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auction · bar · baton · cane · club · fishing rod · handle · hasta · javelin · lance · little spear · pike · pole · rod · shaft · spar · spear · spear set up as the sign of a public auction · spear stuck in ground for public auction|centumviral court · staff · stake · stave · stick
Hasta Pompeia


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Stant terra defixae hastae, passimque soluti per campum pascuntur equi.
Stant terra defixae hastae passiingue soluti per campum pascuntur equi.Literature Literature
et Helvidius Priscus tr[ibunus] pl[ebis] adversus Obultronium Sabinum aerarii quaestorem contentiones proprias exercuit, tamquam ius hastae adversus inopes inclementer ageret.
On this, Helvidius Priscus, a tribune of the people, followed up a personal quarrel he had with Obultronius Sabinus, one of the officials of the exchequer, by insinuating that he stretched his right of confiscation with merciless rigour against the poor.latin-ancient latin-ancient
quo proelio Rufus Helvius gregarius miles servati civis decus rettulit donatusque est ab Apronio torquibus et hasta.
In this engagement Rufus Helvius, a common soldier, won the honour of saving a citizen's life, and was rewarded by Apronius with a neck-chain and a spear.latin-ancient latin-ancient
eo postremo ardoris provectus est ut vexillarium fugientem hasta transverberaret; mox raptum vexillum in hostem vertit.
At last he was carried to such a pitch of excitement, that he transfixed with a lance a flying standard bearer, and then, seizing the standard, turned it towards the enemy.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Latos huic hasta per armos acta tremit duplicatque virum transfixa dolore.
acta tremit duplicatque uirum transfixa dolore.Literature Literature
exactioni triginta equites Romani praepositi, novum officii genus et ambitu ac numero onerosum: ubique hasta et sector, et inquieta urbs actionibus.
Everywhere were sales and brokers, and Rome was in an uproar with auctions.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tantum effatus et infesta subit obvius hasta.
tantum effatus et infesta subit obuius hasta.Literature Literature
A pesar de que los Españoles reportaban en 1520, que I. alba era usada para hacer hule, nadie realizo que era esa especie, sino hasta 1800.
Although the Spanish report of I. alba being used in making rubber in the Americas was published in the 1520s, no one realized it was that species until the 1800s.springer springer
tum Sentius occanere cornua tubasque et peti aggerem, erigi scalas iussit ac promptissimum quemque succedere, alios tormentis hastas saxa et faces ingerere.
Thereupon Sentius ordered the horns and trumpets to be sounded, the rampart to be assaulted, the scaling ladders to be raised, all the bravest men to mount on them, while others were to discharge from the engines spears, stones, and brands.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Artificium eius erat hasta adversarii oculum vulnerare, ut eum caecaret .
He temporarily left his post to Armand when the Tree of Life was sick, trying to cure it.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
idem Corbulo plurima per Italiam itinera fraude mancipum et incuria magistratuum interrupta et impervia clamitando, executionem eius negotii libens suscepit; quod haud perinde publice usui habitum quam exitiosum multis quorum in pecuniam atque famam damnationibus et hasta saeviebat.
It was this same Corbulo, who, after raising a cry that most of the roads in Italy were obstructed or impassable through the dishonesty of contractors and the negligence of officials, himself willingly undertook the complete management of the business. This proved not so beneficial to the State as ruinous to many persons, whose property and credit he mercilessly attacked by convictions and confiscations.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hasta et lancea aureae sunt.
I suppose the Grey Lantern's me.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
exim in Siracos pergunt, et transgressi amnem Pandam circumveniunt urbem Vspen, editam loco et moenibus ac fossis munitam, nisi quod moenia non saxo sed cratibus et vimentis ac media humo adversum inrumpentis invalida erant; eductaeque altius turres facibus atque hastis turba bant obsessos.
Next they marched on the Siraci, and after crossing the river Panda besieged the city of Uspe, which stood on high ground, and had the defence of wall and fosses; only the walls, not being of stone, but of hurdles and wicker-work with earth between, were too weak to resist an assault. Towers were raised to a greater height as a means of annoying the besieged with brands and darts.latin-ancient latin-ancient
missae e tormentis hastae, quantoque conspicui magis propugnatores, tanto pluribus vulneribus deiecti.
