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De resurrectione Christi
Resurrection of Jesus Christ


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Spiritus hic idem est qui in incarnatione, in vita, in morte et resurrectione Iesu est operatus quique in Ecclesia operatur.
This is the same Spirit who was at work in the Incarnation and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and who is at work in the
Resurrectione haec gloria ostenditur – gloria eschatologica –, quae prae immensis tormentis omnino in Cruce Christi obscurabatur.
The Resurrection revealed this glory—eschatological glory—which, in the Cross of Christ, was completely obscured by the immensity of
Ad ilIum decurramus amorem paternum, qui a Christo nobis prolatus est per messianicum ipsius opus quique summam attigit in cruce morte et eius resurrectione!
Let us have recourse to that fatherly love revealed to us by Christ in His messianic mission, a love which reached its culmination in His cross, in His death and
Acerbae condiciones et discrimina consecratas personas fortiter ad fidem de morte deque Christi resurrectione proclamandam impellunt, ut conspicuum fiant ipsae signum transitus a morte ad vitam.
Sad situations of crisis invite consecrated persons courageously to proclaim their faith in Christ's Death and Resurrection, that they may become a visible sign of the passage from death to
Etenim in quavis baptizati vocatione quidam relucet aspectus illius “sanctificationis in veritate”, quam Christus morte sua et resurrectione perfecit atque in Mysterio suo inclusit paschali: “Pro eis ego sanctifico meipsum, ut sint et ipsi sanctificati in veritate” (Ibid. 17, 19).
Indeed, every vocation of a baptized person reflects some aspect of that " consecration in the truth" which Christ accomplished by his Death and Resurrection and made part of his Paschal Mystery: "For their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be consecrated in truth" (Jn 17:19)
Ecce Dei Filium, qui sua in resurrectione funditus persensit super se misericordiam, Patris hoc est amorem, qui. morte efficacior est.
Here is the Son of God, who in His resurrection experienced in a radical way mercy shown to Himself, that is to say the love of the Father which is more powerful than
Quin immo, peccatum ipsum efficit, ut vel magis amor Patris refulgeat, qui captivum ut redimeret, suum immolavit Filium (Missale Romanum, «In Resurrectione Domini », Praeconium paschale: «O inaestimabilis dilectio caritatis: ut servum redimeres, Filium tradidisti»): nobis redemptio est misericordia eius.
Indeed, sin itself makes even more radiant the love of the Father who, in order to ransom a slave, sacrificed his Son:181 his mercy towards us is
Ipse Christus, cruci affixus itemque glorificatus, graditur in medio discipulorum suorum, ut omnes pertrahat in renovationem resurrectione sua factam.
It is Christ, crucified and glorified, who comes among his disciples, to lead them all together into the newness of his
Artum hunc dominicae cum Domini resurrectione nexum cunctae Ecclesiae tam Orientales quam Occidentales fortiter exstollunt.
The intimate bond between Sunday and the Resurrection of the Lord is strongly emphasized by all the Churches of East and
Ex Resurrectione scaturiens, dominica dies hominis tempora, menses annos saecula, dividit sicut directoria sagitta quae eadem spatia pertransit dirigitque ad alterius Christi adventus terminum.
Springing from the Resurrection, it cuts through human time, the months, the years, the centuries, like a directional arrow which points them towards their target: Christ's Second
Evangelium, quod Christus voce annuntiavit, ad extremum Cruce et Resurrectione in mysterio paschali obsignatur.
The Gospel which he proclaimed with his lips is definitively sealed by the Cross and the Resurrection in the Paschal
Nulla fit (post peccatum originale) Spiritus Sancti missio sine Cruce et Resurrectione: « Si enim non abiero, Paraclitus non veniet ad vos » (90).
There is no sending of the Holy Spirit (after original sin) without the Cross and the Resurrection: "If I do not go away, the Counselor will not come to you."
Resurrectione patefacit vim victricem doloris infunditque persuasionem de huiusmodi vi in animos tum eorum quos suos elegit Apostolos, tum eorum quos continenter eligit et mittit.
