habebit oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

third-person singular future active indicative of habeō "he (she, it) will have, he (she, it) will hold" "he (she, it) will own" "he (she, it) will possess" "he (she, it) will retain, he (she, it) will maintain" "he (she, it) will conduct, he (she, it) will preside over" "he (she, it) will regard, he (she, it) will consider a person or thing as something" "he (she, it) will accept, he (she, it) will bear, he (she, it) will endure"

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Habent sua fata libelli
Books have their destiny |according to the capabilities of the reader|
accept · be furnished with · bear · carry · conduct · consider · contain · detain · endure · have · have got · have to · hold · inhabit · keep · maintain · manage · occupy · own · pass · possess · reason · retain · spend · support · think · wear


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Antiqua Iudaeorum exegesis, sicut Midras (Genesis Rabbah 38) habet Adam Lingua Hebraica locutum esse quia nomina quae uxori dedit—Isha (Latine: Virago, Genesis 2:23) et Heva (Genesis 3:20)—solum Hebraice intelleguntur.
Traditional Jewish exegesis such as Midrash (Genesis Rabbah 38) says that Adam spoke the Hebrew language because the names he gives Eve – Isha (Book of Genesis 2:23) and Chava (Genesis 3:20) – only make sense in Hebrew.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cum igitur alterius modi aditum non haberet, rasit capillos suos et barbam cultumque ioculatoris cum cithara cepit.
Cum igitur alterius modi aditum non haberet, rasit capillos suos et barbam cultumque ioculatoris cum cythara cepit.Literature Literature
Ad scribendum programmas APL, habere claviaturam propriam debet.
Without these APIs, the programmer needs to write these functionalities entirely themselves.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Duas feles habeo.
I have two cats.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Hisce ego litteris in animo habeo compellare non quamlibet “in re abstracta” familiam, sed unamquamque veram solidamque familiam cuiuslibet terrarum regionis, ad quamcumque longe lateque provinciam pertinet, quantumvis multiformis sit ipsius varietas culturae atque historiae.
In this Letter I wish to speak not to families "in the abstract" but to every particular family in every part of the world, wherever it is located and whatever the diversity and complexity of its culture and history.vatican.va vatican.va
Ita intellegitur quam aequum fuerit ut Christiani, praecones liberationis Christi sanguine consummatae, perciperent se facultatem habere sensum sabbati in diem resurrectionis transferendi.
This is why Christians, called as they are to proclaim the liberation won by the blood of Christ, felt that they had the authority to transfer the meaning of the Sabbath to the day of the Resurrection.vatican.va vatican.va
Et si alius plura alius pauciora accepit, omnia tamen tua sunt, nec minimum sine te haberi potest.
If one receives more and another less, yet all are Yours and without You nothing can be received.Literature Literature
Etiam post tot peccata quae in historicas divisiones valuerunt, unitas christianorum possibilis est, dummodo humiliter conscii simus nos contra unitatem peccavisse et persuasum habeamus necessariam nobis esse conversionem.
Even after the many sins which have contributed to our historical divisions, Christian unity is possible, provided that we are humbly conscious of having sinned against unity and are convinced of our need for conversion.vatican.va vatican.va
Sed doctrinae quaestiones, ut liquet, manent atque, usque dum non enodentur, Fraternitas canonicum in Ecclesia statutum non habet et eius ministri nullum ministerium legitime agere possunt.
However, the doctrinal questions obviously remain and until they are clarified the Society has no canonical status in the Church and its ministers cannot legitimately exercise any ministry.vatican.va vatican.va
Tali modo vastatis regionibus exercitum Caesar duarum cohortium damno Durocortorum Remorum reducit concilioque in eum locum Galliae indicto de coniuratione Senonum et Carnutum quaestionem habere instituit et de Accone, qui princeps eius consili fuerat, graviore sententia pronuntiata more maiorum supplicium sumpsit.
