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Ad ea continenter fundatores et fundatrices sese revocaverunt vocationes accipientes et charisma munusque sui Instituti discernentes.
Founders and foundresses were inspired by these texts in accepting their vocation and in discerning the charism and mission of their Institutes.
Charlton T. Lewis


Hanc ob causam necesse est ut homo bonum a malo discernere possit.
But in order to accomplish this he must be able to distinguish good from evil.
Charlton T. Lewis


adjective verb noun
Hoc autem ultimum praeceptum de dono Dei vere decretorium est utpote quod notiones v itae, hinc naturalem christianam illinc, discernit ac dividit.
This final point is crucial, because it separates and distinguishes the naturalistic and the Christian concepts of life.
Charlton T. Lewis

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Quoniam vero communicationis socialis instrumenta — perinde ac schola et ambitus vitae — crebro etiam filiorum institutionem insignite afficiunt, parentes tamquam receptores actuosas sibi sum ere partes debent, quoad usum moderatum et censorium, vigilem et prudentem illorum, discernentes qualem effectum habeant in filios, necnon quoad directoriam moderationem, quae faciat « ut liberorum conscientia conformetur ad iudicia serena rebusque congruentia proferenda, quae eam dirigant in eligendis et excludendis spectaculis, quae exhibentur » (175).
Furthermore, because the means of social communication, like the school and the environment, often have a notable influence on the formation of children, parents as recipients must actively ensure the moderate, critical, watchful and prudent use of the media, by discovering what effect they have on their children and by controlling the use of the media in such a way as to "train the conscience of their children to express calm and objective judgments, which will then guide them in the choice or rejection of programs available .[ 175]vatican.va vatican.va
sorte et urna mores non discerni: suffragia et existimationem senatus reperta ut in cuiusque vitam famamque penetrarent.
The chances of the ballot do not discriminate men's characters; the voting and the judgment of the Senate were devised to reach the lives and reputations of individuals.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Oportet evitetur ne in catechesibus vel in celebrandi modo discreta detur visio duarum ritus partium.
Both in catechesis and in the actual manner of celebration, one must avoid giving the impression that the two parts of the rite are merely juxtaposed.vatican.va vatican.va
Quomodo altera ab altera discernitur?
How do you tell each other apart?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Episcopi offerre ne cessent tam illis quam etiam institutis scholasticis et academicis, quibus illi inserviunt, confirmationem animi et subsidium, ut opus in utilitatem Populi Dei explicare possint, servantes fidelitatem erga Traditionem et attendentes praecipuis historiae momentis.119 Cum opportunum visum fuerit, Episcopi unitatem et integritatem fidei firmiter tueantur, cum auctoritate discernentes quid sit Verbo Dei conforme vel minus.120
Bishops will not fail to encourage and support them and the schools or academic institutions where they work, so that they can carry out their service to the People of God in fidelity to Tradition and with attentiveness to changing historical circumstances.119 Whenever appropriate, Bishops must firmly defend the unity and integrity of the faith, judging with authority what is or is not in conformity with the word of God.120vatican.va vatican.va
Quis hoc in reviviscente Seminario non signum magnae spei discernit ad venturam Ecclesiae eadem in regione aetatem?
How can we not see a promising sign for the future of the Church in this region in seeing this seminary flourish again?vatican.va vatican.va
Nullibi aptius reperit Ecclesia exemplar «Evangelii de vocatione» nisi in hac pagina, unde vim et impulsum trahit quo pastoralis navitas vocationum moveri incipiat; cuius scilicet missionis partes sint: vocationes, ad sacerdotium praesertim, excitare, discernere, comitari.
The Church gathers from this "Gospel of vocation" the paradigm, strength and impulse behind her pastoral work of promoting vocations, of her mission to care for the birth, discernment and fostering of vocations, particularly those to the priesthood.vatican.va vatican.va
Hanc ob causam necesse est ut homo bonum a malo discernere possit.
But in order to accomplish this he must be able to distinguish good from evil.vatican.va vatican.va
Ministerium homini praestandum pariter instat nos ad opportune et importune clamorem edendum eos, qui novis scientiae progressionibus utuntur praesertim in campo biotechnologico, fundamentalia ethicae postulata nullo tempore neglegere posse, recurrentes forsitan ad dubiam solidarietatem, quae sibi proponit vitam et vitam discernere, propriam cuiusque hominis dignitatem spernendo.
Likewise, the service of humanity leads us to insist, in season and out of season, that those using the latest advances of science, especially in the field of biotechnology, must never disregard fundamental ethical requirements by invoking a questionable solidarity which eventually leads to discriminating between one life and another and ignoring the dignity which belongs to every human being.vatican.va vatican.va
Quomodo alter ab altero discernitur?
How do you tell each other apart?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Sicut sub ambitu universali proponitur colenda susceptio discreta, ita promovenda est auctoritas politica distributa et amplectens complures ambitus.
As well as cultivating differentiated forms of business activity on the global plane, we must also promote a dispersed political authority, effective on different levels.vatican.va vatican.va
Hormine id ingenium, ut Messala tradit, an potior auctor sit C. Plinius, qui Antonium incusat, haud facile discreverim, nisi quod neque Antonius neque Hormus a fama vitaque sua quamvis pessimo flagitio degeneravere.
