non-ne oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

if not

Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

whether not

Charlton T. Lewis

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Nonne ne Maria Magdalena statim surreit de loco, in quo flevit, quando Martha illi dixit, Magister adet et vocat te?
Did not Mary Magdalen rise at once from her weeping when Martha said to her: “The Master is come, and calleth for thee”?Literature Literature
ratio cunctandi, ne asperatus proelio miles non populo, non senatui, ne templis quidem ac delubris deorum consuleret.
They, however, looked with dislike on all procrastination as inimical to victory.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Credo equidem; age, non peto dono, visne commodare? reddam tibi cras." "Non recuso, modo ne abutaris." "Non abutar."
"I do think so; come, I'm not asking for you to give it to me, will you lend it me? I will give it you tomorrow." "I am not refusing, but don't abuse it." "I won't."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quicumque enim in Christo baptizati estis, Christum induistis; non est Iudaeus neque Graecus, non est servus neque liber, non est masculus et femina: omnes enim, vos unus estis in Christo Iesu” [20].
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus"
Nihilo minus tamen agi posse de compositione, ut haec non remitterentur, neque hanc rem illi esse impedimento.
They urged and struggled eagerly to gain the one point respecting a truce.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Dixi me eum non amare neque unquam amaturam esse.
I said that I did not love him nor would I ever love him.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Gravior haec condicio malarum interpretationum et ignorantiarum revera non proficit neque Auctoritatibus Sinensibus neque Ecclesiae Catholicae in Sinis.
This situation of misunderstandings and incomprehension weighs heavily, serving the interests of neither the Chinese authorities nor the Catholic Church in
igitur Messala non causam neque reum tueri, sed periculis fratris semet opponens flexerat quosdam.
The wife of Crassus, Sulpicia Praetextata, and her four children were ready, should the Senate take cognizance of the cause, to demand vengeance.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ire non possum, neque volo.
I can not go, nor do I want to.tatoeba tatoeba
Verbo autem hypostole absentia eius exprimitur qui aperte non vult neque honeste veritatem fortasse periculis obnoxiam.
The word hypostole, on the other hand, means shrinking back through lack of courage to speak openly and frankly a truth that may be
Species non describitur in IUCN red list, et non aestimatur (NE).
This species is not listed in IUCN red list - not evaluated (NE).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chiang Kai-Shek se praesidem totius Sinae esse praedicare non desistebat neque terram continentem expugnare potuit.
Chiang Kai-shek, who had already left for Wuhan, granted Tang the right to shoot anyone who disobeyed his order on the spot, but Tang could not carry out this directive because there were hundreds of thousands of troops in open flight.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eae hic integre memorari non possunt, neque earum collata subsidia recenseri.
It is impossible here to mention them all, or to review the history of their
Quapropter Dei lex non deprimit neque tollit hominis libertatem, immo eandem tutatur et promovet.
God's law does not reduce, much less do away with human freedom; rather, it protects and promotes that
Quod non significat ne immigrantes societatis civitatisque Nicaraguensium evolutionem afficerent.
This is not to say that immigrants were not important to the evolution of Nicaraguan society and the Nicaraguan nation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Postulat, ut iurent omnes se exercitum ducesque non deserturos neque prodituros neque sibi separatim a reliquis consilium capturos.
Immediately they ran in crowds to the general's pavilion, when he required them all to take an oath that they would not desert nor betray the army nor the generals, nor form any design distinct from the general interest.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Persona etenim, quatenus individua, numerus non est, neque anulus cuiusdam catenae, neque systematis dentatum machinamentum.
As an individual, a person is not a number or simply a link in a chain, nor even less, an impersonal element in some
Dixi me eam non amare neque unquam amaturum esse.
I said that I did not love her nor would I ever love her.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Si cives politicae potestati – nationali, regionali et municipali – non invigilant, ne fieri quidem potest ut ambitali detrimento obsistatur.
Unless citizens control political power – national, regional and municipal – it will not be possible to control damage to the
eo provectas Romanorum cupidines, ut non corpora, ne senectam quidem aut virginitatem impollutam relinquant.
Roman lust has gone so far that not our very persons, nor even age or virginity, are left unpolluted.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Eiusmodi structurae non solum magni sunt ponderis, sed necessariae; eae tamen non possunt neque debent hominis libertatem delere.
Such structures are not only important, but necessary; yet they cannot and must not marginalize human
Mariam non amo neque unquam amabo.
I do not like Mary, nor will I ever like her.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quod in Libano non datur neque aliquando datum iri videtur."
These jobs don't come to Nevada unless Nevada sets its economic table properly."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nostra causa sescentae species sua exsistentia Deum non clarificabunt neque suum nuntium nobiscum communicare poterunt.
Because of us, thousands of species will no longer give glory to God by their very existence, nor convey their message to
"Cur non?" "Vereor, ne irascatur mihi."
"Why not?" "I'm afraid he'll be angry with me."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
715 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.