Having devastated the country in such a manner, Caesar leads back his army with the loss of two cohorts to Durocortorum of the Remi, and, having summoned a council of Gaul to assemble at that place, he resolved to hold an investigation respecting the conspiracy of the Senones and Carnutes, and having pronounced a most severe sentence upon Acco, who had been the contriver of that plot, he punished him after the custom of our ancestors.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In quo satis cuique est, si vere spiritualem habeat sensum, quo Dei nuntium in rerum cursu signatum detegat.
It suffices to have true spiritual sensitivity for reading God's message in events.vatican.va vatican.va
Iactant, quin immo, atque efferunt falsam eiusmodi formam, quasi ex ea orta fuerit in oeconomicis rebus progressio: qua quidem sicubi revera frui licet, id procul dubio aliis de causis evenit; ut ex impensiore efficiendarum rerum industria in eas regiones inducta, quae eiusdem expertes fuerint; ut ex ingentibus, quas natura gignit, opibus, nullo ad humanitatem respectu habito, quaestuosissime excultis; ut ex eo denique, quod operarii parva mercede ad gravissimos exantlandos labores dure crudeliterque adigantur.
This pseudo-ideal is even boastfully advanced as if it were responsible for a certain economic progress. As a matter of fact, when such progress is at all real, its true causes are quite different, as for instance the intensification of industrialism in countries which were formerly almost without it, the exploitation of immense natural resources, and the use of the most brutal methods to insure the achievement of gigantic projects with a minimum of expense.vatican.va vatican.va
Quin immo, cur ad hoc potissimum non contendant hae nobiles artes, ut nempe Dei eiusque Filii Iesu Christi doctrinam propagent, « christianamque fidem illam mentibus inculcent, quae una potest hominum multitudinibus supernam praebere vim, qua adiutae sereno animo virtuteque consentanea queant superare discrimina, angores vero tolerare praesentis huius aetatis nostrae »? (Sermo ad sodales Radiophonicae Societatis Italiae, d. 3 Decembris, a. 1944 habitus: Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII, vol. VI, p.
Rather, why should not these noble arts strive particularly to this end, that they spread the teaching of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ, "and instil into minds that Christian truth which alone can provide the strength from above to the mass of men, aided by which they may be able with calmness and courage, to overcome the crises and endure the severe trials of the age in which we now live?"vatican.va vatican.va
In praesenti regiones nec autonomia fruuntur nec administrativum characterem habent.
Before independence the three different regions in Kerala had been under different administrative systems.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Necessaria memarum proprietas est significationes linguisticas habere naturam copiarum non constructibilem sensu mathematico, et non operantur per vim quae logicae Aristotelianae moderatur, sicut principium medii exclusi.
An essential characteristic of memes is that linguistic meanings have the nature of nonconstructible sets in the mathematical sense and do not abide by constraints governing Aristotelian logic, such as the principle of the excluded middle.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fidelium associationes, quae subsunt ductui ac moderamini alicuius Religionis, etiam si sint ab Apostolica Sede erectae, iurisdictioni subsunt et vigilantiae Ordinarii loci, qui ad normam sacrorum canonum eas invisendi ius habet et munus.
Associations of the faithful which are under the leadership and direction of a Religious institute, even if they have been established by the Apostolic See, are subject to the jurisdiction and vigilance of the local Ordinary who, according to the norms of the sacred canons, has the right and the duty of holding a visitation of them.vatican.va vatican.va
Ut vero valide liciteque itineris tempore adsistere possit matrimonio, Apostolatus Maritimi Operae cappellanus delegationem accipere debebit ab Ordinario vel a parocho paroeciae in qua alterutra contrahens pars domicilium aut quasi domicilium habet vel commorationem unum saltem mensem extentam, vel, si de vagis et errantibus agitur, paroeciae ipsius portus ubi navem conscenderunt.
