navigamus oor Engels



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Legibus abstinentiae et ieiunii, de quibus in can. 1251 agitur, non obligantur navigantes; suadetur tamen eis tali dispensatione fruentibus ut pro lege abstinentiae congruens expleant pietatis opus atque, quatenus fieri potest, ambae illae regulae observentur feria sexta maioris hebdomadis ad Iesu Christi passionis mortisque recordationem.
Seafarers are not bound by the laws of fast and abstinence prescribed in can. 1251; they are advised, however, when taking advantage of this dispensation, to undertake a comparable work of piety in place of abstinence, and, as far as possible, to observe both laws on Good Friday in memory of the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ;
Fac ut naviges de mense Decembri.
"The Crew Releases in December".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Book 6 Letter 53 Seneca Lucilio suo salutem [1]Quid non potest mihi persuaderi, cui persuasum est ut navigarem ?
SENECA LUCILIO SUO SALUTEM [1] Quid non potest mihi persuaderi, cui persuasum est ut navigarem?Literature Literature
Navis navigare hodie non potest.
It is today not navigable.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Concedimus praeterea ut navigantes atque iter agentes, quum primum ad sua domicilia se receperint, operibus supra notatis peractis, eamdem indulgentiam possint consequi.
28. We do, moreover, concede that travelers by land or sea may gain the same indulgence immediately they return to their homes provided they perform the works already
Anno 1909, Florentiam navigavit ut artem canendi cum Vincentio Lombardi disceret et partes in opera primum egit Maio 1911 Fori Sempronii ut Marcello in La bohème.
In 1909, he went to Florence to study singing with Vincenzo Lombardi and made his operatic debut in May 1911 in Fossombrone as Marcello in La bohème.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Infra quam idem clipeus est, cuius praecipuum symbolum navem Christophori Columbi Sanctam Mariam, sub sole navigantem ostensam, repraesentantem est.
Below this is the actual shield, the main symbol of which is a ship representing the Santa María of Christopher Columbus, shown sailing beneath the sun.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Haec fuit magna expeditio, 214 nautis in La Boudeuse et 116 in Étoile navigantibus.
This was a large expedition, with a crew of 214 aboard Boudeuse and 116 aboard Étoile.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Winchell suas emissiones radiophonicas coepit clavem telegraphicam fortuite deprimens, sonum qui necessitatem et momentum significavit, cum vehementer diceret locutionem capiendi "Salvete, Domine et Domina America a fine ad finem, litore litus, omnibusque navibus navigantibus.
Winchell opened his radio broadcasts by pressing randomly on a telegraph key, a sound that created a sense of urgency and importance, and using the catchphrase "Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. America from border to border and coast to coast and all the ships at sea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Naviget: haec summa est; hic nostri nuntius esto.'
haec summa est; hic nostri nuntius esto.’Literature Literature
Progressus secunda ut hiberna tempestate cum in Hiberum flumen noctis vitandae causa se contulisset, inde paulo vehementiore tempestate, nihilo periculosius se navigaturum credens, profectus, adversis fluctibus occurrentibus ostio fluminis, in ipsis faucibus, cum neque flectere navem propter vim fluminis neque directam tantis fluctibus tenere posset, demersa nave periit.
The wind favoring him as far as could be expected at that season of the year, he put into the Ebro, to avoid sailing in the night: and thence continuing his voyage, which he thought he might do with safety, though the wind blew considerably fresher, he was encountered by such a storm, at the mouth of the river, that being neither able to return on account of the stream, nor stem the fury of the waves, the ship sank, and he perished.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ad quem tum Juno supplex his vocibus usa est: / "Aeole – namque tibi divum pater atque hominum rex / et mulcere dedit fluctus et tollere vento –, / gens inimica mihi Tyrrhenum navigat aequor, / Ilium in Italiam portans victosque Penates."
Juno then, as a suppliant, addressed him in these words: "Aeolus (for the father of the gods has granted you authority to calm the seas and to stir them up with the winds), a race hateful to me is sailing upon the Tyrrhenian sea, carrying Troy along with its conquered gods to Italy."tatoeba tatoeba
tum legatos et dona Scydrothemidi regi (is tunc Sinopensibus imperitabat) expediri iubet praecepitque navigaturis ut Pythicum Apollinem adeant.
