plantam oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

accusative singular of planta

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

plant · plants
Anatomia plantarum
Plant anatomy
Index nominum plantarum Dacicorum
List of Dacian plant names
Divisiones plantarum
Plant divisions
Immediate step-children/Plantae
Immediate step-children/Plantae
Genera plantarum
Plant genera


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Categoria:Immediate children/Plantae
It' s in the closet at the end of the hall, but please don' t go in there!langbot langbot
S. nelsonii declarata est planta periclitata anno 1987 et summe periclitata anno 1998.
No, it' s for my sensual pleasureWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Saccharum (genus plantarum)
She' s your familylangbot langbot
Agromineralia sunt mineralia magni momenti in agricultura et horticultura, plerumque nutrimenta plantarum necessaria.
What did this government do?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lycoris (planta)
A Toa' s duty is to all Matoran, regardless of village... so You shall help both your brotherslangbot langbot
Alia verbi definitio est: quaelibet structura viva, sicut Planta, Animal, Fungus, Bacteriumve quae potest crescere et se reproducere" (Chambers 1999).
And, uh, take this plate to the kitchen for me, will you?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cum ambitalis impactio alicuius oeconomici incepti perpenditur, in solum, aquam et aërem considerari effectus solent, sed non semper explorata additur inquisitio de affecta biodiversitate, perinde ac si nonnullae species vel coetus deperditi sive animalium sive plantarum aliquid parvi sint momenti.
They' re coming through!
Propositum ministerii est "cum aliis laborans ad pisces, feras, plantas, habitationesque earum continenter pro Americanis conservandas, protegendas, amplificandas."
The Administrative Board shall issue specific terms of reference in agreement with the Commission, following consultations with the parties involvedWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Conservatores piscium aquariis utuntur ad pisces, invertebrata, amphibia, reptilia aquatica sicut testudines, ac plantas aquaticas conservandas.
Well, women can be toughWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Categoria:Newtonia (genus plantarum)
I haven' t had a drink in three monthslangbot langbot
Populus (genus plantarum)
I think we' il have our own bonfire.All the geeks and lowliveslangbot langbot
Planta est.
I didn' t...Were you in that stall the whole time?tatoeba tatoeba
Anno autem 1967, Armen Takhtajan monstravit recta nominis Rosidarum fundamenta esse descriptionem cuiusdam taxi plantarum anno 1830 a Friderico Gottlieb Bartling publicati.
And where are they?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Plurimae sunt plantae herbaceae, sed aliquae sunt suffrutices qui ad 60 cm alti crescunt.
Calls on the Commission to adjust the level of staffing allocated for the implementation of the EIDHR, both at headquarters and in the delegations, to take account of the peculiarities and problems of this new instrument, so as to make the necessary resources and expertise available taking into account the very sensitive nature of the projects it supports, the need to protect the civil society actors who carry out those projects and the importance of the political objective it representsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Darwinia (planta)
But irritating superior attitude king find most unbeautifullangbot langbot
Aucta anatomiae, morphologiae, circulorumque vitae plantarum gnaritas inventionem promovit naturales inter plantas coniunctiones plures esse quam systema sexuale Linnaeanum significavit.
Well, a purifying plantWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Categoria:Reproductio plantarum
Why must you insist on being so rude?langbot langbot
Necesse erat — aiebat illa — ex Ecclesiae horto plantas extrahere putridas atque «novas plantas» nitidas et fragrantes suppeditare.
Here' s my
Plantae sine aere crescere non possunt.
You removed it meTatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Appellatur planta ex Doctore Ioanne Ismael Calzada, botanista et conlectore, qui eam invenit.
General disorders and administration site conditions very common: pain, redness, fatigue common: swelling, feverWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Presl, Reliquiae Haenkeanae, seu descriptiones et icones plantarum, quas in America Meridionali et Boreali, in insulis Philippinis et Marianis collegit Thaddaeus Haenke.
these snakes are taking over like nothing ive ever seen beforeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Germania et Nepal, collationibus suis in descripto litterario Der Freund notus est, imprimis scripturis de interspecierum karma, plantarum conscientia, atque Novae Germaniae colonia Paraguayana.
The attached Decision, therefore, concludes that the notified concentration is likely to significantly impede effective competition, in particular as a result of the creation of a dominant position, and appears incompatible with the Common Market and the functioning of the EEA Agreement as regards each of the three relevant marketsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Etiamsi thallis non sunt partes ordinatae et distinctae (folia, radices, caules) ut plantae vasculares, structuras analogas habere possunt quae eorum parum vascularium similes sunt.
I must say that it looks good at first glance.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Viola (genus plantarum)
Oh yes, of courselangbot langbot
Basis et fundamentum vitae est aqua, absque ea neque homines neque animalia neque plantae vivere possunt.
How much for the jeans?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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