In order to assist validly and licitly at a marriage during the voyage, the chaplain of the Work of the Maritime Apostolate must be delegated by the Ordinary or by the parish priest of the place where one or other of the contracting parties has a domicile or quasi-domicile or has been staying for a least one month, or, if they are transients, by the parish priest of the port parish where they boarded the ship.vatican.va vatican.va
Idcirco liturgica renovatio, recto modo secundum Concilii Vaticani II mentem peracta, certo quodam sensu mensura est et condicio qua eiusdem universalis Synodi doctrina ad usum adducatur, quam quidem amplecti volumus profunda cum fide, habentes scilicet nobis persuasum per ipsum Concilium Spiritum Sanctum “dixisse Ecclesiae” veritates dedisseque concilia quae muneri eius perficiendo utilia essent coram hominibus huius nostri posteriorisque temporis.
For this reason liturgical renewal carried out correctly in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council is, in a certain sense, the measure and the condition for putting into effect the teaching of that Council which we wish to accept with profound faith, convinced as we are that by means of this Council the Holy Spirit "has spoken to the Church" the truths and given the indications for carrying out her mission among the people of today and tomorrow.vatican.va vatican.va
Circa annum 40 a.U.c., Numa Pompilius, rex Romanus, menses Ianuarii et Februarii ad calendarium addidit, ut annus 355 dies habuisset.
713 BC — Numa Pompilius, King of Rome, reforms the Roman calendar, introducing January and February and adding 5 days to the calendar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Qui enim a Paulo describuntur « habentes speciem quidem pietatis, virtutem autem eius abnegantes » (11), non ii profecto erunt sal terrae, qui corruptelarum vulnera persanet, iieque lux mundi, quae sedentes in umbra mortis viam redemptionis edoceat.
Those who are described by Paul as "having a semblance indeed of piety, but disowning its power[11] are not the salt of the earth which cures completely the wounds of corruption, nor the light of the world which teaches the way of salvation to those sitting in the shadow of death.vatican.va vatican.va
Contra, ea opinatur hasce multitudines hominum ius habere cognoscendi Christi mysterii divitias (Cfr.
On the contrary the Church holds that these multitudes have the right to know the riches of the mystery of Christ (cf.vatican.va vatican.va
Maria capillos promissos habet.
Maria has long hair.tatoeba tatoeba
Huiusmodi autem «submissio» illis oblata a quibus auctoritas ecclesialis induitur, nihil propterea indecori habet, sed proveniat necesse est ab ipsa responsali presbyteri libertate, qui non tantummodo sua facit postulata vitae ecclesialis, prout organice haec instructa est, sed gratiam ipsam discretionis et responsalitatis erga ecclesialia placita, quippe quae concredita a Iesu ipso sint apostolis eorumque successoribus, ut fideliter servetur Ecclesiae mysterium et tota christianae communitatis compago nullo privetur subsidio, quo per unum idemque iter salutem suam attingat.
This "submission" to those invested with ecclesial authority is in no way a kind of humiliation. It flows instead from the responsible freedom of the priest who accepts not only the demands of an organized and organic ecclesial life, but also that grace of discernment and responsibility in ecclesial decisions which was assured by Jesus to his apostles and their successors for the sake of faithfully safeguarding the mystery of the Church and serving the structure of the Christian community among its common path toward salvation.vatican.va vatican.va
Interea tamen eo vel magis ut a Vobis, Venerabiles Fratres, vocati in partem Nostri officii pastoralis, unanimiter ac constanter nobili in incepto adiuvemur opus habemus, a singulis clericis singulisque fidelibus vestrae sollicitudini commissis.
At the same time, however, We feel more than ever the need of being upheld unanimously and constantly in this venture both by you, Venerable Brethren, called to participate in Our pastoral office, as well as by all the clergy and faithful committed to your care.vatican.va vatican.va
Quis sua sponte inspicere potest cumulum notitiarum quas ex diversis orbis regionibus cotidie accepimus et quae, generaliter, uti verae habentur?
Who could personally examine the flow of information which comes day after day from all parts of the world and which is generally accepted as true?vatican.va vatican.va
205 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.