ingenti oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

ablative neuter singular of ingēns
ablative feminine singular of ingēns
ablative masculine singular of ingēns
dative neuter singular of ingēns
dative feminine singular of ingēns
dative masculine singular of ingēns

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A die igitur XII usque ad diem XVII proximi mensis Augusti Nostras vices ages in memorato coetu in urbe Quitensi congregato, confirmans missionale hoc munus Ecclesiae, quae “a Christo missa ad caritatem Dei omnibus hominibus et gentibus manifestandam et communicandam, opus missionale adhuc ingens sibi faciendum intelligit” (Ad gentes 10).
From 12 to 17 of this coming month of August you will be my representative at this Congress to be held in the City of Quito in order to promote the missionary task of the Church which, "sent by Christ to reveal and communicate the love of God to all men and to all peoples, is aware that for her a tremendous missionary work still remains to be done" (Ad Gentes, n. 10)
Iactant, quin immo, atque efferunt falsam eiusmodi formam, quasi ex ea orta fuerit in oeconomicis rebus progressio: qua quidem sicubi revera frui licet, id procul dubio aliis de causis evenit; ut ex impensiore efficiendarum rerum industria in eas regiones inducta, quae eiusdem expertes fuerint; ut ex ingentibus, quas natura gignit, opibus, nullo ad humanitatem respectu habito, quaestuosissime excultis; ut ex eo denique, quod operarii parva mercede ad gravissimos exantlandos labores dure crudeliterque adigantur.
This pseudo-ideal is even boastfully advanced as if it were responsible for a certain economic progress. As a matter of fact, when such progress is at all real, its true causes are quite different, as for instance the intensification of industrialism in countries which were formerly almost without it, the exploitation of immense natural resources, and the use of the most brutal methods to insure the achievement of gigantic projects with a minimum of
Hoc certe vobis persuasum est, Venerabiles Fratres, quotiescumque cuilibet sacerdoti suscepti muneris gaudium ac studium iterum inicitis vel animi tranquillitatem salutisque spem restituitis, vos pernecessario atque nobilissimo munere fungi, quod summopere prodest ingenti animarum numero.
Venerable brothers, all of you are certainly convinced that to restore to the soul of a priest joy in and enthusiasm for his vocation, interior peace and salvation, is an urgent and glorious ministry which has an incalculable influence on a multitude of
Rhenus autem oritur ex Lepontiis, qui Alpes incolunt, et longo spatio per fines Nantuatium, Helvetiorum, Sequanorum, Mediomatricorum, Tribocorum, Treverorum citatus fertur et, ubi Oceano adpropinquavit, in plures diffluit partes multis ingentibus insulis effectis, quarum pars magna a feris barbaris nationibus incolitur, ex quibus sunt qui piscibus atque ovis avium vivere existimantur, multis capitibus in Oceanum influit.]
But the Rhine takes its source among the Lepontii, who inhabit the Alps, and is carried with a rapid current for a long distance through the territories of the Sarunates, Helvetii, Sequani, Mediomatrici, Tribuci, and Treviri, and when it approaches the ocean, divides into several branches; and, having formed many and extensive islands, a great part of which are inhabited by savage and barbarous nations (of whom there are some who are supposed to live on fish and the eggs of sea-fowl), flows into the ocean by several mouths.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hic, vocatus a domino ut ingentem pecuniam redderet, genu flexus eum supplicavit et dominus ei debitum dimisit.
He then goes on to tell the parable of the “ruthless servant,” who, called by his master to return a huge amount, begs him on his knees for
Hæc Phœbus; mixtoque ingens exorta tumultu / lætitia, et cuncti, quæ sint ea mœnia, quærunt, / quo Phœbus vocet errantes jubeatque reverti.
Straight rose a joyous uproar; each in turn / ask what the walls that Phoebus hath designed? / Which way to wander, whither to return?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
quanto pecunia dites et voluptatibus opulentos tanto magis imbellis Aeduos evincite et fugientibus consulite.' ingens ad ea clamor et circumfudit eques frontemque pedites invasere, nec cunctatum apud latera.
