erronea oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels


theological censure of a proposition which contradicts only a certain (certa) theological conclusion or truth clearly deduced from two premises, one an article of faith, the other naturally certain
ablative feminine singular of errōneus
vocative neuter plural of errōneus
vocative feminine singular of errōneus
accusative neuter plural of errōneus
nominative neuter plural of errōneus
nominative feminine singular of errōneus

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Hac de causa – iterum dicimus – ut erronea respuenda est opinio, quae tenet deliberatam quarundam agendi rationum vel actuum definitorum delectionem non posse iudicari moraliter malam ex genere suo, nulla ratione habita voluntatis, qua delectio patrata sit, aut neglecta consectariorum universi tate erga omnes quorum interest, quae pertinere ad illum actum praevideri possunt.
For this reason — we repeat — the opinion must be rejected as erroneous which maintains that it is impossible to qualify as morally evil according to its species the deliberate choice of certain kinds of behaviour or specific acts, without taking into account the intention for which the choice was made or the totality of the foreseeable consequences of that act for all persons
Praeter hos casus, qui pertinaciter respuit doctrinam, quae a Romano Pontifice vel Collegio Episcoporum magisterium authenticum exercentibus ut definitive tenenda proponitur, vel sustinet doctrinam quae ut erronea damnata est, nec legitime monitus resipiscit, congrua poena puniatur.
In addition to these cases, whoever obstinately rejects a teaching that the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops, exercising the authentic Magisterium, have set forth to be held definitively, or who affirms what they have condemned as erroneous, and does not retract after having been legitimately warned, is to be punished with an appropriate
Quaecumque philosophia negare voluerit hunc ultimum et universalem sensum reperiri posse, erit non modo impar verum etiam erronea.
A philosophy denying the possibility of an ultimate and overarching meaning would be not only ill-adapted to its task, but
3 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.