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Circulus sanguinis maior
Systemic circulation
Circulus sanguinis minor
Pulmonary circulation
Sanguinis pressio
blood pressure


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Ex eodem Christi sanguine hauriunt omnes homines vim, ut operam navent pro vita.
It is from the blood of Christ that all draw the strength to commit themselves to promoting
Ita intellegitur quam aequum fuerit ut Christiani, praecones liberationis Christi sanguine consummatae, perciperent se facultatem habere sensum sabbati in diem resurrectionis transferendi.
This is why Christians, called as they are to proclaim the liberation won by the blood of Christ, felt that they had the authority to transfer the meaning of the Sabbath to the day of the
Hisce Nos tam extremis rebus permoti, in primo tamquam limina Pontificatus maximi, Nostrarum partium esse duximus, suprema illa Decessoris Nostri, praeclarae sanctissimaeque memoriae Pontificis, revocare verba, iisque iterandis, Apostolicum officium auspicari; vehementerque eos, qui res regunt veb gubernant publicas, obsecravimus, ut, respicientes quantum effusum iam esset lacrimarum et sanguinis, alma pacis munera reddere populis maturarunt.
4. Moved by these great evils, we thought it our duty, at the very outset of our Supreme Pontificate, to recall the last words of our Predecessor of illustrious and holy memory, and by repeating them once more to begin our own Apostolic Ministry; and we implored Kings and rulers to consider the floods of tears and of blood already poured out, and to hasten to restore to the nations the blessings of
Pressio sanguinis vitae signum est.
See high blood pressure.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Caro enim pretio empti sunt, pretio sincerissimi doni, Christi profecto sanguine, quem per sacramentum participant.
They have been purchased at great cost, by the price of the most sincere gift of all, the blood of Christ of which they partake through the
infensus miles memoria laborum et adversum eludentis optatae totiens pugnae se quisque ultione et sanguine explebant.
The infuriated soldiers, remembering their hardships and how often the longed-for conflict had been eluded, sated themselves to a man with vengeance and bloodshed.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Coniugii imago inter Deum et Israel illa efficitur ratione, quae antea concipi non potuit: quod antea fuit pro Deo stare, fit nunc, per Iesu donationem communicatam, eius corporis et sanguinis participatio, fit coniunctio.
The imagery of marriage between God and Israel is now realized in a way previously inconceivable: it had meant standing in God's presence, but now it becomes union with God through sharing in Jesus' self-gift, sharing in his body and
Iudaeis ipsis sicut aliis etiam antiquitatis populis sedes est sanguis vitae, immo vero “sanguis... anima est” (Deut. 12, 23), atque vita, humana praesertim, unum pertinet ad Deum: quocirca qui hominis adgreditur vitam, ipsi quadamtenus Deo infert manus.
Indeed "the blood is the life" (Dt 12:23), and life, especially human life, belongs only to God: for this reason whoever attacks human life, in some way attacks God
quotiens pars altera inclinasset, abditos in tabernis aut si quam in domum perfugerant, erui iugularique expostulantes parte maiore praedae potiebantur: nam milite ad sanguinem et caedis obverso spolia in vulgus cedebant.
Whenever either side gave way, they cried out that those who concealed themselves in the shops, or took refuge in any private house, should be dragged out and butchered, and they secured the larger share of the booty; for, while the soldiers were busy with bloodshed and massacre, the spoils fell to the crowd.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Episcopi adhibendi habere copiam poterit presbyterii dioecesani participes, diaconos, sanguinis Christi caritatisque ministros; sorores fratresque consecratos, qui in Ecclesia mundoque ad Dei principatum in vita christiana palam itemque eius amoris coram condicionis humanae infirmitate potentiam testandam vocantur; fideles tandem laicos, quorum auctae apostolatus in Ecclesia potestates peculiare fulcimentum singularisque solaminis causam Pastoribus comparant.
The Bishop needs to be able to count on the members of his diocesan presbyterate and on his deacons, the ministers of the Blood of Christ and of charity; he needs to be able to count on his consecrated sisters and brothers, called to be for the Church and the world eloquent witnesses of the primacy of God in the Christian life and the power of his love amid the frailty of the human condition; and he needs to be able to count on the lay faithful, whose greater scope for the apostolate represents for their pastors a source of particular support and a reason for special
"Certe hinc Romanos olim, volventibus annis, / hinc fore ductores, revocato a sanguine Teucri, / qui mare, qui terras omni dicione tenerent, / pollicitus, quæ te, genitor, sententia vertit?"
