc ad rem effusiores et flagrantiores Deo admoveantur preces.
49. First of all, therefore, Venerable Brethren, We trust that more continuous and fervent prayers will be raised to God for this cause.vatican.va vatican.va
Forsitan affirmare licet, audenti quidem voce, quod iura hominis sunt quoque iura Dei »(3).
One might even dare to say that the rights of man are also the rights of God" (Speech, 7 April 1998).vatican.va vatican.va
Deus bonus est.
God is good.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Agite dis inmortalibus gratias, quod eum docetis esse crudelem, qui non potest discere.
Agite dis immortalibus gratias quod eum docetis esse crudelem qui non potest discere.Literature Literature
Deus respondet enim maxime “gratuito sui ipsius dono”, quod donum sermo biblicus “gratiam” nuncupat.
God responds also with the most "free gift of self", a gift which in biblical language is called "grace".vatican.va vatican.va
Opere Christi Redemptionis « caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris per Spiritum Sanctum, qui datus est nobis » [89].
Through the work of Christ's Redemption "God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us."(vatican.va vatican.va
Pavensque: Quam terribilis est, inquit, locus iste! Non est hic aliud nisi domus Dei et porta cæli.
And trembling, he said: How terrible is this place? this is no other but the house of God, and the gate of heaven.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Homo proponit sed Deus disponit.
Man proposes, God disposes.tatoeba tatoeba
Omnia Dei opera in orbe admiramini, at oculos in res potius dirigere noveritis quae numquam sunt interiturae.
Admire all God's works in the world, but be ready to fix your eyes on the things destined never to pass away.vatican.va vatican.va
Beati pacifici, quoniam filii Dei vocabuntur.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called God's children.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Non Deum scilicet sed hominem, diabolumve esse, qui soli volunt, id est malo delectantur.
Non Deum scilicet sed hominem, diabolumve esse, qui soli volunt, id est malo delectantur. th.Literature Literature
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