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neque multo post extinguitur, ingenti luctu provinciae et circumiacentium populorum.
Soon afterwards he expired, to the intense sorrow of the province and of the neighbouring peoples.


illic paucos dies componendo animo insumit, violenta luctu et nescia tolerandi.
There she spent a few days to compose her mind, for she was wild with grief and knew not how to endure.


Post mortem Thomae, Maria in magno luctu erat.
After Tom's death, Mary was in deep mourning.
Charlton T. Lewis

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Hac de causa, in «universali» oratione, non modo unius christianae communitatis colliguntur necessitates, verum cunctae humanitatis; Ecclesia, ad Eucharistiam celebrandam coadunata, hoc modo testatur mundo quod in eam recidunt «gaudium et spes, luctus et angor hominum huius temporis, pauperum praesertim et quorumvis afflictorum».(
This is why the Prayer of the Faithful responds not only to the needs of the particular Christian community but also to those of all humanity; and the Church, coming together for the Eucharistic celebration, shows to the world that she makes her own "the joys and hopes, the sorrows and anxieties of people today, especially of the poor and all those who suffer".(
Eius spes innititur Dei promissioni quam continet Verbum revelatum: progreditur hominum historia ad « caelum novum et terram novam »,(113) cum Dominus « absterget omnem lacrimam ab oculis eorum, et mors ultra non erit, neque luctus neque clamor neque dolor erit ultra, quia prima abierunt ».( 114)
Theirs is a hope founded on God's promise contained in the revealed word: the history of humanity is moving towards "a new heaven and a new earth" (Rev 21:1), where the Lord "will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away" (Rev 21:4)
sibi promissa legum diu exspectata in ludibrium verti, quando quis sine sollicitudine parens, sine luctu orbus longa patrum vota repente adaequaret.
"It was, they argued, ""sufficient reward for the childless to have influence and distinction, everything, in short, easy and open to them, without a care and without a burden."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sunt quidem opportunitates formaeque congressionis quibus, diversis in Civitatibus et civilibus cultus humani formis, patefiunt laetitia pro vita oriente, cuiuslibet humanae exsistentiae reverentia atque tutela, cura pro dolentibus vel ex inopia laborantibus, assiduitas aetate provectis vel morientibus praebita, communicatio doloris cum luctu confectis, immortalitatis spes desideriumque.
There are special times and ways in which the peoples of different nations and cultures express joy for a newborn life, respect for and protection of individual human lives, care for the suffering or needy, closeness to the elderly and the dying, participation in the sorrow of those who mourn, and hope and desire for
Numquid in dolore amissæ rei et luctu quo tunc operiebar?
Numquid in dolore amissae rei et luctu quo tunc operiebar?Literature Literature
Evolutis autem multis diebus, mortua est filia Sue uxor Iudæ. Qui, post luctum consolatione suscepta, ascendebat ad tonsores ovium suarum ipse et Hiras amicus suus Odollamites in Thamnam.
And after many days were past: the daughter of Sue the wife of Juda died: and when he had taken comfort after his mourning, he went up to Thamnas, to the shearers of his sheep, he and Hiras the Odollamite, the shepherd of his flock.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Ergo omnis longo solvit se Teucria luctu; / panduntur portae: juvat ire et Dorica castra / desertosque videre locos litusque relictum."
"Troy once more / shakes off her ten years' sorrow. Open stand / the gates. With joy to the abandoned shore, / the places bare of foes, the Dorian lines we pour."tatoeba tatoeba
prospera principis respuit: etiamne luctibus et doloribus non satiatur? eiusdem animi est Poppaeam divam non credere, cuius in acta divi Augusti et divi Iuli non iurare.
Can it be that he is not satisfied with your sorrows and griefs? It shows the same spirit not to believe in Poppaea's divinity as to refuse to swear obedience to the acts of the Divine Augustus and the Divine Julius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hæc tibi, cara parens Acca, ad solatia luctus Dona feram, nati ut figas æterna sepulcro.»
haec tibi, cara parens Acca, ad solacia luctus dona feram, nati ut figas aeterna sepulcro.’Literature Literature
fuere qui uxorem L. Vitellii Triariam incesserent, tamquam gladio militari cincta inter luctum cladisque expugnatae Tarracinae superbe saeveque egisset.
Some persons accused Triaria, the wife of L. Vitellius, of having armed herself with a soldier's sword, and of having behaved with arrogance and cruelty amid the horrors and massacres of the storm of Tarracina.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nam Cerialis per occultos nuntios Batavis pacem, Civili veniam ostentans, Veledam propinquosque monebat fortunam belli, tot cladibus adversam, opportuno erga populum Romanum merito mutare: caesos Treviros, receptos Vbios, ereptam Batavis patriam; neque aliud Civilis amicitia partum quam vulnera fugas luctus.
Cerialis, sending secret emissaries, had held out the prospect of peace to the Batavi, and of pardon to Civilis, while he advised Veleda and her relatives to change by a well-timed service to the Roman people the fortune of war, which so many disasters had shewn to be adverse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sciat se venisse, ubi Luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae Pallentesque habitant morbi tristisque senectus.
