relinquimus oor Engels



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first-person plural present active indicative of relinquō "we abandon, we relinquish"

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Didymus me reliquit.
Tom has abandoned me.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Caesar interim quoniam inopia frumenti premebatur, copias omnes in castra conducit atque praesidio Lepti Ruspinae Acyllae relicto, Cispio Aquilaeque classe tradita, ut alter Hadrumetum, alter Thapsum mari obsiderent, ipse castris incensis quarta noctis vigilia acie instructa impedimentis in sinistra parte collocatis ex eo loco proficiscitur et pervenit ad oppidum Aggar, quod a Gaetulis saepe antea oppugnatum summaque vi per ipsos oppidanos erat defensum.
Meanwhile Caesar, being distressed by want of corn, recalled all his forces to the camp; and having left garrisons at Leptis, Ruspina, and Acilla, ordered Cispius and Aquila to blockade with their fleets, the one Adrumetum, the other Thapsus, and setting fire to his camp at Uzita, he set out, in order of battle, at the fourth watch, disposed his baggage on the left, and came to Agar, which had been often vigorously attacked by the Getulians, and as valiantly defended by the inhabitants.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Mater se cum ecclesia Swedenborgiana consociavit et fecit ut Robertus in ea baptizari, sed adultus ecclesiam reliquit.
Frost's mother joined the Swedenborgian church and had him baptized in it, but he left it as an adult.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Didymus relictus est?
Was Tom abandoned?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
f) perlegant, si quae sint, documenta a defuncto Pontifice Cardinalium Collegio relicta;
f) they shall read any documents left by the deceased Pope for the College of Cardinals;
Qua cum officina Oldfield operatus est usque ad annum 1991, donec discordiae causa eam reliquit.
The Edwards Dam's license expired in 1997, and the dam owners wished to renew it.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Deus, per Reconciliationis sacramentum, peccata dimittit, quae omnino delentur; attamen vestigia haud bona, quae peccata nostris in moribus et cogitationibus relinquunt, manent.
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, God forgives our sins, which he truly blots out; and yet sin leaves a negative effect on the way we think and
Singulari autem cogitatione prosequimur dissipationis terras in quibus vitam agunt, in ambitu ubi maior pars est Latina, multi fideles orientalium Ecclesiarum quae nativas terras reliquerunt.
A particular thought goes to the lands of the diaspora where many faithful of the Eastern Churches who have left their countries of origin are living in a mainly Latin
Anno 1985, post plus quam duo decennia summus reipublicae magistratus, potestatem successori reliquit quem ipse elegerat.
In 1985, legislative elections were held which followed past procedures; all nominations were approved by PDG, which then presented a single list of candidates.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Haec domus relicta est.
This house is abandoned.tatoeba tatoeba
Unum notum Antiquis (postea nomine Ayiana per investigatores, qui invenit eam perfecte servavit in Antarctica) reliquit.
One known Ancient (later named Ayiana by the researchers who discovered her perfectly preserved in Antarctica) was left behind.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Adhuc nullae civitates sociae Unionem reliquerunt, etsi Groenlandia (provincia autonoma Daniae) anno 1985 se recepit.
No member state has yet left the Union, although Greenland (an autonomous province of Denmark) withdrew in 1985.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Reliqui, qui domi manserunt, se atque illos alunt; hi rursus in vicem anno post in armis sunt, illi domi remanent.
The latter again, in their turn, are in arms the year after: the former remain at home.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Praeferuntur plerumque alia instrumenta nuntii evangelici et formationis, cum instrumenta communicationis singulorum consiliis relinquantur aut parvorum coetuum et solummodo ratione secundaria in pastorale propositum ingrediantur.
Generally, preference has been given to other means of preaching the Gospel and of Christian education, while the mass media are left to the initiative of individuals or small groups and enter into pastoral planning only in a secondary
Te non relinquam.
I'm not going to abandon you.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Hos certo signo revocare constituit, cum omnes milites naves conscendissent, atque eis expedito loco actuaria navigia relinquit.
These he designed to call off by a certain signal, when all the soldiers were embarked, and left row-galleys for them in a secure place.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nihilominus ut christologica Rosarii substantia augeatur, consentaneam esse arbitramur aliquam perfectionem quae, libero singulorum atque communitatum iudicio relictam, eam sinat etiam mysteria publicae vitae Christi Baptismum inter et Passionem complecti.
I believe, however, that to bring out fully the Christological depth of the Rosary it would be suitable to make an addition to the traditional pattern which, while left to the freedom of individuals and communities, could broaden it to include the mysteries of Christ's public ministry between his Baptism and his
Hi autem errores satis refelli poterunt nunquam, nisi acie mutata, hoc est, deductis errantibus a suae critices praesidiis, ubi se munitos existimant, ad legitimum philosophiae campum, quo relicto, errores hauserunt.
But these errors will never be effectively refuted, unless by bringing about a change of front, that is to say, unless those in error be forced to leave the field of criticism in which they consider themselves firmly entrenched for the legitimate field of philosophy through the abandonment of which they have fallen into their
Reliqui coeunt inter se et repentino periculo exterriti sinistras sagis involvunt gladiosque destringunt atque ita se a cetratis equitibusque defendunt castrorum propinquitate confisi seque in castra recipiunt et ab eis cohortibus, quae erant in statione ad portas, defenduntur.
The rest formed into a body, and being alarmed by the unexpected danger, wrapped their left arms in their cloaks, and drew their swords, and in this manner, depending on the nearness of their camp, defended themselves against the Spaniards, and the horse, and made good their retreat to the camp, where they were protected by the cohorts which were on guard.latin-ancient latin-ancient
relictae simul e victricibus legiones, neque quiescentibus graves et adversus contumaciam validae.
One division was ordered to remain at Narnia, another at Interamna; with them were left some of the victorious legions, which would not be formidable to them if they remained quiet, but were strong enough to crush all turbulence.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Omnino commemoratione dignum est relictum ab eo civibus suis testamentum, in quo piane hominis cum fides, tum humilitas, tum etiam patriae caritas eminet singularis.
10. The testament he left for his fellow citizens - memorable for its faith, humility, and singular patriotism - reads as
Mense Aprili Iaponiam relinquet.
He will leave Japan in April.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quod ubi saepius eius equitatus facere non intermittebat, et cum forte ante portam turma densa adstitisset, scorpione accuratius misso atque eorum decurione percusso et ad ecum adfixo, reliqui perterriti fuga se in castra recipiunt. Quo facto postea sunt deterriti oppidum temptare.
One day, as a strong squadron of the enemy had posted themselves before the gate, their officer being slain by an arrow discharged from a cross-bow, and pinned to his own shield, the rest were terrified and took to flight; by which means the town was delivered from any further attempts.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Henricus Ward Beecher (1813–1887), praedicator Americanus qui orthodoxiam Calvinisticam suae patris, Reverendi Lyman Beecher, reliquit ut evangelium sociale Christianitatis liberalis praedicaret.
Henry Ward Beecher (1813–1887), American preacher who left behind the Calvinist orthodoxy of his famous father, the Reverend Lyman Beecher, to instead preach the Social Gospel of liberal Christianity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sic visum est electionem per conclamationem factam quasi ex inspiratione non relinqui, quia non idoneam iudicamus ad mentes significandas electivi collegii iam sic numero amplificati et ortu distincti.
I have thus considered it fitting not to retain election by acclamation quasi ex inspiratione, judging that it is no longer an apt means of interpreting the thought of an electoral college so great in number and so diverse in
202 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.