scopuli oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

vocative plural of scopulus
genitive singular of scopulus
nominative plural of scopulus

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Scopulus curalii
coral reef
Aquilegia scopulorum calcarea
Aquilegia scopulorum calcarea
boulder · cliff · crag · danger · difficulty · ledge · peak · projecting point of rock · rock · shelf · stumbling-block · summit · top


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Fronte sub adversa scopulis pendentibus antrum; / intus aquæ dulces vivoque sedilia saxo, / Nympharum domus. Hic fessas non vincula naves / ulla tenent, unco non alligat ancora morsu.
Beneath a precipice, that fronts the wave, / with limpid springs inside, and many a seat / of living marble, lies a sheltered cave, / home of the Sea-Nymphs. In this haven sweet / cable nor biting anchor moors the fleet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Vos et Scyllæam rabiem penitusque sonantes / accestis scopulos, vos et Cyclopia saxa / experti".
"Ye know mad Scylla, and her monsters' yell, / and the dark caverns where the Cyclops dwell."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Inter fidem et philosophiam necessitudo in Christi crucifixi ac resuscitati praedicatione scopulum offendit ad quem naufragium facere potest, sed ultra quem patescere potest infinitum veritatis spatium.
The preaching of Christ crucified and risen is the reef upon which the link between faith and philosophy can break up, but it is also the reef beyond which the two can set forth upon the boundless ocean of
Maximum stationis aquarium est exemplar scopuli curalii Caribici.
The largest aquarium is a model of a Caribbean coral reef.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Effugimus scopulos Ithacae, Laertia regna, et terram altricem saevi exsecramur Ulixi.
effugimus scopulos Ithacae, Laertia regna, et terram altricem saevi exsecramur Vlixi.Literature Literature
Et pater Anchises: `Nimirum haec illa Charybdis: hos Helenus scopulos, haec saxa horrenda canebat.
et pater Anchises 'nimirum hie illa Charybdis: hos Helenus scopulos, haec saxa horrenda canebat.Literature Literature
Aeneas scopulum interea conscendit et omnem / prospectum late pelago petit, Anthea si quem / jactatum vento videat Phrygiasque biremes, / aut Capyn, aut celsis in puppibus arma Caici.
While up the crag AEneas climbs, to gain / full prospect far and wide, and scan the distant main. / If aught of Phrygian biremes he discern / Antheus or Capys, tost upon the seas, / or arms of brave Caicus high astern.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Scopulus curalii
Coral reeflangbot langbot
Sirenum scopuli
Sirenum scopulilangbot langbot
Cymothoë simul et Triton annixus acuto / detrudunt naves scopulo; levat ipse tridenti, / et vastas aperit Syrtes, et temperat aequor, / atque rotis summas levibus perlabitur undas.
Triton, Cymothoe from the rock's sharp brow / push off the vessels. Neptune plies amain / his trident-lever, lays the sandbanks low, / on light wheels shaves the deep, and calms the billowy flow.tatoeba tatoeba
Scopuli Liancourt
Liancourt Rockslangbot langbot
Ter scopuli clamorem inter cava saxa dedere, / ter spumam elisam et rorantia vidimus astra.
Thrice roar the caverned shore-cliffs, thrice the spray / whirls up and wets the dewy stars on high.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Fronte sub adversa scopulis pendentibus antrum; / intus aquae dulces vivoque sedilia saxo, / Nympharum domus. Hic fessas non vincula naves / ulla tenent, unco non alligat ancora morsu.
Beneath a precipice, that fronts the wave, / with limpid springs inside, and many a seat / of living marble, lies a sheltered cave, / home of the Sea-Nymphs. In this haven sweet / cable nor biting anchor moors the fleet.tatoeba tatoeba
Et pater Anchises: "Nimirum hæc illa Charybdis: / hos Helenus scopulos, hæc saxa horrenda canebat. / Eripite, o socii, pariterque insurgite remis!"
"Behold / Charybdis!" cries Anchises, "'tis the shore, / the dreaded rocks that Helenus foretold. / Row, comrades, for dear life, and let the oars catch hold."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Habitatio naturalis est scopuli curalii altitudine ad 60 m.