"Surely from them the rolling years should see / new sons of ancient Teucer rise again, / the Romans, rulers of the land and sea. / So swar'st thou; Father, say, why changed is thy decree?"Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
vos autem Treviri ceteraeque servientium animae, quod praemium effusi totiens sanguinis expectatis nisi ingratam militiam, immortalia tributa, virgas, securis et dominorum ingenia? en ego praefectus unius cohortis et Canninefates Batavique, exigua Galliarum portio, vana illa castrorum spatia excidimus vel saepta ferro fameque premimus.
You, Treveri, and other enslaved creatures, what reward do you expect for the blood which you have shed so often? What but a hateful service, perpetual tribute, the rod, the axe, and the passions of a ruling race? See how I, the prefect of a single cohort, with the Batavians and the Canninefates, a mere fraction of Gaul, have destroyed their vast but useless camps, or are pressing them with the close blockade of famine and the sword.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Transfusio sanguinis
Blood transfusionlangbot langbot
Mare autem interea undique sanguine inficitur.
It is said to have an insatiable appetite for blood.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Etiam si bella externa et obitas pro re publica mortis tanta casuum similitudine memorarem, meque ipsum satias cepisset aliorumque taedium expectarem, quamvis honestos civium exitus, tristis tamen et continuos aspernantium: at nunc patientia servilis tantumque sanguinis domi perditum fatigant animum et maestitia restringunt.
Even if I had to relate foreign wars and deaths encountered in the service of the State with such a monotony of disaster, I should myself have been overcome by disgust, while I should look for weariness in my readers, sickened as they would be by the melancholy and continuous destruction of our citizens, however glorious to themselves.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tulit ilico Sephora acutissimam petram et circumcidit præputium filii sui; tetigitque pedes eius et ait: Sponsus sanguinum tu mihi es.
Immediately Sephora took a very sharp stone, and circumcised the foreskin of her son, and touched his feet, and said: A bloody spouse art thou to me.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Missa simul et inseparabiliter sacrificale est memoriale in quo Crucis perpetuatur Sacrificium, et sacrum convivium Communionis corporis et sanguinis Domini" (13).
“The Mass is at the same time, and inseparably, the sacrificial memorial in which the sacrifice of the Cross is perpetuated and the sacred banquet of communion with the Lord's body and blood”
Estne sanguis?
Is this blood?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Transibit enim Dominus percutiens Aegyptios; cumque viderit sanguinem in superliminari et in utroque poste, transcendet ostium et non sinet percussorem ingredi domos vestras et lædere.
For the Lord will pass through striking the Egyptians: and when he shall see the blood on the transom, and on both the posts, he will pass over the door of the house, and not suffer the destroyer to come into your houses and to hurt you.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Plena propterea conscientia ineunte ministerio suo intra Ecclesiam Romanam quam Petrus suo irrigavit sanguine, hodiernus ipsius Successor accipit tamquam primarium quoddam munus ut laboribus nihil parcens det operam restituendae plenae visibilique unitati omnium Christi discipulorum.
"Thus, in full awareness and at the beginning of his ministry in the Church of Rome that Peter bathed with his blood, the current Successor assumes as his primary commitment that of working tirelessly towards the reconstitution of the full and visible unity of all Christ's
Apud locum Caesareae Philippi, reddita a Petro confessione, tam lucidi suae naturae intuitus originem designavit Iesus: «Caro et sanguis non revelavit tibi, sed Pater meus, qui in caelis est» (Mt 16, 17).
In the region of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus responded to Peter's confession of faith by indicating the source of that clear intuition of his identity: “Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven” (Mt 16:17)
Optatum infinitae cuiusdam « progressionis » recuperatur, in aliud tamen penitus mutatum nova quadam visione christiana fide patefacta, unde accipimus eiusmodi progressionem haberi tantummodo posse, quod Deus Pater inde a principio voluerit suam gloriam cum homine communicare in Christo Iesu a mortuis excitato, « in quo habemus redemptionem per sanguinem eius, remissionem peccatorum » (cfr.
The dream of "unlimited progress" reappears, radically transformed by the new outlook created by Christian faith, assuring us that progress is possible only because God the Father has decided from the beginning to make man a sharer of his glory in Jesus Christ risen from the dead, in whom "we have redemption through his blood...the forgiveness of our trespasses" (Eph 1:7)
Dedecet placidos requiescere nos, si quidem plura illa centena milia cogitemus fratrum ac sororum, similiter Christi sanguine redemptorum, qui vitam degant Dei ignorantes amorem.
We cannot be content when we consider the millions of our brothers sisters, who like us have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, but who live in ignorance of the love of
Secundum illam normam moderari se sacerdotem oportet Panem ac Vinum tractantem, quae Corpus et Sanguis facta sint Redemptoris.
It is from this admonition that the priest's attitude in handling the bread and wine which have become the body and blood of the Redeemer should draw its
Circulus sanguinis maior
Systemic circulationlangbot langbot
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