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Iactant, quin immo, atque efferunt falsam eiusmodi formam, quasi ex ea orta fuerit in oeconomicis rebus progressio: qua quidem sicubi revera frui licet, id procul dubio aliis de causis evenit; ut ex impensiore efficiendarum rerum industria in eas regiones inducta, quae eiusdem expertes fuerint; ut ex ingentibus, quas natura gignit, opibus, nullo ad humanitatem respectu habito, quaestuosissime excultis; ut ex eo denique, quod operarii parva mercede ad gravissimos exantlandos labores dure crudeliterque adigantur.
This pseudo-ideal is even boastfully advanced as if it were responsible for a certain economic progress. As a matter of fact, when such progress is at all real, its true causes are quite different, as for instance the intensification of industrialism in countries which were formerly almost without it, the exploitation of immense natural resources, and the use of the most brutal methods to insure the achievement of gigantic projects with a minimum of
Hac de causa, in «universali» oratione, non modo unius christianae communitatis colliguntur necessitates, verum cunctae humanitatis; Ecclesia, ad Eucharistiam celebrandam coadunata, hoc modo testatur mundo quod in eam recidunt «gaudium et spes, luctus et angor hominum huius temporis, pauperum praesertim et quorumvis afflictorum».(
This is why the Prayer of the Faithful responds not only to the needs of the particular Christian community but also to those of all humanity; and the Church, coming together for the Eucharistic celebration, shows to the world that she makes her own "the joys and hopes, the sorrows and anxieties of people today, especially of the poor and all those who suffer".(
Sentimus profecto reconciliationem, quae in eius humanitate est peraeta, in efficacitate sacrorum mysteriorum, quae ab eius Ecclesia celebrantur, cui se ipsum tradidit quamque signum simulque instrumentum salutis effecit.
32) We experience the reconciliation which he accomplished in his humanity in the efficacy of the sacred mysteries which are celebrated by his church, for which he gave his life and which he established as the sign and also the means of
Humani operis vocationi respondet ipsa: technica in arte, quippe cum proprii ingenii habeatur res, se ipsum agnoscit homo atque propriam humanitatem efficit.
It touches the heart of the vocation of human labour: in technology, seen as the product of his genius, man recognizes himself and forges his own
Mater, iam antequam filius nascatur, non modo eius corpus efformat, verum oblique etiam omnem eius humanitatem.
The mother, even before giving birth, does not only give shape to the child's body, but also, in an indirect way, to the child's whole
Idque apud imperitos humanitas vocabatur, cum pars servitutis esset.
All this in their ignorance, they called civilization, when it was but a part of their servitude.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At nostra aetas, etsi tanta christianae humanitatis luce fruatur, ut nulla ratione possit cum aevo Gregoriano comparari, videtur tamen eam vitam fastidire, a qua praecipue, saepe unice, quasi a fonte, tot, nedum praeterita, sed etiam praesentia bona sunt repetenda.
14. Today, on the contrary, although the world enjoys a light so full of Christian civilization and in this respect cannot for a moment be compared with the times of Gregory, yet it seems as though it were tired of that life, which has been and still is the chief and often the sole fount of so many blessings - and not merely past but present
Ad illum recurrit Ecclesia, quae est cor humanitatis, ut ab eo pro omnibus munera imploret omnibusque illa caritatis dona dispenset, quae per illum « diffusa est in cordibus nostris » (294).
To him turns the Church, which is the heart of humanity, to implore for all and dispense to all those gifts of the love which through him "has been poured into our hearts."
Lithuania ita participabat etiam magnam culturae mutationem, quae eo saeculo in Europa exoriebatur, principiis christianis permeata et expostulationibus studiorum renovatae humanitatis, quae in fide maximas causas inveniebant et exordium provehendi magnos eos “valores”, qui Europae historiam claram fecerunt et in ceteris continentibus beneficam eius praesentiam (Giovanni Paolo II, Atto europeistico a Santiago de Compostela, 9 nov.
Lithuania thus entered also into the great cultural transformation which was beginning in Europe in that century, a transformation permeated by Christian principles and open to the exigencies of a new humanism which in the faith found its loftiest motivations and the cue for the promotion of the great values which have made glorious the history of Europe and made its presence beneficial in other continents.(
Gradatim et pedetemptim detegitur - cum progrediens personalitas alicuius adulescentuli vel adulescentulae intrinsecus observatur - “potentialis” facultas humanitatis concretae eaque peculiaris et quodammodo non iterabilis, in qua totum consilium de vita futura continetur.
Before the inner gaze of the developing personality of the-young man or woman, there is gradually and successively revealed that specific and in a sense unique and unrepeatable potentiality of a concrete humanity, in which there is as it were inscribed the whole plan of future
Africa cuna humanitatis est.
Africa is the cradle of humanity.tatoeba tatoeba
Ex huiusmodi Lyceis, quae variis temporibus Ecclesia romana aut ipsamet princeps instituit, aut instituta probavit legibusque auxit, nemo est nescius quanta in omnem Europam et doctrinae copia et vis humanitatis effluxerit.
8. No one can be ignorant how powerfully similar institutions of learning, whether originally founded by the Roman Church herself from time to time or approved and promoted by her legislation, have contributed to the spread of knowledge and civilization in every part of
Humanitatem odi.
I hate people.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Hoc quidem facit Ecclesia non consiliis ducta, quae praeterea sequitur, vel ob absconditas commoditates — quippe quae non habeat ullas — sed « ob sollicitudinem, qua humanitatis causa afficitur » (129), dum suorum institutorum compagem necnon moralem auctoritatem, omnino singulares, concordiae ac pacis ministerio destinat.
