fundunt oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

third-person plural present active indicative of fundō "they pour out, they shed" "they found, they make by smelting" ( figuratively ) "they moisten, they wet" "they extend, they spread out" "they utter"

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Haec consideratio in notione ut homines res sicuti unificata tota experti sunt fundatur.
In philosophy concerning the most fundamental aspects of the universe, the experts all disagree.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
plebs invectis equitibus fusa; miles Vitellianus trinis et ipse praesidiis occurrit.
Then the Vitellianist troops, themselves also drawn up in three columns of defence, met the foe.latin-ancient latin-ancient
et Nerviorum multitudinem, sponte commotam ut pro Romanis bellum capesseret, idem Canninefates fudere.
The Canninefates, taking the offensive, attacked our fleet, and the larger part of the ships was either sunk or captured.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Huiusmodi servitium fundatur ultime in illo mirabili et trepido eventu: “Filius Dei incarnatione sua cum omni homine quodammodo Se univit” (Ibid.).
Such service is rooted primarily in the extraordinary and profound fact that "through the Incarnation the Son of God has united himself in some fashion to every person"(132)
rursum deus, qua silvas pererraverit, nocturno visu demonstrat, reperiunturque fusae passim ferat.
Again the god in a vision of the night reveals to them the track along which he roamed through the woods, and everywhere slaughtered beasts are found.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Etenim omnibus baptizatis fervidum adfertur optatum Epistulae Pauli ad Ephesios: «Habitare Christum per fidem in cordibus vestris, in caritate radicati et fundati, ut valeatis comprehendere [...] supereminentem scientiae caritatem Christi, ut impleamini in omnem plenitudinem Dei» (3, 17-19).
The Letter to the Ephesians makes this heartfelt prayer for all the baptized: “May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith, so that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power... to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (3:17-19)
Talia vociferans gemitu tectum omne replebat, / cum subitum dictuque oritur mirabile monstrum. / Namque manus inter maestorumque ora parentum / ecce levis summo de vertice visus Iuli / fundere lumen apex, tactuque innoxia molles / lambere flamma comas et circum tempora pasci.
So wailed Creusa, and in wild despair / filled all the palace with her sobs and cries, / when lo! a portent, wondrous to declare. / For while, 'twixt sorrowing parents' hands and eyes, / stood young Iulus, wildered with surprise, / up from the summit of his fair, young head / a tuft was seen of flickering flame to rise. / Gently and harmless to the touch it spread / around his tender brows, and on his temples fed.tatoeba tatoeba
Nihilominus non defuerunt in ipso Coetu Synodali qui, iuxta positiva iudicia, alia negativa obtruderent circa usum haud satis cautum vocabuli “ministerium”, circa confusionem et, interdum, exaequationem commune inter et sacerdotium ministeriale, circa id quod aliquae ecclesiasticae leges et normae parum observentur; quod ad arbitrium fiat interpretatio de conceptu “subsidiaritatis”; quod christifideles laici quodammodo “clericalizentur”; quod periculum adsit re constituendi structuram quamdam ecclesialem servitii quae parallela exsistat illi quae Ordinis sacramento fundatur.
In the same Synod Assembly, however, a critical judgment was voiced along with these positive elements, about a too-indiscriminate use of the word "ministry", the confusion and the equating of the common priesthood and the ministerial priesthood, the lack of observance of ecclesiastical laws and norms, the arbitrary interpretation of the concept of "supply", the tendency towards a "clericalization" of the lay faithful and the risk of creating, in reality, an ecclesial structure of parallel service to that founded on the Sacrament of
Kahn subsidium ex Societate fundata MacArthurana anno 2003 et Nationale Designationis Arbitrium pro designatione oecologica anno 2005 accepit.
Kahn won a MacArthur Foundation "genius grant" fellowship in 2003, and the National Design Award for environmental design in 2005.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nova strategia valde accessibilitatem per curationemm medicam fundatam in communitate auxit, efficientiorem et iustiorem diaconiarum apparitionem inferrens.
The new strategy dramatically increased accessibility through community-based healthcare, resulting in more efficient and equitable provision of services.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vertitur interea cœlum, et ruit oceano nox, / involvens umbra magna terramque polumque / Myrmidonumque dolos; fusi per mœnia Teucri / conticuere: sopor fessos complectitur artus.
And now the heaven rolled round. From ocean rushed / the Night, and wrapt in shadow earth and air / and Myrmidonian wiles. In silence hushed, / the Trojans through the city here and there, / outstretched in sleep, their weary limbs repair.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi. 330 om.
Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.Literature Literature
Koinonia-Communio, in Sacra Scriptura fundata, in Ecclesia antiqua et in Ecclesiis Orientalibus usque ad nostros dies magno honore habetur.
Koinonia-communion, finding its source in Sacred Scripture, was a concept held in great honour in the early Church and in the Oriental Churches, and this teaching endures to the present
Rogamus te etiam, ut impensas preces per illos dies fundas ad Deum, quo ampliorum fructuum spiritualium ferax evadat hoc iter Nostrum, intercedente Beata Maria Virgine, quae in Sanctuario Clari Montis summa colitur pietate.
We ask you also to pray very much to God during those days so that this journey of ours may be productive of abundant spiritual fruit, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is honoured with great devotion at the sanctuary in Jasna
Systema numericum decimale est systema numericum in radicem (vel basin) decem fundatum.
The decimal numeral system use a base ten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Id quo feliciore modo eveniat, hoc est cum Regni veritatis, iustitiae, pacis caritatisque triumpho, quotquot habemus in Christo filios adhortamur ut sint «cor unum et anima una» (Act 4,32), utque, Octobri vertente mense, ad caelestem Reginam et amantissimam Matrem nostram communes flagrantesque supplicationes fundant, hanc Apostoli gentium sententiam meditantes: «In omnibus tribulationem patimur, sed non angustiamur; aporiamur, sed non destituimur. Persecutionem patimur, sed non derelinquimur; deicimur, sed non perimus; semper mortificationem Iesu in corpore nostro circumferentes, ut et vita Iesu manifestetur in corporibus nostris» (2Cor 4,8-10).
That this goal may be realized in the fullest sense—that is, with the triumph of the kingdom of truth, justice, peace, and charity—We exhort all Our children in Christ to be "of one heart and one soul'' (12) and to pour out ardent prayers in October to our Queen in heaven and our loving Mother, reflecting upon the words of the Apostle: "In all things we suffer tribulation, but we are not distressed; we are sore pressed, but we are not destitute; we endure persecution, but we are not forsaken; we are cast down, but we do not perish; always bearing about in our body the dying of Jesus, so that the life also of Jesus may be made manifest in our bodily frame."'
Pater Viccamo erat vilicus fundi Darceii.
Mater Clown Just Knew What Was Funny.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cum in prima Sodalitate Nationalistica Bostoniensi esset, grege motus nationalistici Bellamiani maximi momenti, suasit societatem fundatam ut socialismum ex sententia aperte Christiana ascisceret.
While he was in the First Nationalist Club of Boston, the most important group of the Bellamyite Nationalist movement, he broached the idea of forming a society that would espouse Socialism from an explicitly Christian viewpoint.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Altissimo plutei continentalis fundo sunt deposita glacialia quae late per spatia brevia variantur.
The deep continental shelf has a floor of glacial deposits varying widely over short distances.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sic cotidie utrimque eminus fundis, sagittis reliquisque telis pugnabatur.
Caesar conducted matters as if he thought that the hopes of peace were not yet to be given up.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Petra Fusorum
Pietradefusilangbot langbot
O, quam bene sapuit illa anima sancta, quæ dixit: Mens mea solidata est, et in Christo fundata.
Oh, how wise is that holy soul [40] who said: “My mind is firmly settled and founded in Christ.”Literature Literature
idque ipsum quod inconditam nuper Valentini manum contra spem suam fuderint, alimentum illis ducique temeritatis: ausuros rursus venturosque in manus non imperiti adulescentuli, verba et contiones quam ferrum et arma meditantis, sed Civilis et Classici; quos ubi aspexerint, redituram in animos formidinem, fugam famemque ac totiens captis precariam vitam.
They will venture again, and will find themselves in the hands, not of an ignorant stripling, whose thoughts were of speeches and harangues rather than of battle and the sword, but in those of Civilis and Classicus, whom when they once behold they will be reminded of panic, of flight, of famine, and of the many times when as captives they had to beg for life.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Qui si remisse negligenterque se gesserit, is profecto in re gravissima deliquerit, et in eius caput culpa recidet vel errorum quos imperitus praedicator fuderit, vel offensionis malique exempli quod improbus dederit.
If any one acts carelessly and negligently in this duty, he clearly offends in a grievous matter, and on him will fall the responsibility of the errors which the untrained preacher may spread or of the scandal and the bad example which the unworthy one may
Debellatum eo die foret, si Romana classis sequi maturasset: ne eques quidem institit, repente fusis imbribus et propinqua nocte.
The Germans were routed, and fled towards the Rhine. The war would have been finished that day, if the fleet had hastened to come up.latin-ancient latin-ancient
201 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.