"Prove to these Aedui once for all that the more they abound in wealth and luxury, the more unwarlike are they, but spare them when they flee."" Then there was a deafening cheer; the cavalry threw itself on the flanks, and the infantry charged the van."latin-ancient latin-ancient
nam Augustus inter alia dominationis arcana, vetitis nisi permissu ingredi senatoribus aut equitibus Romanis inlustribus, seposuit Aegyptum ne fame urgeret Italiam quisquis eam provinciam claustraque terrae ac maris quamvis levi praesidio adversum ingentis exercitus insedisset.
That prince, among other secrets of imperial policy, had forbidden senators and Roman knights of the higher rank to enter Egypt except by permission, and he had specially reserved the country, from a fear that any one who held a province containing the key of the land and of the sea, with ever so small a force against the mightiest army, might distress Italy by famine.latin-ancient latin-ancient
M. Licinio L. Calpurnio consulibus ingentium bellorum cladem aequavit malum improvisum: eius initium simul et finis extitit.
In the year of the consulship of Marcus Licinius and Lucius Calpurnius, the losses of a great war were matched by an unexpected disaster, no sooner begun than ended.latin-ancient latin-ancient
inducta legione Hispana, remanente ea quam e classe Nero conscripserat, plena urbs exercitu insolito; multi ad hoc numeri e Germania ac Britannia et Illyrico, quos idem Nero electos praemissosque ad claustra Caspiarum et bellum, quod in Albanos parabat, opprimendis Vindicis coeptis revocaverat: ingens novis rebus materia, ut non in unum aliquem prono favore ita audenti parata.
There were also many detachments from Germany, Britain, and Illyria, selected by Nero, and sent on by him to the Caspian passes, for service in the expedition which he was preparing against the Albani, but afterwards recalled to crush the insurrection of Vindex. Here there were vast materials for a revolution, without indeed a decided bias towards any one man, but ready to a daring hand.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ingentes novitates, quas conspectus progressionis populorum hodie proponit, pluribus in adiunctis iniungunt exigentias novarum solutionum.
The significant new elements in the picture of the development of peoples today in many cases demand new
At probe novimus impares esse hominum opes ingentibus hisce medendis calamitatibus; novimus consilia humanae mentis, cum eam praesertim odium fuscaverit atque simultas, non facile posse ad iustam et aequam rerum compositionem ad fraternamque revocari concordiam.
We know well that the resources of men are unable to heal these great injuries. We know that the human mind, especially when hate and rivalry have blinded it, cannot easily determine a just and equitable solution of affairs along with a fraternal
Hic, lavae basalticae ex rimis in crusta Telluris leniter effluunt ad aedificandos ingentes montes igniferos tholiformes, quorum culmina erosa arcus, catenas, greges insularum constituunt.
It is here that basaltic lavas gently flow out of rifts to build huge dome-shaped volcanic mountains whose eroded summits form island arcs, chains, and clusters.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Per multa enim et varia et formidolosa quae inciderunt tempora, semper ad eam confugimus, semper ad eam intentis oculis cupidisque suspeximus; omnique spe et metu, laetitiis et acerbitatibus, in sinu eius depositis, haec fuit assidua cura, orandi ab ea, Nobis vellet benigna in modum matris per omne tempus adesse et illud impetrare eximium, posse Nos ei vicissim deditissimam filii voluntatem probare. — Ubi deinde arcano providentis Dei consilio est factum, ut ad hanc Beati Petri Cathedram, ad ipsam videlicet Christi personam in eius Ecclesia gerendam, assumeremur, tum vero ingenti muneris gravitate commoti, nec ulla sustentati fiducia virtutis Nostrae, subsidia divinae opis, in materna Virginis beatissimae fide, impensiore studio flagitare contendimus.
3. When, then, it came to pass in the secret design of God's providence that We were chosen to fill this Chair of St. Peter and to take the place of the Person of Christ Himself in the Church, worried by the enormous burden of the office and finding no ground for reliance upon Our own strength, We hastened with fervent zeal to implore the divine aid through the maternal intercession of the ever blessed
Cerberus haec ingens latratu regna trifauci personat, adverso recubans immanis in antro.
