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Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels


In dubio pro reo.
When in doubt, in favour of the accused.


Charlton T. Lewis


Cuius rei causa in hoc etiam quaerenda est, quod commune bonum exigit, ut maiora usque munera publicae auctoritati demandentur.
This is explained by the exigencies of the common good, which demand that public authority broaden its sphere of activity.

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culprit · initiator · answerable · arraigned · bound · concerned in a thing · culprit|guilty party · debtor · guilty · liable to · party in law suit · party to an action · plaintiff · prisoner · prosecuted · respondent · responsible · sinner · under charges

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Soortgelyke frases

habemus confitentem reum
actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea
The act does not make |a person| guilty unless the mind should be guilty.
Index Praesidentium Rei Publicae Francicae
List of Presidents of the French Republic
In dubio pro reo
In dubio pro reo
absente reo|abs. re.|
|with| the defendant being absent
Index consulum rei publicae
List of Roman Consuls
Cancellaria Confoederatae Rei Publicae
Federal Chancellor · Woman Chancellor
Praga Caput Rei publicae
Prague, Head of the Republic
rei pvblicae


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Iesus Christus in mundum venit potissimum ut unusquisque nostrum huiusce rei conscius fieret.
Jesus Christ came into the world first of all in order to make each one of us aware of
Administratio temporanea Rei Publicae Francicae
Provisional Government of the French Republiclangbot langbot
Quamobrem ii etiam, qui in Foederatis Americae Civitatibus id genus industriae praesunt, huius rei rationem atque periculum in se recepisse professi sunt, non modo ad singulos quod attineret cives, sed ad universam etiam hominum communitatem.
The directors of the industry in the United States recognised this fact themselves when they confessed that the responsibility before the people and the world was their very
Quo cum esset postero die ventum, magna utrimque multitudo convenit, magnaque erat exspectatio eius rei, atque omnium animi intenti esse ad pacem videbantur.
Titus Labienus walked forward from the crowd, and in submissive terms began to speak of peace, and to argue with Vatinius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Id nullam discretionem gignit, quandoquidem baptizatorum populus illa universalitate distinguitur, quae omnes humanos cultus recipit, progressum iuvando illius rei quae in ea implicatur, ad plenam in veritate explicationem consequendam.
This in no way creates division, because the community of the baptized is marked by a universality which can embrace every culture and help to foster whatever is implicit in them to the point where it will be fully explicit in the light of
Quando apud Vetus Testamentum imagines radicitus vetantur, is de « omnino Alterius rei desiderio » loquitur, quae attingi non potest – clamatio est desiderii, quae ad universalem historiam convertitur.
In an extreme radicalization of the Old Testament prohibition of images, he speaks of a “longing for the totally Other” that remains inaccessible—a cry of yearning directed at world
Praeter doctrinarum concertationem, quae publice dividit formas diversas marxismi-leninismi in ipsa interpretatione mentis conditorum, et extra apertas illas contentiones inter plura genera publicae rei administrandae, quae ab eadem doctrina hodie repetuntur, nonnulli discrimina ponunt inter multiplices declarandi marxismi modos.
Apart from the ideological confrontation officially separating the various champions of Marxism-Leninism in their individual interpretations of the thought of its founders, and apart from the open opposition between the political systems which make use of its name today, some people lay down distinctions between Marxism's various levels of
statim corripit reum, adit consules, cognitionem senatus poscit.
He at once pounced on the accused, went to the consuls, and demanded an inquiry before the Senate.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Deprensis navibus circiter quinquaginta celeriterque coniunctis atque eo militibus iniectis et rei novitate perterritis oppidanis, quorum magna pars erat ad bellum evocata, sine contentione oppido potitur.
Having seized upon about fifty ships and quickly joined them together, and having placed soldiers in them, he intimidated by his unexpected arrival the inhabitants, of whom a great number had been called out to the war, and obtains possession of the town without a contest.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cuius rei causa summi profecto interest ut quis aspectabilem mundum contingat, orbem videlicet naturae.
For this purpose, contact with the visible world, with nature, is of immense
Cuius rei causa vocationum actio pastoralis congrua subsidia adhibeat, veluti spiritalem moderationem, ut personalis illa responsio erga Dominum alatur, quae summi ponderis est ut discipuli eiusque Regni apostoli fiant.
In view of this, the pastoral work of promoting vocations should make use of suitable help, such as spiritual direction, in order to nourish that personal response of love of the Lord which is the necessary condition for becoming disciples and apostles of his
Nomen eiusdem rei in taxinomia botanica usitate est divisio, sed International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants haec nomina idem valere decernit.
In botanical nomenclature, a validly published name is a name that meets the requirements in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants for valid publication.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
multum ante secum expenderet quod tali in tempore capessendae rei publicae iter ingrederetur.
You are at the beginning of a career of office, and your future is yet clear.latin-ancient latin-ancient
ergo raptorem filiae meae, violatorem foederis vestri, Arminium apud Varum, qui tum exercitui praesidebat, reum feci.
And therefore I denounced to Varus, who then commanded your army, Arminius, the ravisher of my daughter, the violater of your treaty.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Postea vero, cum Caesarem ad Massiliam detineri cognovit, copias Petreii cum exercitu Afranii esse coniunctas, magna auxilia convenisse, magna esse in spe atque exspectari et consentire omnem citeriorem provinciam, quaeque postea acciderant, de angustiis ad Ilerdam rei fumentariae, accepit, atque haec ad eum latius atque inflatius Afranius perscribebat, se quoque ad motus fortunae movere coepit.
