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ducens ad viam latam

theological censure (in Roman Catholic theology)

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82) Via, quae ducit ad Regnum caelorum, est “angusta et arcta”, eamque Christus contraponit “latae et spatiosae” viae, quae tamen “ducit ad perditionem”.(
The way that leads to the Kingdom of heaven is "hard and narrow", and Christ contrasts it to the "wide and easy" way that "leads to destruction"(83).vatican.va vatican.va
Huc accedunt obvia passim irritamenta cupiditatum, fraudesque sectarum, quae istic late grassantur religioni infensae, et plerosque in viam trahunt quae ducit ad interitum.
Then the troubles of ambition are on all sides in their path, and the deceits of sects, which in these countries are widespread in their hostility to religion, pull down many into the path that points to ruin.vatican.va vatican.va
Hac de causa via paedagogica est necessaria ducens ad incrementum, ut singuli fideles et familiae et populi, quin immo ipse cultus humanus, ab iis quae de Christi mysterio iam acceperint, profecti, ad alia patienter ferantur et uberiorem cognitionem plenioremque exsecutionem consequantur huiusce mysterii vitae suae adiunctam.
Therefore an educational growth process is necessary, in order that individual believers, families and peoples, even civilization itself, by beginning from what they have already received of the mystery of Christ, may patiently be led forward, arriving at a richer understanding and a fuller integration of this mystery in their lives.vatican.va vatican.va
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