infandum oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

vocative neuter singular of īnfandus
accusative neuter singular of īnfandus
accusative masculine singular of īnfandus
nominative neuter singular of īnfandus

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abominable · monstrous · shocking · unheard of · unnatural · unspeakable · unutterable


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"Nos, tua progenies, cœli quibus annuis arcem, / navibus (infandum!) amissis, unius ob iram / prodimur atque Italis longe disjungimur oris. / Hic pietatis honos? Sic nos in sceptra reponis?"
"But we, thy progeny, to whom alone / thy nod hath promised a celestial throne, / our vessels lost, from Italy are barred, / o shame! and ruined for the wrath of one. / Thus, thus dost thou thy plighted word regard, / our sceptred realms restore, our piety reward?"Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Horum iurium declaratio perinde ac Consilii Nationum Unitarum institutio sine dubio non tantum eo pertinebant, ut infanda facinora postremo bello universali patrata amoverentur, sed etiam ut quasi fundamentum iaceretur idoneum ad agendi consilia, systemata, Civitatum regendarum formas continenter recognoscenda; quod quidem hac una et fundamentali ratione faciendum esset, quae bonum hominis — seu personae in communitate — dicitur et quae, quasi elementum primarium boni communis, esse debet praecipuum criterium omnium agendi consiliorum, systematum, regiminum.
The Declaration of Human Rights linked with the setting up of the United Nations Organization certainly had as its aim not only to depart from the horrible experiences of the last world war but also to create the basis for continual revision of programmes, systems and regimes precisely from this single fundamental point of view, namely the welfare of man-or, let us say, of the person in the community-which must, as a fundamental factor in the common good, constitute the essential criterion for all programmes, systems and
"Jamque dies infanda aderat: mihi sacra parari, / et salsæ fruges, et circum tempora vittæ."
"The fatal day was come; the priests prepare / the salted meal, the fillets for may hair."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quosne (nefas) omnis infanda in morte reliqui et nunc palantis video gemitumque cadentum accipio!
quosque (nefas) omnis infanda in morte reliqui et nunc palantis uideo, gemitumque cadentum accipio?Literature Literature
Quid memorem infandas caedes, quid facta tyranni effera?
quid memorem infandas caedes, quid facta tyranniLiterature Literature
quosne (nefas) omnis infanda in morte reliqui et nunc palantis uideo, gemitumque cadentum accipio?
quosque (nefas) omnis infanda in morte reliqui et nunc palantis uideo, gemitumque cadentum accipio?Literature Literature
Cohorruit tota nuper Europa ad potentissimi Imperatoris infandam necem: attonitisque adhuc prae sceleris magnitudine animis, non verentur perditi homines in cetero Europae principes minas terroresque vulgo iactare.
1)' Whilst the minds of men are still filled with astonishment at the magnitude of the crime, abandoned men do not fear publicly to utter threats and intimidations against other European
Iamque dies infanda aderat; mihi sacra parari,
iamque dies infanda aderat; mihi sacra parari et salsae fruges et circum tempora vittae.Literature Literature
"Nos, tua progenies, coeli quibus annuis arcem, / navibus (infandum!) amissis, unius ob iram / prodimur atque Italis longe disjungimur oris. / Hic pietatis honos? Sic nos in sceptra reponis?"
"But we, thy progeny, to whom alone / thy nod hath promised a celestial throne, / our vessels lost, from Italy are barred, / o shame! and ruined for the wrath of one. / Thus, thus dost thou thy plighted word regard, / our sceptred realms restore, our piety reward?"tatoeba tatoeba
"Fando aliquod si forte tuas pervenit ad aures / Belidae nomen Palamedis et inclyta fama / gloria, quem falsa sub proditione Pelasgi / insontem infando indicio, quia bella vetabat, / demisere neci, nunc cassum lumine lugent."
'If the name / of Palamedes thou hast chanced to hear, / old Belus' progeny, if ever came / to thee or thine in talk the rumour of his fame, / whom, pure of guilt, on charges false and feigned, / wroth that his sentence should the war prevent, / by perjured witnesses the Greeks arraigned, / and doomed to die, but now his death lament.'tatoeba tatoeba
"Jamque dies infanda aderat: mihi sacra parari, / et salsae fruges, et circum tempora vittae."
"The fatal day was come; the priests prepare / the salted meal, the fillets for may hair."tatoeba tatoeba
"Infandum, regina, jubes renovare dolorem, / Trojanas ut opes et lamentabile regnum / eruerint Danai / quaeque ipse miserrima vidi, / et quorum pars magna fui."
"O queen, a tale too true, / too sad for words, thou biddest me repeat; / how Ilion perished, and the Danaan crew / her power and all her wailful realm o'erthrew: / the woes I saw, thrice piteous to behold, / and largely shared."tatoeba tatoeba
Postquam introgressi et coram data copia fandi, / maximus Ilioneus placido sic pectore coepit: / "O regina, novam cui condere Jupiter urbem / justitiaque dedit gentes frenare superbas, / Troes te miseri, ventis maria omnia vecti, / oramus: prohibe infandos a navibus ignes, / parce pio generi et propius res adspice nostras!"
Then, audience granted, as the fane they filled, / thus calmly spake the eldest of the train, / Ilioneus: "O queen, whom Jove hath willed / to found this new-born city, here to reign, / and stubborn tribes with justice to refrain, / we, Troy's poor fugitives, implore thy grace, / storm-tost and wandering over every main: / forbid the flames our vessels to deface, / mark our afflicted plight, and spare a pious race."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Infandum, regina, jubes renovare dolorem, / Trojanas ut opes et lamentabile regnum / eruerint Danai / quæque ipse miserrima vidi, / et quorum pars magna fui."
"O queen, a tale too true, / too sad for words, thou biddest me repeat; / how Ilion perished, and the Danaan crew / her power and all her wailful realm o'erthrew: / the woes I saw, thrice piteous to behold, / and largely shared."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Praesertim matris dissensio infandam attulit ei aegrimoniam.
It was especially her mother's disapproval which caused her profound
"O sola infandos Trojae miserata labores, / quae nos, reliquias Danaum, terraeque marisque / omnibus exhaustos jam casibus, omnium egenos, / urbem domo, socias, grates persolvere dignas / non opis est nostrae, Dido, nec quidquid ubique est / gentis Dardaniae, magnum quae sparsa per orbem".
"Thou, who alone Troy's sorrows deign'st to hear, / and us, the gleanings of the Danaan spear, / poor world-wide wanderers and in desperate case, / has ta'en to share thy city and thy cheer, / meet thanks nor we, nor what of Dardan race / yet roams the earth, can give to recompense thy grace."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Fando aliquod si forte tuas pervenit ad aures / Belidæ nomen Palamedis et inclyta fama / gloria, quem falsa sub proditione Pelasgi / insontem infando indicio, quia bella vetabat, / demisere neci, nunc cassum lumine lugent."
'If the name / of Palamedes thou hast chanced to hear, / old Belus' progeny, if ever came / to thee or thine in talk the rumour of his fame, / whom, pure of guilt, on charges false and feigned, / wroth that his sentence should the war prevent, / by perjured witnesses the Greeks arraigned, / and doomed to die, but now his death lament.'Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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