ex mea sententia oor Engels

ex mea sententia

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Eas tamen historia, singulas obliteratas recenset funditusque deletas; quum interea lux veritatis ex arce Petri eodem fulgore coruscet, quem Iesus ortu suo excitavit aluitque divina sententia: caelum et terra transibunt, verba autem mea non praeteribunt (Matth., XXIV, 55).
But those systems, one after another, have passed into books of history, forgotten, bankrupt; while from the Rock of Peter the light of truth shines forth as brilliantly as on the day when Jesus first kindled it on His appearance in the world, and fed it with His Divine words: "Heaven and earth shall pass, but my words shall not pass" (Matth. xxiv. 35).vatican.va vatican.va
1 sinne gevind in 1 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.