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Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

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Ex eodem Christi sanguine hauriunt omnes homines vim, ut operam navent pro vita.
It is from the blood of Christ that all draw the strength to commit themselves to promoting
Hoc autem naves NATO impediverunt.
Again, his naval service stood in the way.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ut vero valide liciteque itineris tempore adsistere possit matrimonio, Apostolatus Maritimi Operae cappellanus delegationem accipere debebit ab Ordinario vel a parocho paroeciae in qua alterutra contrahens pars domicilium aut quasi domicilium habet vel commorationem unum saltem mensem extentam, vel, si de vagis et errantibus agitur, paroeciae ipsius portus ubi navem conscenderunt.
In order to assist validly and licitly at a marriage during the voyage, the chaplain of the Work of the Maritime Apostolate must be delegated by the Ordinary or by the parish priest of the place where one or other of the contracting parties has a domicile or quasi-domicile or has been staying for a least one month, or, if they are transients, by the parish priest of the port parish where they boarded the
Hispanicae naves insulas saeculo sexto decimo attigerunt; primus scriptus relatus de contactu cum insulis ortus est ex videnda Cindynonesia (Anglice Pukapuka) ab Hispanico navarcho Alvaro de Mendaña de Neira anno 1595, qui eam "Sanctum Bernandum" (Hispanice San Bernardo) nuncupavit.
Spanish ships visited the islands in the 16th century; the first written record of contact with the islands came with the sighting of Pukapuka by Spanish sailor Álvaro de Mendaña de Neira in 1595 who called it San Bernardo (Saint Bernard).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ad priorem sectionem pertinet peculiari modo operam navare expediendis negotiis, quæ Summi Pontificis cotidianum servitium respiciunt; ea agere, quæ extra ordinariam Dicasteriorum Romanæ Curiæ aliorumque Apostolicæ Sedis Institutorum competentiam tractanda obveniant; rationes cum iisdem Dicasteriis fovere sine præiudicio eorum autonomiæ et labores coordinare; Legatorum Sanctæ Sedis officium eorumque operam, præsertim ad Ecclesias particulares quod attinet, moderari.
It is the task of the First Section in a special way to expedite the business concerning the daily service of the Supreme Pontiff; to deal with those matters which arise outside the ordinary competence of the dicasteries of the Roman Curia and of the other institutes of the Apostolic See; to foster relations with those dicasteries and coordinate their work, without prejudice to their autonomy; to supervise the office and work of the legates of the Holy See, especially as concerns the particular
Credebatur hic piscis naves tempestatesque retinere posse.
The ships ceased fire to allow the charge to continue.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ab anno 1793 usque ad 1815 Regia Classis perdidit 344 naves (quorum 254 submersae sunt a fluctibus, 75 a navibus hostilibus, 15 ob incendia fortuita).
Between 1793 and 1815 the Royal Navy lost 344 vessels due to non-combat causes: 75 by foundering, 234 shipwrecked and 15 from accidental burnings or explosions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
cuncta tamen id imperatorem in mollius relata; detentusque rebus gerundis Suetonius, quod paucas naves in litore remigiumque in iis amiserat, tamquam durante bello tradere exercitu Pertronio Turpiliano, qui iam consulatu abierat, iubetur.
Everything, however, was softened down for the emperor's ears, and Suetonius was retained in the government; but as he subsequently lost a few vessels on the shore with the crews, he was ordered, as though the war continued, to hand over his army to Petronius Turpilianus, who had just resigned his consulship.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Huc naves undique ex finitimis regionibus et quam superiore aestate ad Veneticum bellum fecerat classem iubet convenire.
He orders ships from all parts of the neighboring countries, and the fleet which the preceding summer he had built for the war with the Veneti, to assemble in this place.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Omnes igitur preces Deo admoveant; nitantur eos iuvare, qui divinitus ad sacerdotium sunt vocati; sacerdotibus obsequio et studio, quae filios decent, opitulentur, ac sociam docilemque navent operam, eo permoti consilio, ut solacium iis afferant, eorundem pastoralibus curis libenter respondendo.
They should pray and work for priestly vocations; they should help priests wholeheartedly, with filial love and ready collaboration; they should have the firm intention of offering them the consolation of a joyous response to their pastoral
Inde, ubi prima fides pelago, placataque venti / dant maria, et lenis crepitans vocat auster in altum, / deducunt socii naves et litora complent. / Provehimur portu, terraeque urbesque recedunt.
