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second-person plural present active subjunctive of potior

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prior tempore potior iure
earlier in time, stronger in law


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Caesar Aegypto atque Alexandrea potitus reges constituit quos Ptolomaeus testamento scripserat atque obtestatus erat populum Romanum ne mutarentur.
Caesar, having thus made himself master of Alexandria and Egypt, lodged the government in the hands of those to whom Ptolemy had bequeathed it by will, conjuring the Roman people not to permit any change.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Deprensis navibus circiter quinquaginta celeriterque coniunctis atque eo militibus iniectis et rei novitate perterritis oppidanis, quorum magna pars erat ad bellum evocata, sine contentione oppido potitur.
Having seized upon about fifty ships and quickly joined them together, and having placed soldiers in them, he intimidated by his unexpected arrival the inhabitants, of whom a great number had been called out to the war, and obtains possession of the town without a contest.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Iuxta alios, tertio, marxismus — sive rerum potitus est sive minus refertur ad doctrinam socialisticam, innixam in materialismo historico, quem vocant, atque in negatione omnium naturam transcendentium.
At a third level, Marxism' whether in power or not, is viewed as a socialist ideology based on historical materialism and the denial of everything transcendent.vatican.va vatican.va
Sed peculiari cum studio, vero « dilectu potiore », se convertit ipsa ad eos qui in debiliore condicione versantur, ideoque graviore in necessitate.
But with special attention, in a true "preferential option", she turns to those who are in situations of greater weakness, and therefore in greater need.vatican.va vatican.va
quotiens pars altera inclinasset, abditos in tabernis aut si quam in domum perfugerant, erui iugularique expostulantes parte maiore praedae potiebantur: nam milite ad sanguinem et caedis obverso spolia in vulgus cedebant.
Whenever either side gave way, they cried out that those who concealed themselves in the shops, or took refuge in any private house, should be dragged out and butchered, and they secured the larger share of the booty; for, while the soldiers were busy with bloodshed and massacre, the spoils fell to the crowd.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar partitis copiis cum Gaio Fabio legato et Marco Crasso quaestore celeriterque effectis pontibus adit tripertito, aedificia vicosque incendit, magno pecoris atque hominum numero potitur.
Caesar, having divided his forces with C. Fabius, his lieutenant, and M. Crassus his questor, and having hastily constructed some bridges, enters their country in three divisions, burns their houses and villages, and gets possession of a large number of cattle and men.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Interea certum Nobis est Nostris non deesse partibus; imprimisque supplices contendere a Deo, ut inclinans ad bonum mentibus velit potiora gratiae suae incitamenta adiicere.
In the meantime We areresolved not to fail in doing Our share, and especially to be constant infervent prayer, that God may move their minds to what is good, and vouchsafe toimpart to them the most powerful impulses of His grace.vatican.va vatican.va
Inter potiora momenta Synodi numeratur dies XVII mensis Octobris, cum petivimus Basilicam Sancti Petri, una cum tot fidelibus, adorationis eucharisticae gratia.
One of the most moving moments of the Synod came when we gathered in Saint Peter's Basilica, together with a great number of the faithful, for eucharistic adoration.vatican.va vatican.va
Omnes enim Cardinales Dicasteriis præpositi certis temporibus inter se conveniunt, vel ipsorum partes agentes cum peculiares quæstiones tractandæ sint, ut collatis consiliis de potioribus quæstionibus certiores fiant ad illasque solvendas mutuum adiutorium conferant atque ideo agendi cogitandique unitatem in Romana Curia provideant.
All the cardinals in charge of dicasteries, or their representatives, when specific questions are to be addressed, meet periodically in order to brief one another on the more important matters and provide mutual assistance in finding solutions, thus providing unity of thought and action in the Roman Curia.vatican.va vatican.va
Volumus autem unum ex his in lumine ponere: optionem pauperum et amorem potiorem erga eos.
