fortes oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

vocative feminine plural of fortis
vocative masculine plural of fortis
accusative feminine plural of fortis
accusative masculine plural of fortis
nominative feminine plural of fortis
nominative masculine plural of fortis

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

ex fide fortis
from faith |comes| strength
a fortiori
a fortiori · from the stronger
Bellum Fortium
Belforte Monferrato


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Quidquid veri mens humana, sincere quaerens, invenire poterit, iam acquisitae veritati profecto adversari nequit; siquidem Deus, summa Veritas, humanum intellectum condidit atque regit, non ut rite acquisitis cotidie nova opponat, sed ut, remotis erroribus qui forte irrepserint, verum vero superstruat eodem ordine ac compagine quibus ipsa rerum natura, ex qua verum hauritur, constituta cernitur.
Whatever new truth the sincere human mind is able to find, certainly cannot be opposed to truth already acquired, since God, the highest Truth, has created and guides the human intellect, not that it may daily oppose new truths to rightly established ones, but rather that, having eliminated errors which may have crept in, it may build truth upon truth in the same order and structure that exist in reality, the source of
Itaque haec magis laudaverim bona exercita et fortia et cum fortuna rixata.
Itaque haec magis laudaverim bona exercitata et fortia et cum fortuna rixata.Literature Literature
Fortia de Agro
Forza d'Agròlangbot langbot
Jam venerat ad me mater pietate fortis, terra marique me sequens, et in periculis omnibus de te secura.
Iam venerat ad me mater pietate fortis, terra marique me sequens, et in periculis omnibus de te secura.Literature Literature
In ipsa societate, quamvis multa sint secum pugnantia, largiorem et fortiorem invenimus iustitiae et pacis sitim, vividiorem sensum curae hominis de mundo deque cultu rerum naturae; apertiorem veritatis inquisitionem atque hominis dignitatis adsectationis, crescentem sedulitatem in multis totius mundi populorum partibus pro necessitudine inter nationes magis in usu posita et pro novo ordine orbis terrarum secundum libertatem et iustitiam.
Despite many contradictions, society is increasingly witnessing a powerful thirst for justice and peace; a more lively sense that humanity must care for creation and respect nature; a more open search for truth; a greater effort to safeguard human dignity; a growing commitment in many sectors of the world population to a more specific international solidarity and a new ordering of the world in freedom and
Turma tua fortior est quam mea.
Your team is stronger than ours.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ex rerum igitur natura instituta administrationis seu Curiae ortum duxerunt: quibus id muneris est attributum, ut expeditiorem redderent Ecclesiae gubernationem, legum conditarum tuendo observantiam, inceptis favendo, quae ad Ecclesiae finem adipiscendum conducerent, controversias forte subortas solvendo.
It is therefore from the very nature of things that administrative organs have come into being, i.e. the Curia: to them was entrusted the task of facilitating the government of the Church by supervising the observance of laws promulgated, by promoting initiatives in order to realize the Church's proper finality, and by resolving any controversies that might
Margarita de Bello Forti
Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derbylangbot langbot
Quod ubi saepius eius equitatus facere non intermittebat, et cum forte ante portam turma densa adstitisset, scorpione accuratius misso atque eorum decurione percusso et ad ecum adfixo, reliqui perterriti fuga se in castra recipiunt. Quo facto postea sunt deterriti oppidum temptare.
One day, as a strong squadron of the enemy had posted themselves before the gate, their officer being slain by an arrow discharged from a cross-bow, and pinned to his own shield, the rest were terrified and took to flight; by which means the town was delivered from any further attempts.latin-ancient latin-ancient
“ego multa dem ut potionem fortem in gula mea et lectum mollem post cenam bonam sentiam!”
“I would give a good deal for the feel of a strong drink in my throat, and for a soft bed after a good supper!”Literature Literature
Nonne Christus forte affirmavit Patrem nostrum, « qui videt in abscondito » (17) a nobis perpetuo — dixerimus — exspectare, ut omni in necessitate ad ipsum revertentes pervestigemus mysterium eius semper: mysterium scilicet Patris amorisque illius?
Did not Christ say that our Father, who "sees in secret,"17 is always waiting for us to have recourse to Him in every need and always waiting for us to study His mystery: the mystery of the Father and His love?
Clausa Fortis
Chiusafortelangbot langbot
