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second-person plural imperfect passive indicative of fatīgō

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Nihil aeque exercitus nostros quam egestas copiarum fatigabat.
Nothing distressed our troops so much as the scarcity of supplies.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Etiam si bella externa et obitas pro re publica mortis tanta casuum similitudine memorarem, meque ipsum satias cepisset aliorumque taedium expectarem, quamvis honestos civium exitus, tristis tamen et continuos aspernantium: at nunc patientia servilis tantumque sanguinis domi perditum fatigant animum et maestitia restringunt.
Even if I had to relate foreign wars and deaths encountered in the service of the State with such a monotony of disaster, I should myself have been overcome by disgust, while I should look for weariness in my readers, sickened as they would be by the melancholy and continuous destruction of our citizens, however glorious to themselves.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cui mater media sese tulit obvia silva, / virginis os habitumque gerens et virginis arma / Spartanæ, vel qualis equos Threissa fatigat / Harpalyce volucremque fuga prævertitur Hebrum.
When lo, before him in the wood appears / his mother, in a virgin's arms arrayed, / in form and habit of a Spartan maid, / or like Harpalyce, the pride of Thrace, / who tires swift steeds, and scours the woodland glade, / and outstrips rapid Hebrus in the race. / So fair the goddess seemed, apparelled for the chase.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Prius omne tributum quod solvitis amittere praeeligunt, quam hoc modo diutius terra marique fatigari.
Prius omne tributum quod soluitis amittere praeeligunt quam hoc modo diutius terra et ponto fatigari.Literature Literature
Utinam in eo nostri temporis homines, animis fatigati, confirmationem inveniant et spem!
May the people of our times, in their spiritual weariness, find in it both support and hope.vatican.va vatican.va
Sed compleri interim urbs funeribus, Capitoliam victimis; alius filio, fratre alius aut propinquo aut amico interfectis, agere grates dies, ornare lauru domum, genua ipsius advolvi et dextram osculis fatigare.
One after another, on the destruction of a brother, a kinsman, or a friend, would return thanks to the gods, deck his house with laurels, prostrate himself at the knees of the emperor, and weary his hand with kisses.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Quin aspera Juno, / quæ mare nunc terrasque metu cœlumque fatigat, / consilia in melius referet, mecumque fovebit / Romanos, rerum dominos gentemque togatam: / sic placitum".
"Nay, Juno, too, who now, in mood malign, / earth, sea and sky is harrying, shall incline / to better counsels, and unite with me / to cherish and uphold the imperial line, / the Romans, rulers of the land and sea, / lords of the flowing gown. So standeth my decree."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
inquit (pariterque manus ad tela ferebat), Quæ te cura vigil fessum, germane, fatigat
inquit (pariterque manus ad tela ferebat) ‘quae te cura uigil fessum, germane, fatigat?’Literature Literature
Omnibus omnino se dat beneficium; e morbis corporum relevat languentes, morbisque animorum gravioribus paterna medetur miseratione : quos vel aerumna exercet vel sollicitudinum moles fatigat, eos in primis blandissime compellat et vocat: Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis et onerati estis, et ego reficiam vos (Matth, XI , 28).
Those above all whom sorrow troubles or whom the weight of worry crushes, He comforts with the gentle invitation: "Come to me, all you that labor, and are burdened, and I will refresh you."(vatican.va vatican.va
Quas solitaria vita asperitates habebat, non omnibus consonas ac nonnullis interdum etiam periculosas, eas enit ac mulcet fraternus Benedictinae domus convictus, in quo precando, operando, ac sacris vacando profanisque disciplinis, beata requies non novit otium neque desidiam; et in quo actio et labor, nedum mentem animumque fatigent, dissipent et ad inutilia abstrahant, serenant potius, confirmant, et ad superna erigunt.
The community life of a Benedictine house tempered and softened the severities of the solitary life, not suitable for all and even dangerous at times for some; through prayer, work and application to sacred and profane sciences, a blessed peace knows not idleness nor sloth; activity and work, far from wearying the mind, distracting it and applying it to useless things, rather tranquilize it, strengthen it and lift it up to higher things.vatican.va vatican.va
sed ubi dilectum agere Pacarius et inconditos homines fatigare militiae muneribus occepit, laborem insolitum perosi infirmitatem suam reputabant: insulam esse quam incolerent, et longe Germaniam virisque legionum; direptos vastatosque classe etiam quos cohortes alaeque protegerent.
"But when Pacarius began to enlist troops, and to weary with military duties an undisciplined population, disgusted with the unusual toil, they began to reflect upon their own weakness. ""The country which we inhabit,"" they said to themselves, ""is an island: Germany and its mighty legions are far from us, and we know that even countries protected by infantry and cavalry have been plundered and ravaged by the fleet."" Their feelings underwent a sudden change; they did not, however, resort to open violence, but chose an opportunity for a treacherous attack."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Catholici artifices, qua verbis, qua exemplo aequalibus hisce suis de recta via deductis declarent, Ecclesiam benignae matris animum in omnes gerere, qui seu labore fatigentur seu afflctentur doloribus; atque, ut nunquam praeterito tempore, ita in posterum numquam ab officio filios suos tuendi discessuram esse.