But afterward, when he found that Caesar was detained before Massilia, that the forces of Petreius had effected a junction with the army of Afranius, that considerable reinforcements had come to their assistance, that there were great hopes and expectations, and heard that the whole Hither province had entered into a confederacy, and of the difficulties to which Caesar was reduced afterward at Ilerda for want of provisions, and Afranius wrote to him a fuller and more exaggerated account of these matters, he began to regulate his movements by those of fortune.latin-ancient latin-ancient
XX, 29). — Cuius quidem religiosae rei inclinationis, quicumque adhuc divinae gloriae studio feruntur, causas rationesque inquirunt; quas dum alii alias afferunt, diversas, pro sua quisque sententia, ad Dei regnum in hisce terris tutandum restituendumque sequuntur vias.
1] Those who still are zealous for the glory of God are seeking the causes and reasons for this decline in religion. Coming to a different explanation, each points out, according to his own view, a different plan for the protection and restoration of the kingdom of God on
Suam summam esse ac fuisse semper voluntatem, ut componeretur atque ab armis discederetur, sed potestatem eius rei nullam habere, propterea quod de consilii sententia summam belli rerumque omnium Pompeio permiserint.
That it now was and ever had been Pompey's most earnest wish, that they should be reconciled and lay down their arms, but they were not authorized to treat on that subject, because they resigned the whole management of the war, and all other matters to Pompey, by order of the council.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Moralis rei nomine hic Deus oppugnetur oportet.
It is for the sake of morality that this God has to be
Itaque, re mature perpensa, libenter excipientes petitiones ad Nos missas, constituimus et declaramus sanctum Thomam Morum caelestem Patronum Moderatorum civitatum atque Virorum Mulierumque rei politicae intentorum, facultatem facientes ut ipsi omnes tribuantur honores et liturgica privilegia quae, ad normam iuris, cum patronis diversi ordinis personarum cohaerent.
Therefore, after due consideration and willingly acceding to the petitions addressed to me, I establish and declare Saint Thomas More the heavenly Patron of Statesmen and Politicians, and I decree that he be ascribed all the liturgical honours and privileges which, according to law, belong to the Patrons of categories of
Huius rei causa similes quavis ratione illis fieri voluerunt, quibus Evangelium annuntiabant; pars reddi voluerunt populorum illorum eorumque sortis omnimode participes.
For this purpose they desired to become similar in every aspect to those to whom they were bringing the Gospel; they wished to become part of those peoples and to share their lot in
ille eludens respondit adfuturum ubi praetor qui de veneficiis quaereret reo atque accusatoribus diem prodixisset.
Piso mockingly replied that he would be there as soon as the praetor who had to try poisoning cases had fixed a day for the accused and his prosecutors.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In eiusmodi condicione obscuratio aut deminutio sensus peccati efficiuntur sive eo quod quaevis relatio cum iis quae naturam nostram transcendunt, respuitur, cum autonomia personalis, quam dicunt, expetatur; sive eo quod exemplis ethicis obsecundatur, quae communi assensu moribusque temporum iniunguntur, licet cuiusque conscientia reprobentur; sive propter gravissimas condiciones sociales oeconomicas, quibus tot homines premuntur, ita ut eorum animi inclinentur ad errores culpasque solum intra fines rei socialis statuendos; sive, ac quidem potissimum, eo quod notio paternitatis Dei eiusque dominii vitae hominis obscuratur.
In such a situation the obscuring or weakening of the sense of sin comes from several sources: from a rejection of any reference to the transcendent in the name of the individual's aspiration to personal independence; from acceptance of ethical models imposed by general consensus and behavior, even when condemned by the individual conscience; from the tragic social and economic conditions that oppress a great part of humanity, causing a tendency to see errors and faults only in the context of society; finally and especially, from the obscuring of the notion of God's fatherhood and dominion over man's
Atque in constituendo divino cultu usque adeo rectores rei Lusitanae non patiuntur locum esse Clero, ut aperte praescriptum et statutum sit, non posse, qui religionis ministeriis sint addicti, aut in decurias parochiarum cooptari aut in partem vocari administrationis vel regiminis consociationum, quas memoravimus: qua quidem praescriptione nihil iniquius aut intolerabiles cogitari potest, cum clericorum ordinem in ea ipsa re, qua praestat, inferiorem, quam ceteros cives, conditione faciat.
Indeed, so completely do the rulers of the Portuguese Republic deny any place to the clergy in the organization of divine worship that they have definitely laid it down and provided that those who exercise the ministry of religion may not be coopted as members of the aforesaid parish associations or be allotted any part in their administration or direction. Than such a provision nothing can be imagined more unjust or more intolerable, for it puts the clergy at the beck of other citizens in the very matters upon which they are the rightful
Ad haec, bene catholicis per leges suppetit medium quo conditionem habitumque rei publicae meliorem fieri expostulent, atque eum optent velintque statum, qui et Ecclesiae et sibi, si minus obsecundet et gratificetur, quod multo esset aequissimum, at non adversetur dure.
Effectively the laws give Catholics an easy way of seeking to amend the condition and order of the State and to desire and will a constitution which, if not favourable and well-intentioned towards the Church, shall at least, as justice requires, be not harshly
Etenim certa quaedam bonorum genera rei publicae reservanda merito contenditur, cum tam magnum secum ferant potentatum, quantus privatis hominibus, salva re publica, permitti non possit.
For certain kinds of property, it is rightly contended, ought to be reserved to the State since they carry with them a dominating power so great that cannot without danger to the general welfare be entrusted to private
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