ductus exemplo oor Engels

ductus exemplo

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leadership by example

Motto for the United States Marine Corps' Officer Candidates School located at Marine Corps Base Quantico; Quantico, Virginia.

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Nec regibus infinita aut libera potestas: et duces exemplo potius, quam imperio, si prompti, si conspicui, si ante aciem agant, admiratione praesunt.
These kings have not unlimited or arbitrary power, and the generals do more by example than by authority. If they are energetic, if they are conspicuous, if they fight in the front, they lead because they are admired.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nunc vero praesenti utimur occasione libenter, Petri Canisii strenui ducis exemplum ob oculos ponentes iis qui in Ecclesiae castris militant Christo, ut, quum secum reputaverint iustitiae armis arma consocianda esse doctrinae, causam religionis acrius tueri possint atque felicius.
4. We now gladly take advantage of this occasion to present the vigorous leader Peter Canisius as a model to all who fight for Christ in the Church's army. By realizing that they must ally the weapons of knowledge with the weapons of justice, they will be able to defend the faith more vigorously and effectively.vatican.va vatican.va
Sed conversioni Mindaugas, non convenienter praeparatae, populus restitit, qui exemplum Magni Ducis non est secutus.
But the conversion of Mindaugas, which was not adequately prepared, met resistance among the people, who did not follow the example of the Grand Duke.vatican.va vatican.va
Sequitur feliciter exinde ut collatis viribus inter personas consecratas et laicos, missione spectata, vehementius opus sustineatur: personarum consecratarum sanctitatis exemplis permoti, laici recta ducentur ad consiliorum evangelicorum sensum experiendum, qui animum addent ut Beatitudinum vim vivant et testificentur ad mundum transformandum secundum Dei cor.( 229)
Another positive consequence will be to facilitate more intense cooperation between consecrated persons and the laity in view of the Institute's mission.vatican.va vatican.va
Postquam eorum coenobia, auctore Velammo Rutskyj, ad meliorem sanctioremque formam redintegrata et in Congregationem redacta fuere, inibi sodales bene multi pietate, doctrina et apostolico studio ita in exemplum floruerunt, ut religiosae vitae duces ac magistri christiano populo evaderent.
After their monasteries under the influence of Velamin Rutsky had been brought back to a better and holier state and formed into a congregation, many of their members gave such an example of piety, learning and apostolic zeal that they became the leaders and teachers of religious living to the Christian people.vatican.va vatican.va
Sollerter et suaviter, uti vestram decet caritatem, videte ne profanos spiritus unquam sumant, ne utilitatum suarum cupiditate, vel negotiorum saecularium cura ducantur: immo virtute et recte factis in exemplum excellant, de studio precandi nihil unquam remittendo, ad mysteria sanctissima caste adeundo.
Skillfully and sweetly, as becomes your love, see to it that they are not exposed to worldly temptations and that they are not led by selfish desires or concern for secular affairs. See to it that they excel in virtue, providing an example of deeds well-done. Further, see to it that they never fail in their devotion to prayer and that they approach the sacred mysteries spotlessly.vatican.va vatican.va
Similiter postulabitur a nobis utrum e dubio exire adiuverimus quod in timorem demittit quodque saepe fons est solitudinis; utrum ignorationem studuerimus vincere in qua innumeri vivunt, potissimum parvuli necessario carentes adiumento ut e paupertate redimantur; utrum prope illum steterimus qui solus est et afflictus; utrum veniam dederimus illi qui nos offendit et reppulerimus quamque rancoris formam et odii quod ad violentiam ducit; utrum nobis patientia fuerit ad exemplum Dei qui perpatiens est erga nos; utrum denique Domino in oratione concrediderimus nostros fratres et sorores.
Moreover, we will be asked if we have helped others to escape the doubt that causes them to fall into despair and which is often a source of loneliness; if we have helped to overcome the ignorance in which millions of people live, especially children deprived of the necessary means to free them from the bonds of poverty; if we have been close to the lonely and afflicted; if we have forgiven those who have offended us and have rejected all forms of anger and hate that lead to violence; if we have had the kind of patience God shows, who is so patient with us; and if we have commended our brothers and sisters to the Lord in prayer.vatican.va vatican.va
Qui primi vero hanc spatiosam viam, quae ducit ad perditionem (65), sunt ingressi, ii facile sive apparentis sui successus exemplo, sive insolenti suarum divitiarum pompa, sive aliorum conscientiam quasi inanibus anxietatibus exagitatam deridendo, sive demum timoratiores competitores conculcando, plurimos iniquitatis suae imitatores nacti sunt.
Those first entering upon this broad way that leads to destruction[66] easily found numerous imitators of their iniquity by the example of their manifest success, by their insolent display of wealth, by their ridiculing the conscience of others, who, as they said, were troubled by silly scruples, or lastly by crushing more conscientious competitors.vatican.va vatican.va
Quemadmodum egit sanctus Basilius, ut aliquod supponamus exemplum, qui iuxta Caesaream magnum deversorium excipiendis pauperibus condere voluit, verum caritatis oppidulum, quod ex eo nomen duxit Basiliadis: in quo hoc elucet: « caritas ex operibus certissima vi confirmat caritatem ex verbis ».295 Haec est semita quae nobis est calcanda: Bonus Pastor unicuique Episcopo suum gregem commendavit, ut eundem verbo alat exemploque formet.
Like Saint Basil, for example, who even built at the gates of Caesarea a large hospice for those in need, a true citadel of charity, which was called after him the Basiliad: this clearly demonstrates that ''the charity of works ensures an unmistakable efficacy to the charity of words''.295 This is the path that we too must walk: the Good Shepherd has entrusted his flock to each Bishop to feed it with his word and to form it by his example.vatican.va vatican.va
Ratione ducta huiusce parabolae, inexhausta rerum copia praeditae, de misericordia, quae delet peccatum, Ecclesia, invitamento, quod in ea continetur, obsecuta, mission em suam intellegit eo pertinentem ut exemplo Domini ad cordium conversionem et reconciliation em hominum cum Deo incumbat, quae ambae arctissime inter se conectuntur.
In the light of this inexhaustible parable of the mercy that wipes out sin, the church takes up the appeal that the parable contains and grasps her mission of working, in imitation of the Lord, for the conversion of hearts and for the reconciliation of people with God and with one another-these being two realities that are intimately connected.vatican.va vatican.va
Hisce de causis Nostrarum esse partium ducimus, debito honore augere sive eos viros qui, divini Redemptoris amore impulsi, veluti eius praenuntii sunt putandi, aequo saepius ignorati, sive eos qui, illorum exempla aemulati, vestigia persecuti, nostro etiam tempore se iis quodammodo in magnanimam gratuitamque servitutem dicant, quibus Christi Evangelium nuntiant.
So We deem it fitting to praise those oft forgotten pioneers who were motivated by love for Christ, just as We honor their imitators and successors who today continue to put themselves at the generous and unselfish service of those to whom they preach the Gospel.vatican.va vatican.va
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