Ptolemy then gave directions that an embassy should be despatched with presents to king Scydrothemis, who at that time ruled the people of Sinope, and instructed them, when they were on the point of sailing, to consult the Pythian Apollo.latin-ancient latin-ancient
mare quoque etesiarum flatu in Orientem navigantibus secundum, inde adversum erat.
And on the sea the prevalent Etesian winds favoured an eastward voyage, but hindered all return.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Anno 1858, creatus est primus legatus (Anglice: consul) Britannicus in Vitiis, et eodem anno ad Angliam navigavit, condicionem regis Seru Epenisa Cakobau ut insulae in Britanniae dicionem concederentur ferens.
In 1858 he was appointed the first British consul at Fiji, and in the same year traveled to England with an offer from Seru Epenisa Cakobau to cede Fiji to the British crown.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ad quem tum Juno supplex his vocibus usa est: / "Aeole – namque tibi divum pater atque hominum rex / et mulcere dedit fluctus et tollere vento –, / gens inimica mihi Tyrrhenum navigat æquor, / Ilium in Italiam portans victosque Penates."
Juno then, as a suppliant, addressed him in these words: "Aeolus (for the father of the gods has granted you authority to calm the seas and to stir them up with the winds), a race hateful to me is sailing upon the Tyrrhenian sea, carrying Troy along with its conquered gods to Italy."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Nov. advenerit, exacto hoc die tempore anni per quod navigare licebat.
There, they successfully – for a while, at least – passed themselves off as the survivors of a shipwreck.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Consilium fuit Georgium Sphrantzes proximo vere in Georgiam navigaturum esse, ut sponsam imperatoris secum Constantinopolim reportaret, sed eventus anni 1453 inceptum impediverunt.
The original intention was to meet with Timur at his winter pasturage in what is now modern Georgia, but due to foul weather conditions and a shipwreck, the embassy was forced to return to Constantinople and spend the winter of 1403-1404 there.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
interim adventu eius audito intimus quisque amicorum et plerique militares, ut quique sub Germanico stipendia fecerant, multique etiam ignoti vicinis e municipiis, pars officium in principem rati, plures illos secuti, ruere ad oppidum Brundisium, quod naviganti celerrimum fidissimumque adpulsu erat.
Meanwhile on hearing of her arrival, all her intimate friends and several officers, every one indeed who had served under Germanicus, many strangers too from the neighbouring towns, some thinking it respectful to the emperor, and still more following their example, thronged eagerly to Brundisium, the nearest and safest landing place for a voyager.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In Senex et Mare, mythistoria Ernesti Hemingway (1952), quae Praemium Nobelianum accepit, prima fabulae persona est annosus piscator Cubanus qui, post octoginta quattuor dies frustra in oceano, iterum ad seriem infortunatam finiendam navigat.
In the Nobel Prize-winning author Ernest Hemingway's 1952 novel The Old Man and the Sea, the central character of the work is an aged Cuban fisherman who, after 84 days without success on the water, heads out to sea to break his run of bad luck.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Itaque, cum summo studio a militibus administraretur, XII navibus amissis, reliquis ut navigari satis commode posset effecit.
And thus, since that business was executed by the soldiers with the greatest energy, he effected that, after the loss of twelve ships, a voyage could be made well enough in the rest.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Exploratores vicingorum occidentales ad insulas Faroenses, Islandiam et Groenlandiam navigaverunt.
The organisers had easily found people from the Danish colonies of Greenland, Iceland and Faroe Islands.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sic in portu emicans ignis e turri, dum nocturno itinere navigantibus multa pandit, quae tenebris involuta laterent, simul de vitandis scopulis admonet, ad quos allisa navis naufragium pateretur.
Thus does the lighthouse show many things they otherwise would not see, while it points out the rocks on which the vessel would suffer
Habetur Ioannem Cabottum per expeditionem ad Americam Septentrionalem annis 1497 et 1498 comitatus esse, aut, numero nominum Portugallicorum in tabula anni 1507 respecto, in navi Portugallica adfuisse quae a Bristolio navigavit.
It is thought (see the Beneventanus commentary below) that he accompanied John Cabot on his expedition to North America in 1497 and 1498, or, considering the prevalence of Portuguese names on his 1507 map, a Portuguese ship leaving from Bristol.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Primus Europaeus qui amnem exploravit fuit Sebastianus Cabot Anglicus, cum anno 1526 pro Hispania navigaret.
The first European to go up the Paraná River was the Venetian explorer Sebastian Cabot, in 1526, while working for Spain.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
39 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.