probus oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels


Iulia puella proba est.
Julia is a good girl.


Marcus est tam probus, ut omnes eum laudent.
Mark is so honest that everyone praises him for it.


Progressio non datur, cum probi homines, oeconomici operatores atque politici homines absunt, qui suis in conscientiis boni communis invocationem plane percipiant.
Development is impossible without upright men and women, without financiers and politicians whose consciences are finely attuned to the requirements of the common good.

En 11 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

excellent · honorable · serviceable · superior · above-board · brave · estimable · generous · noble · proper · virtuous

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels



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approve · certify · commend · demonstrate · esteem · esteem good · examine · get accepted · give assent|approval|sanction · inspect · judge · judge by trial · let · like · make acceptable · make credible · make good · pass off for · prove · recommend · represent · represent as good · show · show to be real|true · test · try


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Ecclesia probe novit in amore, quem a personis consecratis recipiat Christus, totius Corporis amorem praecipue insigniteque in Sponsum dirigi, qui caput simul est Corporis huius.
The Church is aware that in the love that Christ receives from consecrated persons, the love of the entire Body is directed in a special and exceptional way towards the Spouse, who at the same time is the Head of this
Suum ideo ministerium suscipiens Pontifex novus probe intellegit opus suum esse ut refulgere sinat coram viris ac mulieribus hodiernis Christi lucem: non suam, verum Christi ipsius lucem.
In undertaking his ministry, the new Pope knows that his task is to bring the light of Christ to shine before the men and women of today: not his own light but that of
Thomas discipulus probus est.
Tom is a good student.tatoeba tatoeba
Quapropter - ut experiundo probe novistis - non est minons aequo aestimandum pondus et momentum ipsius vitae consortionis tum ad consuetam rationem totum hominem, tam multiplicem ac divisum, secundum viam vocationis dirigendi, tum ad complementum spirituale eius proclivitatum.
As you know from experience, the importance of the surroundings in which one lives should not be underestimated either in relation to the habitual orientation of the whole person—so complex and divided—in the direction of God's call, or in relation to the spiritual integration of the person's
Maria est puella proba.
Mary is a good girl.tatoeba tatoeba
Huius Consilii sodales, cum rem tanti momenti tractare ac decernere debeant, quae cum christiana vivendi ratione tam arte coniungitur; cumque probe noscant oporteat peculiarem eam vim, quae ex cinematographicis spectaculis exseritur, variam quidem pro variis spectatorum condicionibus, etiam atque etiam adhortamur, ut opportuno harum disciplinarum studio ac precationi sanctae diu multumque vacent.
We most earnestly exhort the members of this Committee to devote in a suitable manner to these topics, deep and prolonged study and devout prayer; for they have to deal with a most important matter which is closely bound up with the Christian concept of life, and consequently,they must have a sound knowledge of that power which is exerted by the cinema, and which varies according to the different circumstances of the
Carissimum est hoc auctoribus spiritalibus argumentum de vita consecrata cuius sensum probe exprimit.
It is a theme particularly dear to the spirituality of the consecrated life and well expresses its
Probe notum est in hac interrogatione homines non solum eo pervenire ut multimode destituantur consiliis et cum Deo contendant, verum etiam ut ipsum Deum audeant negare.
And it is well known that concerning this question there not only arise many frustrations and conflicts in the relations of man with God, but it also happens that people reach the point of actually denying
Rebus ad Summum Pontificem prius delatis, rationes curat cum fratribus Ecclesiarum et communitatum ecclesialium, plenam communionem cum Ecclesia catholica nondum habentium, ac præsertim dialogum et colloquia ad unitatem cum ipsis fovendam instituit, peritis doctrina theologica probe instructis opem ferentibus.
After prior consultation with the Supreme Pontiff, the Council maintains relations with Christians of Churches and ecclesial communities that do not yet have full communion with the Catholic Church, and especially organizes dialogue and meetings to promote unity with them, with the help of theological experts of sound
Io 1,9), ut divina eius gratia omnes animos pervadat ac foveat, utque ad probe, exculte, christianeque vivendum salutariter cuncti excitentur.
109. These heralds of the gospel dedicate and consecrate their lives to God in order that the light of Jesus Christ may enlighten every man who comes into the world, (55) that the grace of God may enter and support every soul, and that all men may be aroused to a life that is good, honorable, and