Through the Resurrection, he manifests the victorious power of suffering, and he wishes to imbue with the conviction of this power the hearts of those whom he chose as Apostles and those whom he continually chooses and sends
Si, enim, verum est Deum illum esse hominem factum a primo conceptionis momento intra Virginis Sanctae uterum, pariter constat sola resurrectione humanitatem eius totam transfiguratam esse atque glorificatam, propriam sic eius naturam plane patefaciendo nec non gloriam divinam.
It is true that Jesus is God made man from the very moment of his conception in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, but only in the Resurrection is his humanity wholly transfigured and glorified, thus revealing the fullness of his divine identity and
Id autem faciunt illi tamquam Christi discipuli, qui, ut in Concilio scriptum legimus: « Sua Resurrectione Dominus constitutus, per virtutem Spiritus Sui in cordibus hominum iam operatur, non solum venturi saeculi desiderium suscitans, sed eo ipso illa etiam generosa vota animans, purificans et roborans, quibus humana familia suam ipsius vitam humaniorem reddere et totam terram huic fini subiicere satagit » (265).
He arouses not only a desire for the age to come but by that very fact, he animates, purifies and strengthens those noble longings too by which the human family strives to make its life more humane and to render the earth submissive to this goal."
Nam « corpus quidem mortuum est propter peccatum spiritus vero vivit propter iustificationem » (248), quam Christus morte ac Resurrectione sua est operatus.
For "although your bodies are dead because of sin, your spirits are alive because of righteousness,"248 the righteousness accomplished by the Crucified and Risen
Nam Christus, cui pro homine Pater « non pepercit » (97) quique suo in dolore et crucis supplicio expertus humanam non est misericordiam, planam fecit sua in resurrectione plenitudinem illius amoris, quem Pater fovet in eum atque in eo erga omnes homines.
96 In fact, Christ, whom the Father "did not spare"97 for the sake of man and who in His passion and in the torment of the cross did not obtain human mercy, has revealed in His resurrection the fullness of the love that the Father has for Him and, in Him, for all
Dominus noster idemque Magister ait: In resurrectione... neque nubent neque nubentur, sed erunt sicut angeli Dei in caelo (66).
Our Lord and Master has said that "in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven."
Eorum corda primo verbum hoc acceperunt et ipsi caput inclinarunt in baptismi lavacrum, in quo homo, Spiritu Sancto operante, cum Christo cruci affixo moritur atque in eius resurrectione noviter renascitur...
Their hearts accepted this message for the first time, and they bowed their heads to the waters of the baptismal font in which, by the power of the Holy Spirit, a person dies with Christ and is born again to new life in his Resurrection
Luc. 24, 48; Act. 1, 8), quod maxime in resurrectione versatur (Act.
Lk 24:48; Acts 1:8), centered especially on the resurrection (
In eo praeterea continetur Christi proveetio, qui per mortem in cruce ad discipulos Suos redit cum Spiritus Sancti potestate in resurrectione.
It also contains the elevation of Christ, who by means of death on a Cross returns to his disciples in the Resurrection with the power of the Holy
Ipse Christus, truci affixus itemque glorificatus, graditur in medio discipulorum suorum, ut omnes pertrahat in renovationem resurrectione sua factam.
It is the crucified and glorious Christ who passes among His disciples to bring them together into the renewal of His
Postquam sepultus est, propria virtute resurrexit tertia die, ad consortium vitae divinae, quae est gratia, Resurrectione sua nos evehens.
He was buried, and, of His own power, rose on the third day, raising us by His resurrection to that sharing in the divine life which is the life of
Christus declaravit se esse Filium Dei, arcte cum Patre coniunctum - et uti talem eum discipuli professi sunt - verba sua confirmans miraculis et resurrectione ex mortuis.
Confirming his words by miracles and by his resurrection from the dead, Christ proclaimed himself to be the Son of God dwelling in intimate union with the Father, and was recognized as such by his
Sed tunc solum, sicut christian viri censent, fit, ut homo, in Deum sere proiciens, qui eum liberat, veram inveniat libertatem, in Christi Iesu morte et resurrectione instauratam.
But, for the Christian, it is by losing himself in God who sets him free that man finds true freedom, renewed in the death and resurrection of the
48 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.