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Quæ sors nostra fuit, cui te, quum prima subiret, Eripuit sine honore dies, et funere carpsit?»
625 quae sors nostra fuit, cui te, cum prima subiret, eripuit sine honore dies et funere carpsit?’Literature Literature
tum conultatum de honoribus; ex quis [qui] maxime insignes visi, ut porta triumphali duceretur funus, Gallus Asinius, ut legum latarum tituli, victarum ab eo gentium vocabula anteferentur, L. Arruntius censuere.
"The procession was to be conducted through ""the gate of triumph,"" on the motion of Gallus Asinius; the titles of the laws passed, the names of the nations conquered by Augustus were to be borne in front, on that of Lucius Arruntius."latin-ancient latin-ancient
die quoque quo praetor Antistius ob probra in Neronem composita ad mortem damnabatur, mitiora censuit obtinuitque; et cum deum honores Poppaeae decernuntur sponte absens, funeri non interfuerat.
Again, when divine honours were decreed to Poppaea, he was purposely absent and did not attend her funeral. All this Capito Cossutianus would not allow to be forgotten.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quantos funeribus vestris gens Itala passim Dat gemitus!
opposito mutassem pectore mortem. quantos funeribus uestris gens Itala passim dat gemitus!Literature Literature
Ergo instauramus Polydoro funus, et ingens / aggeritur tumulo tellus; stant Manibus arae / caeruleis maestae vittis atraque cupresso, / et circum Iliades crinem de more solutae; / inferimus tepido spumantia cymbia lacte / sanguinis et sacri pateras, animamque sepulcro / condimus, et magna supremum voce ciemus.
So to his shade, with funeral rites, we rear / a mound, and altars to the dead prepare, / wreathed with dark cypress. Round them, as of yore, / pace Troy's sad matrons, with their streaming hair. / Warm milk from bowls, and holy blood we pour, / and thrice with loud farewell the peaceful shade deplore.tatoeba tatoeba
meminerant adhuc quidam Agrippinae a Tiberio, recentior Iuliae memoria obversabatur a Claudio pulsae; sed illis robur aetatis adfuerat; laeta aliqua viderant et praesentem saevitiam melioris olim fortunae recordatione adlevabant: huic primum nuptiarum dies loco funeris fuit, deductae in domum, in qua nihil nisi luctuosum haberet, erepto per venenum patre et statim fratre; tum ancilla domina validior et Poppaea non nisi in perniciem uxoris nupta; postremo crimen omni exitio gravius.
But they had life's prime for their stay; they had seen some happiness, and the horror of the moment was alleviated by recollections of a better lot in the past. For Octavia, from the first, her marriage-day was a kind of funeral, brought, as she was, into a house where she had nothing but scenes of mourning, her father and, an instant afterwards, her brother, having been snatched from her by poison; then, a slave-girl raised above the mistress; Poppaea married only to insure a wife's ruin, and, to end all, an accusation more horrible than any death.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In suo funere, Diana ei antidotum dat et post asprissimam pugnam omnes spectatores, et caput societatis inimicae necat et Sinam fugit.
With her last strength, Diana uses her lasso on Ares and he screams and his world goes mad and Diana is knocked and is alive, but barely.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sed compleri interim urbs funeribus, Capitoliam victimis; alius filio, fratre alius aut propinquo aut amico interfectis, agere grates dies, ornare lauru domum, genua ipsius advolvi et dextram osculis fatigare.
One after another, on the destruction of a brother, a kinsman, or a friend, would return thanks to the gods, deck his house with laurels, prostrate himself at the knees of the emperor, and weary his hand with kisses.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ita cum damna damnis continuarentur atque omnis annus funeribus et cladibus insigniretur, poscebatur ore vulgi dux Agricola, comparantibus cunctis vigorem, constantiam et expertum bellis animum cum inertia et formidine aliorum.
And so when disaster followed upon disaster, and the entire year was marked by destruction and slaughter, the voice of the people called Agricola to the command; for they all contrasted his vigour, firmness, and experience in war, with the inertness and timidity of other generals.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"O lux Dardaniae, spes o fidissima Teucrum, / quae tantae tenuere morae? Quibus Hector ab oris / exspectate venis? Ut te post multa tuorum / funera, post varios hominumque urbisque labores / defessi adspicimus! Quae causa indigna serenos / foedavit vultus, aut cur haec vulnera cerno?"
"O light of Troy, our refuge! why and how / this long delay? Whence comest thou again, / long-looked-for Hector? How with aching brow, / worn out by toil and death, do we behold thee now! / But oh! what dire indignity hath marred / the calmness of thy features? Tell me, why / with ghastly wounds do I behold thee scarred?"tatoeba tatoeba
sed domus corporibus exanimis, itinera funeribus complebantur; non sexus, non aetas periculo vacua; servitia perinde et ingenua plebes raptim extingui, inter coniugum et liberorum lamenta, qui dum adsident, dum deflent, saepe eodem rogo cremabantur.