At probe novimus impares esse hominum opes ingentibus hisce medendis calamitatibus; novimus consilia humanae mentis, cum eam praesertim odium fuscaverit atque simultas, non facile posse ad iustam et aequam rerum compositionem ad fraternamque revocari concordiam.
We know well that the resources of men are unable to heal these great injuries. We know that the human mind, especially when hate and rivalry have blinded it, cannot easily determine a just and equitable solution of affairs along with a fraternal
Discipulus probus sum.
I'm a good student.tatoeba tatoeba
Tu vis esse probus.
You want to be honest.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
vix artibus honestis pudor retinetur, nedum inter certamina vitiorum pudicitia aut modestia aut quicquam probi moris reservaretur.
Even, with virtuous training, purity is not easily upheld; far less amid rivalries in vice could modesty or propriety or any trace of good manners be preserved.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ego bonus et probis sum!
We tried and tried .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Probe intellegit Ecclesia praesentiam suam in huius temporis mundo ac praesertim partes suas et favorem pro dignitatis matrimonii ac familiae promotione proxime coniungi cum humani cultus progressione; de his merito quidem sollicitatur.
The Church is conscious that her presence in the contemporary world, and in particular the contribution and support she offers to the promotion of the dignity of marriage and the family, are intimately linked to the development of culture, and she is rightly concerned for
Hoc sub respectu moralistarum confessorumque Patronus docet: “Non sufficit opera bona patrare, oportet ea probe patrare.
As the Patron of moral theologians and confessors teaches: "It is not enough to do good works; they need to be done
Initium prorsus ducendo ex alta in omnem virum mulieremque caritate, per saeculorum decursum orta est insolita caritatis historia quae in vitam ecclesialem civilemque induxit plurimas structuras ministerii vitae, quae cuiusque probi spectatoris admirationem excitant.
It is this deep love for every man and woman which has given rise down the centuries to an outstanding history of charity, a history which has brought into being in the Church and society many forms of service to life which evoke admiration from all unbiased
Marcus Pomponius Maecius Probus
Marcus Pomponius Maecius Probuslangbot langbot
Spiritalis autem Ecclesiae maternitas non completur – sicut probe novit etiam Ecclesia – nisi inter dolores et cruciatus “ut pariat” (Apoc. 12, 2), id est in perpetua cum mali viribus dimicatione quae orbem pererrare haud desinunt hominumque signare et notare animos, Christo ipsi resistendo: “In ipso vita erat, et vita erat lux hominum, et lux in tenebris lucet, et tenebrae eam non comprehenderunt” (Io.
The Church's spiritual motherhood is only achieved-the Church knows this too-through the pangs and "the labour" of childbirth (cf. Rev 12:2), that is to say, in constant tension with the forces of evil which still roam the world and affect human hearts, offering resistance to Christ: "In him was life, and the life was the light of
Equidem probe novimus, quantum haec causa difficultatis afferat publicae rei Moderatoribus, in iis praesertim Civitatibus quae ad progressum nituntur.
We are fully aware of the difficulties confronting the public authorities in this matter, especially in the developing
Flavius Probus
Probus (consul 502)langbot langbot
Probe novimus mutatas humanae vitae condiciones, quae hodie sunt, haud favere inter domestica saepta familiarium congressioni; quod si accidat, difficile est, plures ob causas, hanc congressionem in precandi opportunitatem convertere.
We are well aware that the changed conditions of life today do not make family gatherings easy, and that even when such a gathering is possible many circumstances make it difficult to turn it into an occasion of
In utraque igitur et matris et prolis vita tuenda ac servanda probi expertique medici cum laude enituntur; contra, nobili medicorum nomine et laude indignissimos se li probarent, quotquot alterutri, per speciem medicandi, vel falsa misericordia moti, ad mortem insidiarentur.
Upright and skillful doctors strive most praiseworthily to guard and preserve the lives of both mother and child; on the contrary, those show themselves most unworthy of the noble medical profession who encompass the death of one or the other, through a pretense at practicing medicine or through motives of misguided
Ceterum, cum theologiae morali tum actioni pastorali probe noti sunt casus, ubi, etsi gravis est actus ratione habita materiae, tamen, cum agentis plena absit advertentia aut deliberatus consensus peccatum mortale certe abest.
In any event, both in moral theology and in pastoral practice one is familiar with cases in which an act which is grave by reason of its matter does not constitute a mortal sin because of a lack of full awareness or deliberate consent on the part of the person performing
201 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.