Hic cum fratri intercluso ab hostibus auxilium ferret, illum ex periculo eripuit, ipse equo vulnerato deiectus, quoad potuit, fortissime restitit; cum circumventus multis vulneribus acceptis cecidisset atque id frater, qui iam proelio excesserat, procul animadvertisset, incitato equo se hostibus obtulit atque interfectus est.
He, while he was endeavoring to render assistance to his brother who was surrounded by the enemy, and whom he rescued from danger, was himself thrown from his horse, which was wounded under him, but still opposed [his antagonists] with the greatest intrepidity, as long as he was able to maintain the conflict.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In communicationis mediis adhibendis et recipiendis, labor tam ad sensum criticum ardenti veritatis amore animatum educans, quam ad libertatem defendendam, ad dignitatem personalem observandam, ad authenticam populorum culturam elevandam urgens est, omnem monopolii et manipulationis formam firmo et forti reiiciens animo.
The use of these instruments by professionals in communication and their reception by the public demand both a work of education in a critical sense, which is animated by a passion for the truth, and a work of defence of liberty, respect for the dignity of individuals, and the elevation of the authentic culture of peoples which occurs through a firm and courageous rejection of every form of monopoly and
Thomas vult esse fortis.
Tom wants to be strong.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Is fortis est.
He's strong.tatoeba tatoeba
Fortissimus tantum superest.
Only the strongest survive.tatoeba tatoeba
Verti me ad aliud, et vidi sub sole nec velocium esse cursum, nec fortium bellum, nec sapientium panem, nec doctorum divitias, nec artificum gratiam; sed tempus casumque in omnibus.
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.tatoeba tatoeba
Quam es fortis.
You're really brave.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Operis occasiones frequentiores, socialis securitatis solidum institutum quod opus pariter procuret, libera consociatio collegiorum efficienter agentium, cautio si forte desit opus, instrumenta socialis vitae populariter partecipandae, debent hac in re opus ipsum ex « mercis » condicione vindicare et piane efficere ut id digne praestetur.
In this context, an abundance of work opportunities, a solid system of social security and professional training, the freedom to join trade unions and the effective action of unions, the assistance provided in cases of unemployment, the opportunities for democratic participation in the life of society — all these are meant to deliver work from the mere condition of "a commodity", and to guarantee its
Iamvero, si ita falsa principia mitigantur et aliqua ratione oblitterantur, oritur, seu potius immerito a quibusdam movetur quaestio, num forte etiam christianae veritatis principia aliqua ratione aut mitigari aut temperari possint ita, ut socialismo eatur obviam et media quasi via cum eo conveniatur.
Now if these false principles are modified and to some extent erased from the program, the question arises, or rather is raised without warrant by some, whether the principles of Christian truth cannot perhaps be also modified to some degree and be tempered so as to meet Socialism half-way and, as it were, by a middle course, come to agreement with
Quamobrem brevi tempore haec sanctissima causa eo devenit, quemadmodum ipsi Rutheni Episcopi confessi sunt, ut nullius iam niteretur praesidio, nisi Romanorum Pontificum qui, amantissimis datis litteris impertitisque pro facultate auxiliis, ac praesertim per Apostolicum in Polonia Nuntium, Ruthenam Ecclesiam forti paternoque pectore tinti sunt.
The result was that in a short time, as the Ruthenian bishops themselves confessed, this holy cause was left with no other protection to rely upon but that of the Roman pontiffs. They for their part supported the Ruthenian Church by affectionate letters, such helps as they could supply, and particularly by means of the Apostolic Nuncio in
Privata consumptio fortis fuit, propter parvam inflationem (sub 1% mediae quantitatis anni 2015), quaestus creationem non minus quam altam remissionum summam.
Private consumption has been strong, as a result of low inflation (under 1% on average in 2015), job creation, as well as high level of remittances.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"[10]Nec hac spe,"" inquit sapiens ille, "" fortius exeo, quod patere mihi ad deos meos iter iudico."
[10] ‘Nec hac spe’ inquit sapiens ille ‘fortius exeo, quod patere mihi ad deos meos iter iudico.Literature Literature
forte negotiatores vivente adhuc Germanico Syria egressi laetiora de valetudine eius attulere.
It chanced that some merchants who left Syria while Germanicus was still alive, brought more cheering tidings about his health.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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