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Homines sentiunt se veluti nautas esse in vitae mari ad maiorem usque unitatem et necessitudinem vocatos.
People sense that they are, as it were, traveling together across life's sea, and that they are called to ever greater unity and
Thomas nauta factus est.
Tom became a sailor.tatoeba tatoeba
Haec fuit magna expeditio, 214 nautis in La Boudeuse et 116 in Étoile navigantibus.
This was a large expedition, with a crew of 214 aboard Boudeuse and 116 aboard Étoile.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
^ Quod cupis, hoc nautae metuunt, Leandre, natare; exitus hic fractis puppibus esse solet.
quod cupis, hoc nautae metuunt, Leandre, natare; exitus hic fractis puppibus esse solet. me miseram!Literature Literature
Primus perscriptus Europaeorum appulsus e Cumberland in Rarotongam anno 1814 fuit; tumultus inter nautas et insulanos erupiens, multi interfecti sunt in utrisque manibus.
The first recorded landing on Rarotonga by Europeans was in 1814 by the Cumberland; trouble broke out between the sailors and the Islanders and many were killed on both sides.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Erant astrologi et nautae atque primi Rhodi sacrificia Athenae instituerunt.
They were expert astrologers and seafarers, and were the first to introduce sacrifices to Athena at Rhodes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At quem Deus suscitaverat nauta manu pollebat, et clavo tractando praepositus, non modo inter aestuantes procellas ad portum appellere, sed navim a futuris tempestatibus praestare tutam valuit.
But the pilot raised up by God had a strong hand, and when placed at the helm succeeding not only in making the port in despite of the raging seas, but in saving the vessel from future
Mox et Leucatæ nimbosa cacumina montis, / et formidatus nautis aperitur Apollo.
Soon, where Leucate lifts her cloud-capt head, / looms forth Apollo's fane, the seaman's name of dread.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quibus de rebus Caesar a Crasso certior factus, quod ipse aberat longius, naves interim longas aedificari in flumine Ligeri, quod influit in Oceanum, remiges ex provincia institui, nautas gubernatoresque comparari iubet.
Caesar, being informed of these things by Crassus, since he was so far distant himself, orders ships of war to be built in the mean time on the river Loire, which flows into the ocean; rowers to be raised from the province; sailors and pilots to be provided.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Neque vero ille ob eam causam conatu desistebat, sed labore et perseverantia nautarum etiam vim tempestatis superari posse sperabat praetervectosque Dyrrachium magna vi venti nihilo secius sequebatur.
However, he did not desist from his attempt, but hoped by the labor and perseverance of his seamen to be able to bear up against the violence of the storm; and although we were carried beyond Dyrrachium, by the violence of the wind, he nevertheless continued to chase us.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Feles in coloniis Graecis per totam terram Mediterraneam cum nautis venerunt, aetate archaica; nummi Rhegii et Taranti imagines felium praebent.
In many large arenas the crowd is seated in a contiguous circuit all the way around the sport field, and so the wave is able to travel continuously around the arena; in discontiguous seating arrangements, the wave can instead reflect back and forth through the crowd.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Erat sublustris nox, et quidam e nautis stabat in galea; nam sic vocant, opinor; circumspectans, si videret quam terram.
It was a moonlit night, and one of the sailors stood upon the round top; as I think they call it; he looked around to see if he could see any land.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Eratne Thomas nauta?
Was Tom a sailor?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Vela cadunt, remis insurgimus; haud mora nautae adnixi torquent spumas et caerula verrunt.
Vela cadunt, remis insurgimus haud mora, nautae adnixi torquent sptimas et caerula verrunt.Literature Literature
Petrus Alvares Cabral, nauta Portugalensis, anno 1500 "Terram Brasilem" invenit.
Portugal’s Pedro Alvares Cabral is officially recognised as the first European to “discover” Brazil in 1500.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cum post errores naviagtionis magna pars aquae potabilis consumpta esset, nautae servos in mare proiecerunt ut submergerentur, partim ad nautas servandas, partim ad pecuniam pro servis datam recipiendam, ne argentum perderent propter servos qui aquâ carentes in navi mortui essent.
When the ship ran low on drinking water following navigational mistakes, the crew threw slaves overboard into the sea to drown, in part to ensure the survival of the rest of the ship's passengers, and in part to cash in on the insurance on the slaves, thus not losing money on the slaves who would have died from the lack of water.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mox et Leucatae nimbosa cacumina montis et formidatus nautis aperitur Apollo.
Mox et Leucatae nimbosa cacumina montis et formldatus nautls aperltur Apollo.Literature Literature
Nauta factus est.
He became a sailor.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Post mensem, condiciones infestae manentes nautas moverunt, ut apparatus onerare recusarent, quod factum seditio Port Chicago appellatum est.
In desperation, after long hours and barrages of depth charges, Cassidy attacks, sending a destroyer to the bottom and enabling the crew to return safely to San Francisco.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mihi non videtur me civitati meae infidelem fuisse quia se Anglicis monstravi nobilem ex Ucraina ortum nautam esse potest tam bonum quam ei, et eis res in eorum lingua dicere potest."
It does not seem to me that I have been unfaithful to my country by having proved to the English that a gentleman from the Ukraine can be as good a sailor as they, and has something to tell them in their own language."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maria nautam quemdam amat.
Mary loves a sailor.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Multi ex huius regionis incolis nautae sunt.
Many of the inhabitants of this region are sailors.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Mox et Leucatae nimbosa cacumina montis, / et formidatus nautis aperitur Apollo.
Soon, where Leucate lifts her cloud-capt head, / looms forth Apollo's fane, the seaman's name of dread.tatoeba tatoeba
Thomas nauta erat.
Tom was a sailor.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Captae violatorum naves oneraque vendebantur et lucra nautis Unionis dabantur, sed nautae Britannici liberabantur.
When the Union Navy seized a blockade runner, the ship and cargo were sold and the proceeds given to the Navy sailors; the captured crewmen were mostly British and they were simply released.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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