Neither age nor sex was exempt from peril. Slaves and the free-born populace alike were suddenly cut off, amid the wailings of wives and children, who were often consumed on the very funeral pile of their friends by whom they had been sitting and shedding tears.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Fuere qui publici funeris pompam requirerent compararentque quae in Drusum patrem Germanici honora et magnifica Augustus fecisset.
"Then the emperor himself, they said, ""went in the extreme rigour of winter as far as Ticinum, and never leaving the corpse entered Rome with it."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Doctrinam ea quidem ecclesiasticam complectuntur fere omnem ; exstant enim commentarii de sacris Scripturis deque mysteriis fidei, sermones de officiis deque interiore vita, de sacra liturgia lucubrationes, hymni in dies festos Domini, B. Mariae Virginis et Sanctorum, in pompas rogationum et paenitentiales, in defunctorum funera.
There are extant commentaries on Sacred Scripture and the mysteries of the faith; sermons on obligations and on the interior life; studies on the sacred liturgy; hymns for the feastdays of our Lord and of the Blessed Virgin and of the saints, for the processions of prayers and penitential days, for the funerals of the
funus maturatum; ambitiosis id precibus petierat ne amputaretur caput ludibrio futurum.
He had made this the subject of earnest entreaties, anxious that his head might not be cut off and subjected to indignities.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cogitamus nempe de quibusdam rerum adiunctis, sicut verbi gratia de sanctis Missis celebratis occasione matrimonii, funeris vel similium, ubi celebrationi, praeter fideles religionem colentes, intersunt etiam alii qui fortasse complures annos ad altare non accedunt, aut forsitan inveniuntur in quadam vitae condicione, quibus aditus ad Sacramenta haud patet.
I am referring to the fact that on certain occasions – for example, wedding Masses, funerals and the like – in addition to practising Catholics there may be others present who have long since ceased to attend Mass or are living in a situation which does not permit them to receive the
primusque Messala Corvinus eam potestatem et paucos intra dies finem accepit quasi nescius exercendi; tum Taurus Statilius, quamquam provecta aetate, egregie toleravit; dein Piso viginti per annos pariter probatus publico funere ex decreto senatus celebratus est.
Messala Corvinus was the first to obtain the office, which he lost within a few days, as not knowing how to discharge it. After him Taurus Statilius, though in advanced years, sustained it admirably; and then Piso, after twenty years of similar credit, was, by the Senate's decree, honoured with a public funeral.latin-ancient latin-ancient
funus imaginum pompa maxime inlustre fuit, cum origo luliae gentis Aeneas omnesque Albanorum reges et conditor urbis Romulus, post Sabina nobilitas, Attus Clausus ceteracque Claudiorum effigies longo ordine spectarentur.
Aeneas, the father of the Julian house, all the Alban kings, Romulus, Rome's founder, then the Sabine nobility, Attus Clausus, and the busts of all the other Claudii were displayed in a long train.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In quo proelio ceciderunt milia hominum circiter XXX et siquid amplius, praeterea Labienus, Attius Varus, quibus occisis utrisque funus est factum, itemque equites Romani partim ex urbe, partim ex provincia ad milia III.
About a thousand were slain on our side, partly foot, partly horse; and five hundred wounded.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Funus (ritus)
Funerallangbot langbot
Interea oriuntur duo genera funerum: aut enim submergimur, aut iugulamur.""
Interea oriuntur duo genera funerum: aut enim submergimur aut iugulamur’.Literature Literature
num te, dulcedine laudis 590 Flagrantem et nimio primi Mavortis amore, Atra, Sychæe, dies properato funere carpsit?»
num te, dulcedine laudis flagrantem et nimio primi Mauortis amore 590 atra, Sychaee, dies properato funere carpsit?’Literature Literature
gnarum id Caesari; neque multo post extincto Maximo, dubium an quaesita morte, auditos in funere eius Marciae gemitus semet incusantis, quod causa exitii marito fuisset.
All was known to Caesar, and when Maximus soon afterwards died, by a death some thought to be self-inflicted, there were heard at his funeral wailings from Marcia, in which she reproached herself for having been the cause of her husband's destruction.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cumque veheretur per Urbem inter festos psalmorum cantus, non tam funeris quam triumphi pompa, visus est populus romanus libamenta honorum caelestium viro sanctissimo detulisse.
As he was taken through the city among festal songs and psalms - not so much in the manner of a funeral as that of a triumph - the Roman people made offerings of heavenly honor to the holy
caelestesque honores Claudio decernuntur et funeris sollemne perinde ac divo Augusto celebratur, aemulante Agrippina proaviae Liviae magnificentiam.
Divine honours were decreed to Claudius, and his funeral rites were solemnized on the same scale as those of Augustus; for Agrippina strove to emulate the magnificence of her great-grandmother, Livia.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Imminent tibi duo funera, nee est promptum quod prius vites.
Imminent tibi duo funera, nec est promptum quod prius uitabis.Literature Literature
56 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.