errantis oor Engels



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straying from the proper course or standard

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Ut vero valide liciteque itineris tempore adsistere possit matrimonio, Apostolatus Maritimi Operae cappellanus delegationem accipere debebit ab Ordinario vel a parocho paroeciae in qua alterutra contrahens pars domicilium aut quasi domicilium habet vel commorationem unum saltem mensem extentam, vel, si de vagis et errantibus agitur, paroeciae ipsius portus ubi navem conscenderunt.
In order to assist validly and licitly at a marriage during the voyage, the chaplain of the Work of the Maritime Apostolate must be delegated by the Ordinary or by the parish priest of the place where one or other of the contracting parties has a domicile or quasi-domicile or has been staying for a least one month, or, if they are transients, by the parish priest of the port parish where they boarded the
Me paenitet, sed erras.
I'm sorry, but you're wrong.tatoeba tatoeba
Ubi erravi?
Where did I go wrong?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Hæc Phœbus; mixtoque ingens exorta tumultu / lætitia, et cuncti, quæ sint ea mœnia, quærunt, / quo Phœbus vocet errantes jubeatque reverti.
Straight rose a joyous uproar; each in turn / ask what the walls that Phoebus hath designed? / Which way to wander, whither to return?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Hic ipse error indolis practicae imprimis laborem humanum affecit, affecit hominem operi deditum, atque causa fuit renisus socialis, iusti quidem secundum ethicam disciplinam, de quo sumus locuti.
It was this practical error that struck a blow first and foremost against human labour, against the working man, and caused the ethically just social reaction already spoken of
Hic ipse error illa in bellorum serie ad pessimum exitum pervenit, quae Europam everterunt orbemque inter MCMXIV et mcmxix annum.
This very error had extreme consequences in the tragic series of wars which ravaged Europe and the world between 1914 and
[7]Quaeris, Vlixes ubi erraverit, potius quam efficias, ne nos semper erremus ?
[7] Quaeris Ulixes ubi erraverit potius quam efficias ne nos semper erremus?Literature Literature
Scio me erravisse.
I know that I was wrong.tatoeba tatoeba
Hi autem errores satis refelli poterunt nunquam, nisi acie mutata, hoc est, deductis errantibus a suae critices praesidiis, ubi se munitos existimant, ad legitimum philosophiae campum, quo relicto, errores hauserunt.
But these errors will never be effectively refuted, unless by bringing about a change of front, that is to say, unless those in error be forced to leave the field of criticism in which they consider themselves firmly entrenched for the legitimate field of philosophy through the abandonment of which they have fallen into their
Haud semper errat fama; aliquando et eligit.
Public opinion is not always mistaken; sometimes even it chooses the right man.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Non dubito quin errent.
I'm sure they're wrong.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Suffenum possis suus cuique attributus est error.
and favourably be ye inclined.Literature Literature
Num enim videntur errare hi qui nihilo indigere nituntur?
Num enim uidentur errare hi qui nihilo indigere nituntur?Literature Literature
"Non prius adspicies, ubi fessum aetate parentem / liqueris Anchisen, superet conjuxne Creusa / Ascaniusque puer, quos omnes undique Graiae / circum errant acies, et, ni mea cura resistat, / jam flammae tulerint inimicus et hauserit ensis."
"Wilt thou not see, if yet thy sire survive, / worn out with age, amid the war's alarms? / And if thy wife Creusa be alive, / and young Ascanius? for around thee swarms / the foe, and but for my protecting arms, / fierce sword or flame had swept them all away."tatoeba tatoeba
Etiam nonnullae erratae circa hominem notiones, quae saepe per praetextuosa argumenta, philosophica vel scientifica protruduntur, hominem quandoque eo inducunt ut propriam existentiam et libertatem sic intellegat tanquam determinatas et condicionatas per causas exteriores, aliunde provenientes; v.g. ex ordine educativo, psychologico, culturali et ambientali.
Certain distorted ideas regarding human nature, sometimes backed up by specious philosophical or "scientific" theories, also sometimes lead people to consider their own existence and freedom as totally determined and conditioned by external factors of an educational, psychological, cultural or environmental
Talia monstrabat relegens errata retrorsus litora Achaemenides; comes infelicis Ulixi.
talia monstrabat relegens errata retrorsus 690 litora Achaemenides, comes infelicis Vlixi.Literature Literature
Sed quamquam haec vera sunt, tamen error tollendus, ne quis hinc sequi existimet, petendum ab America exemplum optimi Ecclesiae status : aut universe licere vel expedire, rei civilis reique sacrae distractas esse dissociatasque, more americano, rationes.
Yet, though all this is true, it would be very erroneous to draw the conclusion that in America is to be sought the type of the most desirable status of the Church, or that it would be universally lawful or expedient for State and Church to be, as in America, dissevered and
At valde quis erraverit qui communes christianos putaverit acquiescere posse in oratione quadam levi ac transeunte, quae eorum nequeat vitam complere.
But it would be wrong to think that ordinary Christians can be content with a shallow prayer that is unable to fill their whole
Dici non potest Traditionem catholicam ullo modo erravisse cum dicta quaedam sancti Ioannis ac sancti Pauli accepit velut sententias de ipsa Christi essentia.
It cannot be said that the Catholic tradition erred when it took certain texts of Saint John and Saint Paul to be statements about the very being of
Timeo ne erres.
I'm afraid you're mistaken.tatoeba tatoeba
Certum est inde a temporibus vetustissimis regulam consciertiae omnem hominem ad normam moralem obiectivam dirigere, quae quidem ratione concreta significatur reverentia erga aliam personam et principio, quo quis vetatur facere alteri id quod nolit sibimet fieri («Lex moralis - sic ait Confucius - non est a nobis remota . . . Sapiens non multum errat, quod ad legem attinet moralem.
What is certain is that from the most ancient times the dictate of conscience has guided every human subject towards an objective moral norm which finds concrete expression in respect for the other person and in the principle of not doing to that person what one would not wish done to oneself.(
Interea ex secundo commeatu quem a Sicilia miserat Alienus, navis una, in qua fuerat Q. Cominius et L. Ticida, eques Romanus, ab residua classe cum erravisset delataque esset vento ad Thapson, a Vergilio scaphis naviculisque actuariis excepta est et ad Scipionem adducta.
Meanwhile one of the transports, belonging to the second embarkation, which Allienus had sent from Sicily, in which were Q. Cominius, and L. Ticida, a Roman knight, being separated from the rest of the fleet, in a storm, and driven to Thapsus, was taken by Virgilius, and all the persons on board sent to Scipio.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Didymus erravit.
Tom made a mistake.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In quaestiones novas, quas hodierna cultura ac progrediens aetas in medium protulerunt, diligentissimam suam conferant pervestigationem, sed ea qua par est prudentia et cautela; nec denique putent, falso « irenismo » indulgentes, ad Ecclesiae sinum dissidentes et errantes feliciter reduci posse, nisi integra veritas in Ecclesia vigens, absque ulla corruptione detractioneque, sincere omnibus tradatur.
With regard to new questions, which modern culture and progress have brought to the foreground, let them engage in most careful research, but with the necessary prudence and caution; finally, let them not think, indulging in a false "irenism," that the dissident and the erring can happily be brought back to the bosom of the Church, if the whole truth found in the Church is not sincerely taught to all without corruption or
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