Some hesitation had shewn itself, when the generals, seeing that the weary troops would not listen to what seemed to them unmeaning encouragement, pointed to Cremona. Whether this was, as Messalla relates, the device of Hormus, or whether Caius Plinius be the better authority when he charges it upon Antonius, I cannot easily determine.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quaelibet Spiritus praesentia cum aestimatione excipienda est et grato animo, sed eam discernere pertinet ad Ecclesiam, cui Christus suum dedit Spiritum, ut illam deduceret in omnem veritatem (Cfr. Io.
Every form of the Spirit's presence is to be welcomed with respect and gratitude, but the discernment of this presence is the responsibility of the Church, to which Christ gave his Spirit in order to guide her into all the truth (cf.vatican.va vatican.va
Continuo venti volvunt mare magnaque surgunt / æquora: dispersi jactamur gurgite vasto. / Involvere diem nimbi, et nox humida cœlum / abstulit; ingeminant abruptis nubibus ignes. / Excutimur cursu, et cæcis erramus in undis. / Ipse diem noctemque negat discernere cœlo, / nec meminisse viæ media Palinurus in unda.
Winds roll the waters, and the great seas rise. / Dispersed we welter on the gulfs. Damp night / has snatched with rain the heaven from our eyes, / and storm-mists in a mantle wrapt the light. / Flash after flash, and for a moment bright, / quick lightnings rend the welkin. Driven astray / we wander, robbed of reckoning, reft of sight. / No difference now between the night and day / e'en Palinurus sees, nor recollects the way.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quamquam anatomia thalli plerumque non discreta est, esse possunt differentiae conspicuae et differentiae functionales.
Although a thallus is largely undifferentiated in terms of its anatomy, there can be visible differences and functional differences.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
ingressus castra Mucianus, quo rectius stipendia singulorum spectaret, suis cum insignibus armisque victores constituit, modicis inter se spatiis discretos.
Mucianus ordered these men to be drawn up apart, making the British, the German, and any other troops that there were belonging to other armies, take up separate positions.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Formantur per primam graviditatis stationem, primaeque sunt cellulae quae sese ab ovo fertilizato discernunt.
They are formed during the first stage of pregnancy and are the first cells to differentiate from the fertilized egg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ad hanc rem quod spectat, summi est momenti animadvertere, praeter id quod aspectabile est, quodque scientiarum ope percipimus, intellegentiam a Deo nobis datam id quod est attingere posse, non vero tantummodo significationem in opinione positam sive structurarum, quas vocant, sive evolutionis humanae conscientiae. Ceterum recolendum est, illud ad interpretationem seu ad hermeneuma pertinere, ut, verbo, quod pronuntiatum est, observato, intellegere et discernere studeamus sensum textui cuidam subiectum, non vero novum quendam sensum fingere, prouti arbitraria coniectura tulerit.
5. It is important in this respect to recall that, beyond scientifically verified phenomena, the intellect which God has given us reaches that which is, and not merely the subjective expression of the structures and development of consciousness; and, on the other hand, that the task of interpretation—of hermeneutics—is to try to understand and extricate, while respecting the word expressed, the sense conveyed by a text, and not to recreate, in some fashion, this sense in accordance with arbitrary hypotheses.vatican.va vatican.va
Hoc autem ultimum praeceptum de dono Dei vere decretorium est utpote quod notiones v itae, hinc naturalem christianam illinc, discernit ac dividit.
This final point is crucial, because it separates and distinguishes the naturalistic and the Christian concepts of life.vatican.va vatican.va
Per telescopium (minimum 15 cm aperturae) stellae singulae discerni possunt.
It can be viewed with a telescope having an aperture of at least 4 in (10 cm).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Latine unitas mensurae saepe ommititur cum de re discreta agitur, quia unitas iam implicita est.
Besides Czeslaw, it is known that he survived at least one other devouring, though who attempted this is unknown.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
quies et Illyrico, quamquam excitae a Nerone legiones, dum in Italia cunctantur, Verginium legationibus adissent: sed longis spatiis discreti exercitus, quod saluberrimum est ad con tinendam militarem fidem, nec vitiis nec viribus miscebantur.
But separated as these armies were by long distances, a thing of all others the most favourable for keeping troops to their duty, they could neither communicate their vices, nor combine their strength.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Adspectus ipse ecclesiologicus, de quo supra, explicat hinc “ius” sese aggregandi quod christifidelium laicorum proprium est, hinc vero necessitatem “criteriorum” per quae de authenticitate ecclesiali harum formarum aggregationis discerni possit.
As mentioned, this reason based on ecclesiology explains, on one hand, the "right" of lay associations to form, and on the other, the necessity of "criteria" for discerning the authenticity of the forms which such groups take in the Church.vatican.va vatican.va
Quomodo vero in hac ipsa dynamica progrediente incitatione, in qua semper periculum est, ne spiritus saeculi cum actione Spiritus Sancti admisceatur, vobis opitulemur, ut recte, quemadmodum necesse est, res discernatis?
How can We assist you to make the necessary discernment in this dynamic process itself, in which there is the constant risk that the spirit of the world will be intermingled with the action of the Holy Spirit?vatican.va vatican.va
Quod in animis, in moribus, in legibus ipsis accipitur abortus, luculentum est documentum periculosissimi cuiusdam discriminis moralium sensuum, unde difficilius usque fit inter bonum discernere ac malum, etiam cum fundamentale agitur ad vitam ius.
The acceptance of abortion in the popular mind, in behaviour and even in law itself, is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis of the moral sense, which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil, even when the fundamental right to life is at stake.vatican.va vatican.va
97 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.