It does this not for ulterior motives or hidden interests. since it has none-but "out of a humanitarian concern,"(129) placing its institutional structure and moral authority, which are altogether unique, at the service of concord and
Ex obscuris coloribus humanitatis materialismo infectae et potissimum ex iis « signis mortis », quae multiplicantur in re sociologica-historica, in qua illa viget, nonne nova invocatio, plus minus conscia, ascendit ad Spiritum vivificantem?
Does there not rise up a new and more or less conscious plea to the life-giving Spirit from the dark shades of materialistic civilization, and especially from those increasing signs of death in the sociological and historical picture in which that civilization has been constructed?
35) Ille, Filius Dei viventis, loquitur ad homines etiam sicut homo: nam loquitur ipsa eius vita, eius humanitas, eius fidelitas erga veritatem, amor eius, qui omnes complectitur.
He, the Son of the living God, speaks to people also as Man: it is his life that speaks, his humanity, his fidelity to the truth, his all-embracing
Multum pendet ex eo quod is paratus est ad recte partecipanda prima haec momenta doni humanitatis adque se implicandum uxoris maternitati veluti maritum et patrem.
Much will depend on his willingness to take his own part in this first stage of the gift of humanity, and to become willingly involved as a husband and father in the motherhood of his
Quandoquidem Dei Creatoris propositum recludit et exponit, idcirco potissimum orelo moralis non potest homini esse aliquid, quod eum offendat eiusque abiciat personam; ex contrario, cum or do moralis respondet postulatis intimis hominis a Deo creati, tum plenae humanitati illius inservit suavi et vinciente amore, quo ipse Deus movet, sustinet, ducit ad felicitatem eius omnem creaturam.
Since the moral order reveals and sets forth the plan of God the Creator, for this very reason it cannot be something that harms man, something impersonal. On the contrary, by responding to the deepest demands of the human being created by God, it places itself at the service of that person's full humanity with the delicate and binding love whereby God Himself inspires, sustains and guides every creature towards its
Si eruditio, si decus humanitatis quaeritur, honestum sane ac nobile iudicandum Provinciarum Canadensium propositum, augere ac provehere pro viribus expetentium disciplinam institutionis publicam, quo politius quotidie ac perfectius quiddam contingat.
From the standpoint of intellectual culture and progress, the design conceived by the Canadian provinces for the development of public instruction, for the raising of the standard of education, and making it daily more and more refined and perfect, must assuredly be allowed to be honourable and
Sed tamen res est una reliqua, unde Indiarum salus magnopere pendet, ad quam rem vos, Venerabiles Fratres, et quotquot humanitatem diligunt nomenque christianum, volumus maiorem in modum attendere.
4. The preservation of the Christian faith among the Hindus will be precarious and its propagation uncertain as long as there is not a native clergy properly trained for priestly duties, not only to be of assistance to foreign priests, but also to be in rightful charge of the administration of the Christian Church in their
Expleto autem ab iisdem beatissimis catholicae religionis initiis duodecimo saeculo, cernimus iure apparari apud vos, quantum fert temporis conditio, saecularia solemnia, quae novum illud christianae humanitatis aevum, Bonifacii legatione ac praedicatione inchoatum eiusdemque alumnorum ac successorum ope propagatum, unde Germaniae salus ac prosperitas omnis exordium duxit, grata memoria revocent ac dignis laudibus celebrent.
3. Now twelve centuries later, we think you should plan as many celebrations as possible to commemorate this new era of Christian civilization. This era was begun by the mission and the preaching of Boniface, and then carried forth by his disciples and successors. From these came the salvation and the prosperity of
Homo inter homines et cum hominibus vivens, Christus Iesus extremam, certissimam perfectissimamque humanitatis formam exhibuit: Eundem namque Canae nuptias celebrantem reperimus, amicorum domum invisentem, animi commotione affectum in turbam quae eum sequebatur, filios parentibus reddentem aegrotos mortuosve, Lazari discessum dolentem...
Living as a man among and with men, Jesus Christ offers the most complete, genuine and perfect expression of what it means to be human. We see him celebrating at the wedding feast of Cana, a friend's family, moved by the hungry crowd who follow him, giving sick or even dead children back to their parents, weeping for the death of Lazarus, and so
Hic rem tangimus maximae humanitatis in ratione eius “ethos”, quod initio Creator inscripsit in actu ipso creationis amborum ad imaginem et similitudinem suam.
Here we touch upon an extremely sensitive point in the dimension of that "ethos" which was originally inscribed by the Creator in the very creation of both of them in his own image and
Convenientia inter Creatorem, humanitatem omnemque creationem est deleta, cum Dei locum nos sumere voluissemus, haud agnoscentes nos finitas esse creaturas.
The harmony between the Creator, humanity and creation as a whole was disrupted by our presuming to take the place of God and refusing to acknowledge our creaturely
Luctuosissimi eventus, quibus Europae populi ad orientem vergentes percelluntur, ac praesertim dilectissima Nobis Hungariae gens, quae teterrima in praesens cruentatur caede, vehementer commovent paternum animum Nostrum, non Nostrum autem tantum, sed profecto eorum etiam omnium, quibus civilis cultus iura, humanitatis dignitas, debitaque singulis ac Nationibus libertas cordi sunt.
Our paternal heart is deeply moved by the sorrowful events which have befallen the people of eastern Europe and especially of Our beloved Hungary, which is now being soaked in blood by a shocking massacre. And not only is Our heart moved, but so too are the hearts of all men who cherish the rights of civil society, the dignity of man, and the liberty which is due to individuals and to
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