Soon as our ships can trust the deep once more, / and South-winds chide, and Ocean smiles serene, / we crowd the beach, and launch, and town and shore / fade from our view.tatoeba tatoeba
Hos certo signo revocare constituit, cum omnes milites naves conscendissent, atque eis expedito loco actuaria navigia relinquit.
These he designed to call off by a certain signal, when all the soldiers were embarked, and left row-galleys for them in a secure place.latin-ancient latin-ancient
naves auro et ebore distinctae; remigesqe exoleti per aetates et scientiam libidinum componebantur.
These vessels glittered with gold and ivory; the crews were arranged according to age and experience in vice.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Putavit eos naves eius igne perdere velle.
Her crew took to their boats and no lives were lost.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Navem ascendit.
He boarded the ship.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Fronte sub adversa scopulis pendentibus antrum; / intus aquæ dulces vivoque sedilia saxo, / Nympharum domus. Hic fessas non vincula naves / ulla tenent, unco non alligat ancora morsu.
Beneath a precipice, that fronts the wave, / with limpid springs inside, and many a seat / of living marble, lies a sheltered cave, / home of the Sea-Nymphs. In this haven sweet / cable nor biting anchor moors the fleet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Obsidibus acceptis exercitum reducit ad mare, naves invenit refectas.
When he had received the hostages, he leads back the army to the sea, and finds the ships repaired.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nonnullique ea pugna scaphas quae ad litus fuerant occupant, item complures nando ad naves quae in salo fuerunt, se recipiunt, ancoris sublatis pelagus remis petere coeperunt.
Some escaped in boats which they found upon the coast; others endeavored to reach the galleys by swimming; and, weighing anchor, stood out to sea.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Lilybaeum pervenit statimque ostendit sese naves velle conscendere, cum non amplius legionem tironum haberet unam, equites vix DC. Tabernaculum secundum litus ipsum constituit, ut prope fluctus verberaret.
Designing to embark immediately, though he had only one legion of new levies, and not quite six hundred horse, he ordered his tent to be pitched so near the sea-side that the waves lashed the very foot of it.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sed Caesar, dum adiguntur naves, Silium legatum cum expedita manu inruptionem in Chattos facere iubet: ipse audito castellum Lupiae flumini adpositum obsideri, sex legiones eo duxit.
Caesar, however, while the vessels were coming up, ordered Silius, his lieutenant-general, to make an inroad on the Chatti with a flying column.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sub vesperum consilio convocato cohortatus ut ea quae imperasset diligenter industrieque administrarent, naves, quas Metiosedo deduxerat, singulas equitibus Romanis attribuit, et prima confecta vigilia quattuor milia passuum secundo flumine silentio progredi ibique se exspectari iubet.
Having, therefore, called a council of war a little before evening, he exhorted his soldiers to execute with diligence and energy such commands as he should give; he assigns the ships which he had brought from Melodunum to Roman knights, one to each, and orders them to fall down the river silently for four miles, at the end of the fourth watch, and there wait for him.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Dum hic prope navem expectat, ille comites in porcos transformari primus videt.
When he plays at the waterfall, he notices the same creatures earlier are watching him.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
L. Domitio Ap. Claudio consulibus, discedens ab hibernis Caesar in Italiam, ut quotannis facere consuerat, legatis imperat quos legionibus praefecerat uti quam plurimas possent hieme naves aedificandas veteresque reficiendas curarent.
Lucius Domitius and Appius Claudius being consuls, Caesar, when departing from his winter quarters into Italy, as he had been accustomed to do yearly, commands the lieutenants whom he appointed over the legions to take care that during the winter as many ships as possible should be built, and the old repaired.latin-ancient latin-ancient
His paratis rebus milites silentio naves conscendere iubet, expeditos autem ex evocatis, sagittariis funditoribusque raros in muro turribusque disponit.
After making these arrangements, he ordered his soldiers to go on board without noise, and disposed here and there, on the wall and turrets, some light-armed veterans, archers and slingers.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quamquam Hispani nunquam Bahamas colonizavere,? autochthones Lucayos in naves imposuere servituti in Hispaniola.
Although the Spanish never colonized the Bahamas, they shipped the native Lucayans to slavery in Hispaniola.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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