Cerberus haec ingens latratu regno, trifaucl personat adverso recubans immdnis in antro.Literature Literature
Conspicit ingentem concursum, et litora lustrat, desertosque videt portus classemque relictam.
Conspicit ingentem concursum et lltora Itistrat desertosgue videt portus classemque relictam.Literature Literature
tum Helvidius Priscus praetor, praeeunte Plautio Aeliano pontifice, lustrata suovetaurilibus area et super caespitem redditis extis, Iovem, Iunonem, Minervam praesidesque imperii deos precatus uti coepta prosperarent sedisque suas pietate hominum inchoatas divina ope attollerent, vittas, quis ligatus lapis innexique funes erant, contigit; simul ceteri magistratus et sacerdotes et senatus et eques et magna pars populi, studio laetitiaque conixi, saxum ingens traxere.
He then touched the wreaths, which were wound round the foundation stone and entwined with the ropes, while at the same moment all the other magistrates of the State, the Priests, the Senators, the Knights, and a number of the citizens, with zeal and joy uniting their efforts, dragged the huge stone along. Contributions of gold and silver and virgin ores, never smelted in the furnace, but still in their natural state, were showered on the foundations.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Si quae prelo excudentur de gravissima hac causa silebunt deque ingentibus Missionalium necessitatibus, tum procul dubio de iisdem non modo christianus populus sed clerus etiam fere nihil pensi habebunt.
If published articles which make mention of this serious matter and of the needs of the missionaries are not circulated, there is no doubt that not only the Christian people but also the clergy have nothing to
Aeneas instat contra telumque coruscat ingens arboreum et saevo sic pectore fatur: `Quae nunc deinde mora est?
Aeneas instat contra telumque coruscat ingens arboreum, et saeuo sic pectore fatur: ‘quae nunc deinde mora est?Literature Literature
Etenim, positis dudum per Europam armis, tamen scitis ex Oriente proximo novorum. pericula bellorum ingruere; ibidemque per immensos terrarum tractus, ut diximus, omnia, plena horrorum esse et miseriarum, cum ingens calamitosorum quotidie multitudo, senum praesertim mulierumque et puerorum, fame, pestilentia, vastationibus intereat: quacumque autem nuper belligeratum est, veteres nondum quievisse simultates easque exerceri vel dissimiilanter in politicis, vel tecte in rei nummariae varietatibus, vel patenter in quotidianis periodicisque scriptionibus; vel in ipsos invadere fines earum rerum, quae suapte natura nihil habent acerbae contentionis, ut sunt artium studia et litterarum.
In what has been so justly called the immense theater of the World War, the old rivalries between nations have not ceased to exert their influence, rivalries at times hidden under the manipulations of politics or concealed beneath the fluctuations of finance, but openly appearing in the press, in reviews and magazines of every type, and even penetrating into institutions devoted to the cultivation of the arts and sciences, spots where otherwise the atmosphere of quiet and peace would reign
At domus interior gemitu miseroque tumultu / miscetur, penitusque cavae plangoribus aedes / femineis ululant, ferit aurea sidera clamor. / Tum pavidae tectis matres ingentibus errant, / amplexaeque tenent postes atque oscula figunt.
Moaning and tumult in the house we hear, / wailings of misery, and shouts that smite / the golden stars, and women's shrieks of fear, / and trembing matrons, hurrying left and right, / cling to and kiss the doors, made frantic by affright.tatoeba tatoeba
igitur primum correpti qui fatebantur, deinde indicio eorum multitudo ingens haud proinde in crimine incendii quam odio humani generis convicti sunt.
Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths.latin-ancient latin-ancient
sed femina ingens animi munia ducis per eos dies induit, militibusque, ut quis inops aut saucius, vestem et fomenta dilargita est.
A woman of heroic spirit, she assumed during those days the duties of a general, and distributed clothes or medicine among the soldiers, as they were destitute or wounded.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Titus aucto animo ad patrem pervectus suspensis provinciarum et exercituum mentibus ingens rerum fiducia accessit.
His spirits raised, Titus rejoined his father, and was received as a mighty pledge of success by the wavering minds of the provincials and the troops.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ingentes serpentes hac in insula sunt.
There are giant snakes on this island.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
207 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.