Let Catholic workingmen show these their wandering brethren by word and example that the Church is a tender Mother to all those who labor and suffer, and that she has never failed, and never will fail, in her sacred maternal duty of protecting her children.vatican.va vatican.va
Visio ista non terret, sed mulcet; inquietam curiositatem non excitat, sed sedat; nec fatigat sensus, sed tranquillat.
This vision soothes. It does not frighten. It lulls to rest, instead of awakening our unquiet curiosity. It calms the mind instead of tiring it.vatican.va vatican.va
Etenim per longum temporis intervallum, quaedam regimina, hodie exstincta, valde Afros fatigarunt eorumque obnitendi vim extenuarunt: omnes humanitatis suae facultates recuperare debet vulneratus homo.
Indeed, for a long period certain regimes, which have now come to an end, were a great trial for Africans and weakened their ability to respond to situations: an injured person has to rediscover all the resources of his own humanity.vatican.va vatican.va
promoveri ad quartum a Bedriaco castra placuit, adeo imperite ut quamquam verno tempore anni et tot circum amnibus penuria aquae fatigarentur.
It was resolved to move the camp forward to the fourth milestone from Bedriacum, but it was done so unskilfully, that though it was spring, and there were so many rivers in the neighbourhood, the troops were distressed for want of water.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quam me fatigas.
I'm so tired of you.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Alterum ea declarant plena bonitatis invitamenta Christi, petite, quaerite, pulsate (Matth, VII, 7); plane ad similitudinem parentis optimi, qui liberorum vult ille quidem indulgere optatis, sed etiam gaudet se diu rogari ab eis et quasi precibus fatigari, ut ipsorum animos arctius sibi devinciat.
The former is signified in those invitations of Christ so full of goodness: ask, seek, knock (Matt. vii., 7), just as a kind father desires to indulge the wishes of his children, but who also requires to be continually asked by them and as it were wearied by their prayers, in order to attach their hearts more closely to himself.vatican.va vatican.va
aspernantem tumentemque lacrimis fatigant, extremum malorum, tot fortissimi viri proditoris opem invocantes; mox velamenta et infulas pro muris ostentant.
When he haughtily rejected their suit, they entreated him with tears; and it was indeed the last aggravation of misery, that many valiant men should invoke the aid of a traitor.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ipsa tenente non corruis; ipsa protegente non metuis; ipsa Luce non fatigaris; ipsa propitia pervenis ...
With her for guide, thou shalt never go astray; whilst invoking her, thou shalt never lose heart; so long as she is in thy mind, thou shalt not be deceived; whilst she holds thy hand, thou canst not fall; under her protection, thou hast nothing to fear; if she walks before thee, thou shalt not grow weary; if she shows thee favor, thou shalt reach the goal."[vatican.va vatican.va
Illa cibo avidius utuntur, venere non aeque fatigantur, virium illis maior est et aequabilior firmitas.
Ilia cibo avidius utuntur, venere non aeque fatigantur, virium illis maior est et aequabilior firmitas.Literature Literature
An quae te Fortuna fatigat, ut tristes sine sole domos, loca turbida, adires?'
an quae te fortuna fatigat, ut tristis sine sole domos, loca turbida, adires?’Literature Literature
plebes acri quidem annona fatigabatur, sed nulla in eo culpa ex principe: quin infecunditati terrarum aut asperis maris obviam iit, quantum impendio diligentiaque poterat.
The city populace indeed suffered much from high prices, but this was no fault of the emperor, who actually endeavoured to counteract barren soils and stormy seas with every resource of wealth and foresight.latin-ancient latin-ancient
An quae te Fortuna fatigat, ut tristes sine sole domos, loca turbida, adires?'
an quae te fortuna fatigat, ut tristis sine sole domos, loca turbida, adires?""Literature Literature
terram vestram ceterorumque Gallorum ingressi sunt duces imperatoresque Romani nulla cupidine, sed maioribus vestris invocantibus, quos discordiae usque ad exitium fatigabant, et acciti auxilio Germani sociis pariter atque hostibus servitutem imposuerant.
Roman generals and Emperors entered your territory, as they did the rest of Gaul, with no ambitious purposes, but at the solicitation of your ancestors, who were wearied to the last extremity by intestine strife, while the Germans, whom they had summoned to their help, had imposed their yoke alike on friend and foe.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quo animo vere christiano obsecuti sint eiusmodi invitationi illo ipso tempore omnibusque in similibus occasionibus, mirabilem in modum verbis ostenditur, quae Constantinus fecit ad imperatorem: “Etsi fatigatus sim et aeger corpore, cum laetitia ibo illuc” [16]; “Cum gaudio proficiscor pro christiana fide [17].
Their profoundly Christian response to the invitation in this circumstance and on all similar occasions is admirably expressed by the words of Constantine to the Emperor: "However tired and physically worn out I am, I will go with joy to that land";16 "with joy I depart for the sake of the Christian faith".17vatican.va vatican.va
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