; Sciat se venisse, ubi Luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae Pallentesque habitant morbi tristisque senectiis.Literature Literature
Italia vero, a Byzantinis imperatoribus derelicta, facta fere Langobardorum praeda fuerat, qui, suis nondum compositis rebus, huc illuc excurrebant, omnia ferro flammaque vastantes, luctu omnia caedibusque complentes.
Italy, abandoned by the Emperors of Byzantium, had been left a prey of the still unsettled Lombards who roamed up and down the whole country laying waste everywhere with fire and sword and bringing desolation and death in their
Haut perinde Germanos vulnera, luctus, excidia quam ea species dolore et ira adfecit.
That sight caused keener grief and rage among the Germans than their wounds, their mourning, and their losses.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Id eodem similiter tempore signum constituit, quod « caelum novum et terram novam » (88) praemonstrat, cum Deus « absterget omnem lacrimam ab oculis eorum, et mors ultra non erit, neque luctus neque clamor neque dolor erit ultra, quia prima abierunt » (89).
At the same time it constitutes the sign that foretells "a new heaven and a new earth,"88 when God "will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there will be no more death, or mourning no crying, nor pain, for the former things have passed away."
'nam si legatus officii terminos, obsequium erga imperatorem exuit eiusdemque morte et luctu meo laetatus est, odero seponamque a domo mea et privatas inimicitias non vi principis ulciscar: sin facinus in cuiuscumque mortalium nece vindicandum detegitur, vos vero et liberos Germanici et nos parentes iustis solaciis adficite.
Certainly if a subordinate oversteps the bounds of duty and of obedience to his commander, and has exulted in his death and in my affliction, I shall hate him and exclude him from my house, and I shall avenge a personal quarrel without resorting to my power as emperor. If however a crime is discovered which ought to be punished, whoever the murdered man may be, it is for you to give just reparation both to the children of Germanicus and to us, his parents.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Diverso interea miscentur moenia luctu, / et magis atque magis, quamquam secreta parentis / Anchisae domus arboribusque obtecta recessit, / clarescunt sonitus, armorumque ingruit horror.
Meanwhile a mingled murmur through the street / rolls onward – wails of anguish, shrieks of fear –, / and though my father's mansion stood secrete, / embowered in foliage, nearer and more near / peals the dire clang of arms, and loud and clear, / borne on fierce echoes that in tumult blend, / war-shout and wail come thickening on the ear.tatoeba tatoeba
"Ergo omnis longo solvit se Teucria luctu; / panduntur portæ: juvat ire et Dorica castra / desertosque videre locos litusque relictum."
"Troy once more / shakes off her ten years' sorrow. Open stand / the gates. With joy to the abandoned shore, / the places bare of foes, the Dorian lines we pour."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
neque multo post extinguitur, ingenti luctu provinciae et circumiacentium populorum.
Soon afterwards he expired, to the intense sorrow of the province and of the neighbouring peoples.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Immo vero in calamitosorum genus propensior Dei ipsius videtur voluntas: beatos enim IESUS CHRISTUS nuncupat pauperes: invitat peramanter ad se, solatii caussa, quicumque in labore sint ac luctu: infirmos et iniuria vexatos complectitur caritate pracipua.
Nay, God Himself seems to incline rather to those who suffer misfortune; for Jesus Christ calls the poor "blessed";(20) He lovingly invites those in labor and grief to come to Him for solace;(21) and He displays the tenderest charity toward the lowly and the
Non differo in longius tempus, quo desiderium omne mulcetur, quo etiam acerrimi luctus residunt.
differo in longius tempus, quo desiderium omne mulcetur, quo etiam acerrimi luctus residunt.Literature Literature
convenisse recenti dolori luctum et ex maerore solacia; sed referendum iam animum ad firmitudinem, ut quondam divus Iulius amissa unica filia, ut divus Augustus ereptis nepotibus abstruserint tristitiam.
Tears and the solace found in mourning were suitable enough for the first burst of grief; but now they must brace their hearts to endurance, as in former days the Divine Julius after the loss of his only daughter, and the Divine Augustus when he was bereft of his grandchildren, had thrust away their sorrow.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Plena erant omnia timoris et luctus.
All were full of fear and grief.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nec soli poenas dant sanguine Teucri; / quondam etiam victis redit in praecordia virtus, / victoresque cadunt Danai. Crudelis ubique / luctus, ubique pavor et plurima mortis imago.
Nor hath vengeance found / none save the Trojans; there the victors groan, / and valour fires the vanquished. All around / wailings, and wild affright and shapes of death abound.tatoeba tatoeba
Nec soli pœnas dant sanguine Teucri; / quondam etiam victis redit in præcordia virtus, / victoresque cadunt Danai. Crudelis ubique / luctus, ubique pavor et plurima mortis imago.
Nor hath vengeance found / none save the Trojans; there the victors groan, / and valour fires the vanquished. All around / wailings, and wild affright and shapes of death abound.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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