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Vicipaedia:Porta eruditionis/Scriptorium/Villa rustica
villa rustica
Gaius Bruttius Praesens Lucius Fulvius Rusticus
Caius Bruttius Praesens
Instrumentum rusticum
agricultural machinery
operarius rusticus
Nicotiana rustica
Nicotiana rustica


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Fabius Rusticus
Fabius Rusticuslangbot langbot
Per negotia rustica et conventus syndicati, mulieres cenas ferebant et inter se certabant ut probarent quam gregem maxime pascere potuerit, et agricolae post negotia intente disceptabant de quibus honoris causa eorum hospites nocte domi fuerint.
At rural affairs and union meetings, the farm women would bring "suppers" and would vie with each other to see who could feed the troupe most, and after the affair the farmers would have earnest discussions about who would have the honor of taking them home for the night.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Musica rock est genus musicae popularis quod se in Civitatibus Foederatis decennio 196 ex generibus rock and roll, rockabilly, blues, et musica rustica decenni 195 evolvebatur.
Rock music is a genre of popular music that developed in the 1960s from 1950s rock and roll, rockabilly, blues, and country music.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Capitalis rustica
Rustic capitalslangbot langbot
Aestate 1936, iter cum patre et noverca faciens, primum banionem chordarum quinque audivit in Mountain Dance and Folk Festival ('Ferio Montano Saltationis et Rerum Rusticorum') in Carolina Septentrionali prope Asheville, a Bascom Lamar Lunsford ordinato, folklorista, lectore, et musicae traditionalis actore loci, quem Carolus Seeger pro propositis musicis Farm Resettlement conduxerat.
During the summer of 1936, while traveling with his father and stepmother, Pete heard the five-string banjo for the first time at the Mountain Dance and Folk Festival in western North Carolina near Asheville, organized by local folklorist, lecturer, and traditional music performer Bascom Lamar Lunsford, whom Charles Seeger had hired for Farm Resettlement music projects.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
tradit Fabius Rusticus non eo quo venerat intinere redi[sse] t[ribun]um, sed flexisse ad Faenium praefectum et expositis Caesaris iussis an obtemperaret interrogavisse, monitumque ab eo ut exsequeretur, fatali omnium ignavia.
Fabius Rusticus tells us that he did not return the way he came, but went out of his course to Faenius, the commander of the guard, and having explained to him the emperor's orders, and asked whether he was to obey them, was by him admonished to carry them out, for a fatal spell of cowardice was on them all.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Condiciones vero agrestium operisque rustici haud eaedem ubi que sunt diversique pariter sunt status sociales opificum agricolarum in regionibus variis.
The conditions of the rural population and of agricultural work vary from place to place, and the social position of agricultural workers differs from country to
Gaius Bruttius Praesens Lucius Fulvius Rusticus
Caius Bruttius Praesenslangbot langbot
Bellum rusticum Germanicum
German Peasants' Warlangbot langbot
Categoria:Instrumenta rustica
Category:Farming toolslangbot langbot
Vicipaedia:Porta eruditionis/Scriptorium/Villa rustica
Villa rusticalangbot langbot
Paucae familiae rusticae totum annum ibi habitabant.
I've lived with rumours all my life.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cum multi eventus notabiles historicique Moscuae et Petropoli in urbibus acciderent, erat etiam motus popularis in urbibus per rempublicam, inter civitates minores omne per imperium, et passim ruri, ubi rustici agros ceperunt et dispertiverunt.
While many notable historical events occurred in Moscow and Petrograd, there was also a visible movement in cities throughout the state, among national minorities throughout the empire and in the rural areas, where peasants took over and redistributed land.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Praeterea quidam saepe aemulationem reformidabant mercatoriam invectionum proventuum, plerumque rusticorum, qui ex Nationibus oeconomice pauperioribus proveniebant.
Furthermore, there are those who fear the effects of competition through the importation of products — normally agricultural products — from economically poor
Quintus Iunius Rusticus
Junius Rusticuslangbot langbot
ι_Α nimium simplex Helene, ne rustica dicam, — d hanc faciem culpa posse carere putas ?
a, nimium simplex Helene, ne rustica dicam, hanc faciem culpa posse carere putas ?Literature Literature
Hodie, 114 concilia effectum in 99 districtibus habent; viginti duo sunt urbana, et nonaginta duo sunt rustica.
Currently there are 114 councils operating in 99 districts, 22 are urban and 92 are rural.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
j Nec dubito quin haec, cum sit tam iusta, vocetur rustica iudicio nostra querela tuo.
I doubt not that, just though it is, this complaint of mine is called rustic in your judgment.Literature Literature
Fabius Rusticus auctor est scriptos esse ad Caecinam Tuscum codicillos, mandata ei praetoriarum cohortium cura, sed ope Senecae dignationem Burro retentam.
We have it on the authority of Fabius Rusticus that a note was written to Caecina Tuscus, intrusting to him the charge of the praetorian cohorts, but that through Seneca's influence that distinguished post was retained for Burrus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Fabius Rusticus non Agrippinae sed Neroni cupitum id memorat eiusdemque libertae astu disiectum.
Fabius Rusticus tells us that it was not Agrippina, but Nero, who lusted for the crime, and that it was frustrated by the adroitness of that same freed-girl.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quoniam quotiens etiam parvo in altari sacelli rustici celebratur, Eucharistia quodam certo sensu semper celebratur in ara orbis.
Because even when it is celebrated on the humble altar of a country church, the Eucharist is always in some way celebrated on the altar of the
aderat consilio Rusticus Arulenus, flagrans iuvenis, et cupidine laudis offerebat se intercessurum senatus consulto: nam plebei tribunus erat.
"And therefore, while you are yet stainless and undisgraced, seek to close life with the glory of those in whose track and pursuits you have passed it."" Present at this deliberation was Rusticus Arulenus, an enthusiastic youth, who, in his ardour for renown, offered, as he was tribune of the people, to protest against the sentence of the Senate."latin-ancient latin-ancient
vulneratur praetor Arulenus Rusticus: auxit invidiam super violatum legati praetorisque nomen propria dignatio viri.
His companions were dispersed, and the lictor that stood next to him, venturing to push aside the crowd, was killed.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Gargilius Martialis (scriptor de re rustica)
Quintus Gargilius Martialislangbot langbot
51 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.