jubeant oor Engels



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third-person plural present active subjunctive of jubeō

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command · decree · law · order · ordinance · physician's prescription
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"At Capys, et quorum melior sententia menti, / aut pelago Danaum insidias suspectaque dona / praecipitare jubent subjectisque urere flammis, / aut terebrare cavas uteri et temptare latebras."
"But Capys and the rest, of sounder mind, / urge us to tumble in the rolling tide / the doubtful gift, for treachery designed, / or burn with fire, or pierce the hollow side, / and probe the caverns where the Danaans hide."tatoeba tatoeba
socii reges, prout bello conduceret, parere iussi; sed studia eorum in Corbulonem promptiora erant.
The confederate kings were instructed to obey orders, just as the war might require.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Rursus ad oraclum Ortygiae Phoebumque remenso / hortatur pater ire mari, veniamque precari, / quam fessis finem rebus ferat, unde laborum / tentare auxilium jubeat, quo vertere cursus.
Once more Anchises bids us cross the main / and seek Ortygia, and the god constrain / by prayer to pardon and advise, what end / of evils to expect? what woes remain? / What fate hereafter shall our steps attend? / What rest for toil-worn men, and whitherward to wend?tatoeba tatoeba
Sed non ope humana, non largitionibus principis aut deum placamentis decedebat infamia, quin iussum incendium crederetur.
But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Aeolus haec contra: "Tuus, o regina, quid optes, / explorare labor, mihi jussa capessere fas est. / Tu mihi, quodcumque hoc regni, tu sceptra Jovemque / concilias, tu das epulis accumbere divum, / nimborumque facis tempestatumque potentem."
Aeolus spoke thus in reply: "It is yours, O queen, to express what you wish; my task is to obey your commands. You grant me control over this kingdom, such as it is, the scepters and Jupiter; you allow me to recline at the feasts of the gods, and to hold the power of the clouds and the storms."tatoeba tatoeba
Audio vocem jubentis Dei mei: Luc. 21, 34.Non graventur corda vestra in crapula et ebrietate.
XLV [ Latin | English | Vocabulary ] Audio vocem iubentis Dei mei: Non graventur corda vestra in crapula et ebrietate.Literature Literature
"Hanc tamen immensam Calchas attollere molem / roboribus textis cœloque educere jussit, / ne recipi portis aut duci in mœnia possit, / neu populum antiqua sub religione tueri."
"Tall and great, / with huge oak-timbers mounting to the skies, / they build the monster, lest it pass the gate, / and like Palladium stand, the bulwark of the State."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
At sociis subita gelidus formidine sanguis / deriguit; cecidere animi, nec jam amplius armis, / sed votis precibusque jubent exposcere pacem, / sive deæ, seu sint diræ obscenæque volucres.
Cold horror froze each vein. / Aghast and shuddering my comrades stood; / down sank at once each heart, and terror chilled the blood. / No more with arms, for peace with vows and prayer / we sue, and pardon of these powers implore, / or be they goddesses or birds of air / obscene and dire.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Hanc tamen immensam Calchas attollere molem / roboribus textis coeloque educere jussit, / ne recipi portis aut duci in moenia possit, / neu populum antiqua sub religione tueri."
"Tall and great, / with huge oak-timbers mounting to the skies, / they build the monster, lest it pass the gate, / and like Palladium stand, the bulwark of the State."tatoeba tatoeba
"Atque utinam rex ipse Noto compulsus eodem / afforet Aeneas! Equidem per litora certos / dimittam et Libyae lustrare extrema jubebo, / si quibus ejectus silvis aut urbibus errat".
"Would that your king AEneas here could stand, / driven by the gale that drove you to this strand! / Natheless, to scour the country, will I send / some trusty messengers, with strict command / to search through Libya to the furthest end, / lest, cast ashore, through town or lonely wood he wend."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Haud secus ac jussi faciunt, tectosque per herbam / disponunt enses et scuta latentia condunt.
They obey, / and swords and bucklers hide amid the grass away.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Munera præterea Iliacis erepta ruinis / ferre jubet, pallam signis auroque rigentem, / et circumtextum croceo velamen acantho, / ornatus Argivæ Helenæ, quos illa Mycenis, / Pergama cum peteret inconcessosque Hymenæos, / extulerat, matris Ledæ mirabile donum.