Their binocular field was up to 60°.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sic in portu emicans ignis e turri, dum nocturno itinere navigantibus multa pandit, quae tenebris involuta laterent, simul de vitandis scopulis admonet, ad quos allisa navis naufragium pateretur.
Thus does the lighthouse show many things they otherwise would not see, while it points out the rocks on which the vessel would suffer
Effugimus scopulos Ithacæ, Laërtia regna, / et terram altricem sævi exsecramur Ulixi.
Past Ithaca we creep, / Laertes' realms, and curse the land that bred / Ulysses, cause of all the woes we weep.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Hinc atque hinc vastæ rupes geminique minantur / in cœlum scopuli, quorum sub vertice late / æquora tuta silent; tum silvis scena coruscis / desuper horrentique atrum nemus imminet umbra.
Two towering crags, twin giants, guard the cove, / and threat the skies. The waters at their feet / sleep hushed, and, like a curtain, frowns above, / mixt with the glancing green, the darkness of the grove.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Qui modo sibi timuerant, hos tutissimus portus recipiebat; qui nostris navibus periculum intulerant, de suo timere cogebantur. Itaque tempore commutato tempestas et nostros texit et naves Rhodias afflixit, ita ut ad unam omnes, constratae numero XVI, eliderentur et naufragio interirent, et ex magno remigum propugnatorumque numero pars ad scopulos allisa interficeretur, pars ab nostris detraheretur; quos omnes conservatos Caesar domum dimisit.
We who, a moment before, were alarmed for ourselves, were safely lodged in a very secure harbor: and they who had threatened ruin to our fleet, were forced to be uneasy on their own account: and thus, by a change of circumstances, the storm protected our ships, and damaged the Rhodian fleet to such a degree that all their decked ships, sixteen in number, foundered, without exception, and were wrecked: and of the prodigious number of seamen and soldiers, some lost their lives by being dashed against the rocks, others were taken by our men: but Caesar sent them all safe home.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Vos et Scyllaeam rabiem penitusque sonantes / accestis scopulos, vos et Cyclopia saxa / experti".
"Ye know mad Scylla, and her monsters' yell, / and the dark caverns where the Cyclops dwell."tatoeba tatoeba
Spero equidem mediis, si quid pia numina possunt, supplicia hausurum scopulis, et nomine Dido saepe vocaturum.
Spero equidem medils, supplicia hausurum si quid pia numina possunt, scopulls nomine Dido et saepe vocdturum.Literature Literature
Duplex imprimis et rei seu dominii et operae seu laboris ratio, id est individualis et socialis, aeque et rite pensanda est, ut et individualismi et collettivismi scopuli vitentur.
First, so as to avoid the reefs of individualism and collectivism. the twofold character, that is individual and social, both of capital or ownership and of work or labor must be given due and rightful
Scopulus Hifacensis
Natural Park of Penyal d'Ifaclangbot langbot
Vela legunt socii, et proas ad litora torquent. / Portus ab Euroo fluctu curvatus in arcum; / objectæ salsa spumant adspargine cautes; / ipse latet; gemino demittunt brachia muro / turriti scopuli, refugit ab litore templum.
We furl the sails, and shoreward row amain. / Eastward the harbour arches, scarce descried. / Two jutting rocks, by billows lashed in vain, / stretch out their arms the narrow mouth to hide. / Far back the temple stands, and seems to shun the tide.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Insularum in Oceano Pacifico sunt quattuor genera principalia: insulae continentales, insulae altae, scopuli curalii, et elevati curalii suggestus.
Islands in the Pacific Ocean are of four basic types: continental islands, high islands, coral reefs and uplifted coral platforms.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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