Caesar with some praetorian cohorts was the first, after the storming of the ramparts, to dash into the woods.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Categoria:Municipia in provincia Hastae Pompeiae
Category:Communes of the Province of Astilangbot langbot
Hasta Pompeia
Astilangbot langbot
Baptismus vester maneat velut arma, fides ut galea, charitas ut hasta, patientia ut tota armatura.
Your baptism must be a shield; your faith a helmet; your charity a lance; your patience a suit of armor.vatican.va vatican.va
non campos modo militi Romano ad proelium bonos, sed si ratio adsit, silvas et saltus; nec enim inmensa barbarorum scuta, enormis hastas inter truncos arborum et enata humo virgulta perinde haberi quam pila et gladios et haerentia corpori tegmina.
"It is not, he said, ""plains only which are good for the fighting of Roman soldiers, but woods and forest passes, if science be used. For the huge shields and unwieldly lances of the barbarians cannot, amid trunks of trees and brushwood that springs from the ground, be so well managed as our javelins and swords and closefitting armour."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Parte alia fugiens amissis Troilus armis, / infelix puer atque impar congressus Achilli, / fertur equis curruque hæret resupinus inani, / lora tenens tamen; huic cervixque comæque trahuntur / per terram, et versa pulvis inscribitur hasta.
There, reft of arms, poor Troilus, rash to dare / Achilles, by his horses dragged amain, / hangs from his empty chariot. Neck and hair / trail on the ground; his hand still grasps the rein; / the spear inverted scores the dusty plain.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tum vero tremefacta novus per pectora cunctis / insinuat pavor ; et scelus expendisse merentem / Laocoonta ferunt, sacrum qui cuspide robur / læserit et tergo sceleratam intorserit hastam.
Fresh wonder seized us, and we shook with fear. / All say, that justly had Laocoon died, / and paid fit penalty, whose guilty spear / profaned the steed and pierced the sacred side.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Cum adolescens non responderet, bona eius hastae subiecit.
When the teenager doesn't answer correctly, Mooney kills him.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Sic fatus, validis ingentem viribus hastam / in latus inque feri curvam compagibus alvum / contorsit. Stetit illa tremens, uteroque recusso / insonuere cavæ gemitumque dedere cavernæ."
"So saying, his mighty spear, with all his force, / full at the flank against the ribs he drave, / and pierced the bellying framework of the horse. / Quivering, it stood; the hollow chambers gave / a groan, that echoed from the womb's dark cave."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Interim Corbulo numquam neglectam Euphratis ripam crebrioribus praesidiis insedit; et ne ponti iniciendo impedimentum hostiles turmae adferrent (iam enim subiectis magna specie volitabant), naves magnitudine praestantes et conexas trabibus ac turribus auctas agit per amnem catapultisque et balistis proturbat barbaros, in quo[s] saxa et hastae longius permeabant, quam ut contrario sagittarum iactu adaequarentur.
Meanwhile Corbulo occupied the bank of the Euphrates, which he had never neglected, with troops at closer intervals. That he might have no hindrance in throwing a bridge over it from the enemy's cavalry, which was already scouring the adjoining plains with a formidable display, he launched on the river some vessels of remarkable size, linked together by beams, with towers rising from their decks, and with catapults and balistas he drove off the barbarians.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Parte alia fugiens amissis Troilus armis, / infelix puer atque impar congressus Achilli, / fertur equis curruque haeret resupinus inani, / lora tenens tamen; huic cervixque comaeque trahuntur / per terram, et versa pulvis inscribitur hasta.
There, reft of arms, poor Troilus, rash to dare / Achilles, by his horses dragged amain, / hangs from his empty chariot. Neck and hair / trail on the ground; his hand still grasps the rein; / the spear inverted scores the dusty plain.tatoeba tatoeba
tum quadripertito exercitu hos in testudinem conglobatos subruendo vallo inducit, alios scalas moenibus admovere, multos tormentis faces et hastas incutere iubet.
"Then forming his army into four divisions, he led one in the dense array of the ""testudo"" close up to the rampart, to undermine it, while others were ordered to apply scaling ladders to the walls, and many more were to discharge brands and javelins from engines."latin-ancient latin-ancient
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