procacis oor Engels



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genitive neuter singular of procax
genitive feminine singular of procax
genitive masculine singular of procax

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erat in castris Percennius quidam, dux olim theatralium operarum, dein gregarius miles, procax lingua et miscere coetus histrionali studio doctus.
In the camp was one Percennius, who had once been a leader of one of the theatrical factions, then became a common soldier, had a saucy tongue, and had learnt from his applause of actors how to stir up a crowd.latin-ancient latin-ancient
tria milia legionariorum et tumultuariae Belgarum cohortes, simul paganorum lixarumque ignava sed procax ante periculum manus omnibus portis prorumpunt ut Batavos numero imparis circumfundant.
Three thousand legionaries, some raw Belgian cohorts, and with them a mob of rustics and camp-followers, cowardly, but bold of speech before the moment of danger, rushed out of all the gates, thinking to surround the Batavians, who were inferior in number.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Igitur Vitellius, nomine censoris servilis fallacias obtegens ingruentiumque dominationum provisor, quo gratiam Agrippinae pararet, consiliis eius implicari, ferre crimina in Silanum, cuius sane decora et procax soror, Iunia Calvina, haud multum ante Vitellii nurus fuerat.
Vitellius accordingly, who used the name of censor to screen a slave's trickeries, and looked forward to new despotisms, already impending, associated himself in Agrippina's plans, with a view to her favour, and began to bring charges against Silanus, whose sister, Junia Calvina, a handsome and lively girl, had shortly before become his daughter-in-law. Here was a starting point for an accuser.latin-ancient latin-ancient
deicitur familiaritate sueta, post congressu et comitatu Otho, et ad postremum, ne in urbe aemulatus ageret, provinciae Lusitaniae praeficitur; ubi usque ad civilia arma non ex priore infamia, sed integre sancteque egit, procax otii et potestatis temperantior.
"Nero, on the contrary, with his slave girl mistress, tied down by his attachment to Acte, had derived nothing from his slavish associations but what was low and degrading."" Otho was now cut off from Nero's usual familiar intercourse, and then even from interviews and from the royal suite, and at last was appointed governor of the province of Lusitania, that he might not be the emperor's rival at Rome."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quapropter ad concordiam et amicitiam cum hac Christi Ecclesia ineundam firmandamque omnes, qui supremam civilem potestatem habent, vehementer in Domino hortamur, ut consociata utriusque potestatis opera et diligentia, immania propulsentur damna, quae, ex irruentibus in matrimonium et familiam procacibus libertatibus, tam Ecclesiae quam ipsi civili societati impendent.
Hence We earnestly exhort in the Lord all those who hold the reins of power that they establish and maintain firmly harmony and friendship with this Church of Christ so that through the united activity and energy of both powers the tremendous evils, fruits of those wanton liberties which assail both marriage and the family and are a menace to both Church and State, may be effectively
ferebantur etiam sub nominibus consularium fictae in Seianum sententiae, exercentibus plerisque per occultum atque eo procacius libidinem ingeniorum.
Fictitious speeches too against Sejanus were published under the names of ex-consuls, for several persons indulged, all the more recklessly because anonymously, the caprice of their imaginations.latin-ancient latin-ancient
iuvisse partis Vitellianas Othonis quoque bello credebantur; mox tertiadecimanos ad extruendum amphitheatrum relictos, ut sunt procacia urbanae plebis ingenia, petulantibus iurgiis inluserant.
Afterwards, when the 13th legion had been left to build an amphitheatre, with the characteristic insolence of a city population, they had wantonly provoked and insulted them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
certatim, ut quisque animo ignavus, procax ore, Annium Gallum et Suetonium Paulinum et Marium Celsum--nam eos quoque Otho praefecerat--variis criminibus incessebant.
Vying with each other in an insolence of language proportioned to their cowardice of heart, they assailed with various accusations Annius Gallus, Suetonius Paullinus, and Marius Celsus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
tuncque primum conscripti sunt equites Romani cognomento Augustianorum, aetate ac robore conspicui, et pars ingenio procaces, alii in spe[m] potentiae.
Then it was that Roman knights were first enrolled under the title of Augustani, men in their prime and remarkable for their strength, some, from a natural frivolity, others from the hope of promotion.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quod saeculo, usquequaque perturbato et laboranti tam misere, talibus Nos remediis adiumentisque ducimus praecipue consulendum, non deerunt sane qui demirentur, et fortasse qui dicta Nostra procaci cum fastidio accipiant.
3. Some there are, no doubt, who will express their surprise that for the manifold troubles and grievous afflictions by which our age is harassed We should have determined to seek for remedies and redress in this quarter rather than elsewhere, and in some, perchance, Our words will excite a certain peevish
"Hic cursus fuit; / cum subito assurgens fluctu nimbosus Orion / in vada caeca tulit, penitusque procacibus Austris / perque undas, superante salo, perque invia saxa / dispulit; huc pauci vestris adnavimus oris".
"Thither we sailed, when, rising with the wave, / Orion dashed us on the shoals, the prey / of wanton winds, and mastering billows drave / our vessels on the pathless rocks astray. / We few have floated to your shore."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
procax moribus neque absurdus ingenio famam urbanitatis per lasciviam petere.
While legate of a legion, he first supported, then slandered, Verginius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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