Here I would like to indicate one of them: the option or love of preference for the poor.vatican.va vatican.va
Sed ante omnia inita est accurata et impensa actio apostolica apud pauperes, in campis, ubi condiciones exsistebant servitutis et acerbissimae indigentiae et potior animadvertebatur necessitas nuntii liberatoris caritatis evangelicae.
But above all there was begun a well organized and intense apostolic activity among the very poor, in the countryside, where there existed particularly sad situations of dependence and indigence and where the need for the liberating message of Gospel charity was most urgently felt.vatican.va vatican.va
Hormine id ingenium, ut Messala tradit, an potior auctor sit C. Plinius, qui Antonium incusat, haud facile discreverim, nisi quod neque Antonius neque Hormus a fama vitaque sua quamvis pessimo flagitio degeneravere.
Some hesitation had shewn itself, when the generals, seeing that the weary troops would not listen to what seemed to them unmeaning encouragement, pointed to Cremona. Whether this was, as Messalla relates, the device of Hormus, or whether Caius Plinius be the better authority when he charges it upon Antonius, I cannot easily determine.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Prorsus enim tanto potiorem nomine habendum 655 Varronem, ut fugiat consul fulgentior ostro. 143.
prorsus enim tanto potiorem nomine habendum Varronem, ut fugiat consul fulgentior ostro.Literature Literature
Quid enim opificibus proderit auctiorem adipisci rerum copiam, cultiorisque vitae beneficiis perfrui, si potiora bona, quae ad immortalem animum pertinent, amiserint, vel neglexerint?
If the working classes have an abundance of material goods and enjoy all the benefits of civilization while losing or neglecting those higher goods which pertain to the immortal soul, what does it profit them?vatican.va vatican.va
est tibi frater pari nobilitate, natu maior, dignus hac fortuna nisi tu potior esses.
Let the principle of my choice be shown not only by my connections which I have set aside for you, but by your own.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quin immo haec mensura non solum est maior quam mensura solorum officiorum moralium, quae ex praeceptis innotescunt, sed est etiam “altior” quam ea et potior.
Indeed, this dimension is not only "higher" than the dimension of mere moral obligations known from the commandments but it is also "deeper" and more fundamental.vatican.va vatican.va
Bello Helvetiorum confecto totius fere Galliae legati, principes civitatum, ad Caesarem gratulatum convenerunt: intellegere sese, tametsi pro veteribus Helvetiorum iniuriis populi Romani ab his poenas bello repetisset, tamen eam rem non minus ex usu [terrae] Galliae quam populi Romani accidisse, propterea quod eo consilio florentissimis rebus domos suas Helvetii reliquissent uti toti Galliae bellum inferrent imperioque potirentur, locumque domicilio ex magna copia deligerent quem ex omni Gallia oportunissimum ac fructuosissimum iudicassent, reliquasque civitates stipendiarias haberent.
When the war with the Helvetii was concluded, embassadors from almost all parts of Gaul, the chiefs of states, assembled to congratulate Caesar, [saying] that they were well aware, that, although he had taken vengeance on the Helvetii in war, for the old wrong done by them to the Roman people, yet that circumstance had happened no less to the benefit of the land of Gaul than of the Roman people, because the Helvetii, while their affairs were most flourishing, had quitted their country with the design of making war upon the whole of Gaul, and seizing the government of it, and selecting, out of a great abundance, that spot for an abode, which they should judge to be the most convenient and most productive of all Gaul, and hold the rest of the states as tributaries.latin-ancient latin-ancient
namque Mucianus tam celeri victoria anxius et, ni praesens urbe potiretur, expertem se belli gloriaeque ratus, ad Primum et Varum media scriptitabat, instandum coeptis aut rursus cunctandi utilitates disserens atque ita compositus ut ex eventu rerum adversa abnueret vel prospera agnosceret.
