faciet oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

third-person singular future active indicative of faciō

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factus in Sina
actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea
The act does not make |a person| guilty unless the mind should be guilty.


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Iesus Nazarenus hanc confirmat dignitatem, eam memorat, renovat, eam facit aliquid ad Evangelium pertinens et ad redemptionem, cuius causa mittitur in mundum.
Jesus of Nazareth confirms this dignity, recalls it, renews it, and makes it a part of the Gospel and of the Redemption for which he is sent into the world.vatican.va vatican.va
^Latitudo ejus ne minus pedum fenumdenum5 nam fie erit ad plenum opus facientibus libera verfatio&expedita.
Latitudo eius ne minus pedum senum denum; nam sic erit ad plenum opus facientibus libera versatio et expedita.Literature Literature
Thomas praeceptor factus est.
Tom became a teacher.tatoeba tatoeba
Ioannes Pavlov —propter inducendos canes salivare ante stimulum prius cibo conectum melius notus— praecipuus homo in Unione Sovieticā factus est et discipulos ad utendum hāc methodo in hominibus duxit.
Ivan Pavlov—known best for inducing dogs to salivate in the presence of a stimulus previously linked with food—became a leading figure in the Soviet Union and inspired followers to use his methods on humans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nec enim aliud nomen est sub caelo datum hominibus, in quo oporteat nos salvos fieri (Act.
Mankind can no more be saved without His power, than it could be redeemed without His mercy. "Neither is there salvation in any other.vatican.va vatican.va
Qui vero in Spiritu est pater, si vere talis est – et Dei Populus semper quivit talem agnoscere – non alios sui similes sibive pares faciet, sed eosdem ut in Regnum tramitem reperiant iuvabit.
He who is a father in the spirit, if he really is such -- and the people of God have always shown their ability to recognize him -- will not make others equal to himself, but will help them find the way to the Kingdom.vatican.va vatican.va
Nec verendum ne disparitas personarum claudicare in aliquo faciat convenientiam voluntatum, quia amor reverentiam nescit.
Nor is there any occasion to fear lest the inequality of the persons should cause some defect in the harmony of wills, since love knows nothing of reverence.vatican.va vatican.va
Inter Status necessitudines uniuscuiusque dominium servare debent, at etiam procedendi communiter statuere rationes, ut locorum ruinae, omnibus damnum facturae, vitentur.
Relations between states must be respectful of each other’s sovereignty, but must also lay down mutually agreed means of averting regional disasters which would eventually affect everyone.vatican.va vatican.va
Ex quο factum est, ut singulis praecipuorum temporum liturgicorum feriins, scilicet Adventus, Nativitatis, Quadragesimae et Paschae, diversa cotidie adiceretur oratio.
For each ferial of the principal liturgical seasons, Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, a proper prayer has been provided.vatican.va vatican.va
Ex autem usu in illo modo facere est rarum.
To be praised for something like that is just weird.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Septuaginta antiqua translatione Graeca et plurimis versionibus Christianis ante reformationem factis, hi versus sunt secunda pars psalmi 9.
In the Greek Septuagint and, consequently, in most Christian Bibles prior to the Reformation, it is considered part of Psalm 9, shifting the numbers of the following psalms down by one.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Huius diei extremo tempore a Pompeianis clam nostros ad [oppidum] tabellarius est missus, ut ea nocte turres aggeremque incenderent et tertia vigilia eruptionem facerent.
When night came on, Pompey sent a messenger unknown to us, to exhort the garrison to set fire to our towers and mound, and make a sally at midnight.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hoc Rhipeus, hoc ipse Dymas omnisque juventus / læta facit: spoliis se quisque recentibus armat.
So / doth Rhipeus, so brave Dymas and the rest; / all in the new-won spoils their eager limbs invest.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Primo Aethiopico nationali parlamento, vere popularium comitiorum fructui, et variis regionalibus parlamentis comitia facta sunt Maio et Iunio anni 1995.
The elections for Ethiopia's first popularly chosen national parliament and regional legislatures were held in May and June 1995.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fecit filium suum esse divitem.
He made his son a wealthy man.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Mater se cum ecclesia Swedenborgiana consociavit et fecit ut Robertus in ea baptizari, sed adultus ecclesiam reliquit.
Frost's mother joined the Swedenborgian church and had him baptized in it, but he left it as an adult.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Id quod ab auscultantibus postulabatur hodie quoque pro nobis viget: “Quid faciemus, ut operemur opera Dei?”
The question posed by his listeners is the same that we ask today: “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?”vatican.va vatican.va
Ii sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni monitum suis in cordibus resonare sentiebant: « Purgari prius oportet, deinde purgare; sapientia instrui, atque ita demum alios sapientia instruere; lux fieri, et alios illuminare; ad Deum appropinquare, et ita alios adducere; sanctificari, et postea sanctificare ».50
In their hearts they heard resound Saint Gregory Nazianzen's admonition: ''First be purified and then purify others, first allow yourself to be instructed by wisdom and then instruct others, first become light and then enlighten others, first draw close to God and then guide others to him, first be holy yourself and then make others holy''.50vatican.va vatican.va
Theologica comparatio de essentialibus fidei et christianae legis moralis aspectibus, cooperatio in caritate ac praesertim magnus sanctitatis oecumenismus, Deo praestite, tempore futuro facere non poterunt quin suos fructus ferant.
Theological discussion on essential points of faith and Christian morality, cooperation in works of charity, and above all the great ecumenism of holiness will not fail, with God's help, to bring results.vatican.va vatican.va
Quomodo aliter fieri posset?
How could it be otherwise?vatican.va vatican.va
His constitutis rebus paulum supra eum locum quo ante exercitum traduxerat facere pontem instituit.
Having determined on these matters, he began to build a bridge a little above that place where he had before conveyed over his army.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Haec ratio est arte coquinaria maximi momenti: cum alimentum torreremus, pyrolysis id fuscum facit.
The mushroom should be well-cooked before consumption to minimize the risk of gastric symptoms; the peppery taste is lost with cooking.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Statim minister a rebus externis factus est, primo ministro Petro O'Neill, quo officio hodie usque functus est.
The re-opening ceremony, in which he appeared with Prime Minister Peter O'Neill and other officials, marked Kili's last public appearance.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dixit Dominus ad eum: Quis fecit os hominis? Aut quis fabricatus est mutum vel surdum vel videntem vel cæcum? Nonne ego?
The Lord said to him: Who made man's mouth? or who made the dumb and the deaf, the seeing and the blind? did not I?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Iuvenes simpliciter tamquam Ecclesiae sollicitudinis pastoralis obiectum considerari non debent; de facto sunt et animati sunt, ut activa sint subiecta, evangelizationis actores et socialis artifices renovationis (Cfr. Propositio 52).
Youth must not simply be considered as an object of pastoral concern for the Church: in fact, young people are and ought to be encouraged to be active on behalf of the Church as leading characters in evangelization and participants in the renewal of society.(vatican.va vatican.va
202 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.