Rich presents, too, he sends for, saved of old / from Troy, a veil, whose saffron edges shone / fringed with acanthus, glorious to behold, / a broidered mantle, stiff with figures wrought in gold. / Fair Helen's ornaments, from Argos brought, / the gift of Leda, when the Trojan shore / and lawless nuptials o'er the waves she sought.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ne tum quidem Romana classis pugnae adfuit, et iussum erat, sed obstitit formido et remiges per alia militiae munia dispersi.
Verax escaped in the same way. Some light vessels were brought up, and carried off Tutor and Classicus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Frumenti copiam legionarii nonnullam habebant, quod dierum XXII ab Ilerda frumentum iussi erant efferre, cetrati auxiliaresque nullam, quorum erant et facultates ad parandum exiguae et corpora insueta ad onera portanda. Itaque magnus eorum cotidie numerus ad Caesarem perfugiebat.
The legionary soldiers had a tolerable supply of corn, because they had beef ordered to bring from Ilerda sufficient to last twenty-two days; the Spanish and auxiliary forces had none, for they had but few opportunities of procuring any, and their bodies were not accustomed to bear burdens; and therefore a great number of them came over to Caesar every day.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Inducit in tabernam, jubet ut eligam ex omnibus raedis quemcunque vellem.
He leads me into the shop, and urges me to choose from all the cars whichever I would like.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Canem considere iussi.
I ordered the dog to sit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Vigiles flagitium suum ducis dedecore excusabant, tamquam iussi silere ne quietem eius turbarent; ita intermisso signo et vocibus se quoque in somnum lapsos.
The sentinels sought to excuse their own scandalous neglect by the disgraceful conduct of the general, alleging that they had been ordered to be silent, that they might not disturb his rest, and that, from omitting the watchwords and the usual challenges, they had themselves fallen asleep.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Plurimi auctores consentiunt orta per Aegyptum tabe quae corpora foedaret, regem Bocchorim adito Hammonis oraculo remedium petentem purgare regnum et id genus hominum ut invisum deis alias in terras avehere iussum.
Most writers, however, agree in stating that once a disease, which horribly disfigured the body, broke out over Egypt; that king Bocchoris, seeking a remedy, consulted the oracle of Hammon, and was bidden to cleanse his realm, and to convey into some foreign land this race detested by the gods.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Mutandae sedes: non haec tibi litora suasit / Delius, aut Cretae jussit considere, Apollo."
"Not here thy destined seat, / so saith the Delian god, not thine the shores of Crete."tatoeba tatoeba
Princeps ante omnes densum Palinurus agebat agmen; ad hunc alii cursum contendere iussi.
Princeps ante omnis densum Palinurus agebat agmen; ad hunc alii cursum contendere jussi.Literature Literature
Quondam ponuerat Zeum dormiverat propter iussum Herae, ita concedet ei facere Herculi (qui rediebat mari Troia) magnum infortunium.
He had once before put Zeus to sleep at the bidding of Hera, allowing her to cause Heracles (who was returning by sea from Laomedon's Troy) great misfortune.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Adspice, namque omnem, quæ nunc obducta tuenti / mortales hebebat visus tibi et humida circum / caligat, nubem eripiam: tu ne qua parentis / jussa time, neu præceptis parere recusa!"
"Look now, for I will clear the mists that shroud / thy mortal gaze, and from the visual ray / purge the gross covering of this circling cloud. / Thou heed, and fear not, whatsoe'er I say, / nor scorn thy mother's counsels to obey."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Jussisti enim, et sic est, ut pœna sua sibi sit omnis inordinatus animus.
Iussisti enim, et sic est, ut poena sua sibi sit omnis inordinatus animus.Literature Literature
Item a die, quem supra statuimus, iussum vigere volumus homiliae diebus dominicis et festis de praecepto in Missis habendae, ad normam art. 52.
From the date established above, we desire that the norms of Article 52 should enter into force, prescribing the homily during holy Mass on Sundays and holydays.vatican.va vatican.va
Ceterum, quod tantum negantia mandata semper omnibusque in rerum adiunctis adstringunt, id non sibi vult in vita morali prohibitiones maius habere pondus quam iussum patrandi bonum a positivis mandatis significatum.
On the other hand, the fact that only the negative commandments oblige always and under all circumstances does not mean that in the moral life prohibitions are more important than the obligation to do good indicated by the positive commandments.vatican.va vatican.va
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