That commander, troubled at so speedy a success, and imagining that unless he occupied Rome in person he should lose all share in the glory of the war, continued to write in ambiguous terms to Varus and Antonius, enlarging at one time on the necessity of following up their operations, at another on the advantage of delay, and with expressions so worded that he could, according to the event, repudiate a disastrous, or claim a successful policy.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Huc septem Aeneas collectis navibus omni / ex numero subit, ac magno telluris amore / egressi optata potiuntur Troes arena, / et sale tabentes artus in litore ponunt.
Here with seven ships, the remnant of his band, / AEneas enters. Glad at length to greet / the welcome earth, the Trojans leap to land, / and lay their weary limbs still dripping on the sand.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Confestim cohortes undique impetum faciunt omnibusque aut interfectis aut captis magna praeda potiuntur.
Immediately all the cohorts attack them on every side; and having either killed or made prisoners of them all, gained great booty.latin-ancient latin-ancient
consisterent in acie, non pugnaturis militibus ubi Pisonem ab ipsis parentem quondam appellatum, si iure ageretur, potiorem, si armis, non invalidum vidissent tum pro munimentis castelli manipulos explicat colle arduo et derupto; nam cetera mari cinguntur.
"Only, he said, ""stand in battle array, and the soldiers will not fight when they see that Piso whom they themselves once called 'father,' is the stronger, if right is to decide; if arms, is far from powerless."" He then deployed his companies before the lines of the fortress on a high and precipitous hill, with the sea surrounding him on every other side."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nimirum providentissimus Deus voluisse videtur, in tanto opinionum errore, excitare fidem, opportunitatemque praebere studiis vitae potioris in populo christiano revocandis. — Quamobrem hoc est reliqui, dare operam ut, bene positis initiis, bene cetera consequantur: enitendumque, ut et intelligantur consilia divina, et re ipsa perficiantur.
For God, in His providence, seems to have wished to arouse faith in the midst of wrong thinking men, and to recall the Christian people to the desire of a higher life.vatican.va vatican.va
Quibus rebus cognitis Caesar, etsi magni interesse arbitrabatur quam primum oppido potiri cohortesque ad se in castra traducere, ne qua aut largitionibus aut animi confirmatione aut falsis nuntiis commutatio fieret voluntatis, quod saepe in bello parvis momentis magni casus intercederent, tamen veritus, ne militum introitu et nocturni temporis licentia oppidum diriperetur, eos, qui venerant, collaudat atque in oppidum dimittit, portas murosque adservari iubet.
Upon intelligence of these matters, though Caesar thought it of great consequence to become master of the town as soon as possible, and to transfer the cohorts to his own camp, lest any change should be wrought on their inclinations by bribes, encouragement, or ficticious messages, because in war great events are often brought about by trifling circumstances; yet, dreading lest the town should be plundered by the soldiers entering into it, and taking advantage of the darkness of the night, he commended the persons who came to him, and sent them back to the town, and ordered the gates and walls to be secured.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Milites dato signo celeriter ad munitionem perveniunt eamque transgressi trinis castris potiuntur; ac tanta fuit in castris capiendis celeritas, ut Teutomatus, rex Nitiobrigum, subito in tabernaculo oppressus, ut meridie conquieverat, superiore corporis parte nudata vulnerato equo vix se ex manibus praedantium militum eriperet.
The soldiers, on the signal being given, quickly advance to this fortification, and passing over it, make themselves masters of the separate camps. And so great was their activity in taking the camps, that Teutomarus, the king of the Nitiobriges, being suddenly surprised in his tent, as he had gone to rest at noon, with difficulty escaped from the hands of the plunderers, with the upper part of his person naked, and his horse wounded.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Otho sive amore incautus laudare formam elegantiamque uxoris apud principem, sive ut accenderet ac, si eadem femina potirentur, id quoque vinculum potentiam ei adiceret.
Otho now began to praise his wife's beauty and accomplishments to the emperor, either from a lover's thoughtlessness or to inflame Nero's passion, in the hope of adding to his own influence by the further tie which would arise out of possession of the same woman.latin-ancient latin-ancient
147 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.