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Ita intellegitur quam aequum fuerit ut Christiani, praecones liberationis Christi sanguine consummatae, perciperent se facultatem habere sensum sabbati in diem resurrectionis transferendi.
This is why Christians, called as they are to proclaim the liberation won by the blood of Christ, felt that they had the authority to transfer the meaning of the Sabbath to the day of the
A quoi respondeo, Quia est in eo Vertus dormitiva, Cujus est natura Sensus assoupire.
Whatever he narrates to Ganesha turns out to be real that night, as it rains heavily and Ganesha hears knocks on the door.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sermo Hildegardis, nova forma et efficaci distinctus, libenter poeticas locutiones adhibet, quae perspicuo symbolorum sensu praestant, fulgentibus intuitionibus, concisis analogiis et suasoriis metaphoris additis.
Hildegard’s language, characterized by an original and effective style, makes ample use of poetic expressions and is rich in symbols, dazzling intuitions, incisive comparisons and evocative
Ita potius agendum est ut, per evangelicam institutionem semper renovandam, christianae familiae solidum offerant exemplum, eo sensu quod matrimonium agi possit ratione Dei consilio et exigentiis humanae personae omnino congruenti: personae scilicet coniugum ac praesertim debilioris personae filiorum.
Instead, it is necessary to ensure that through an ever more complete Gospel formation Christian families show convincingly that it is possible to live marriage fully in keeping with God's plan and with the true good of the human person — of the spouses, and of the children who are more
In quo satis cuique est, si vere spiritualem habeat sensum, quo Dei nuntium in rerum cursu signatum detegat.
It suffices to have true spiritual sensitivity for reading God's message in
Necessaria memarum proprietas est significationes linguisticas habere naturam copiarum non constructibilem sensu mathematico, et non operantur per vim quae logicae Aristotelianae moderatur, sicut principium medii exclusi.
An essential characteristic of memes is that linguistic meanings have the nature of nonconstructible sets in the mathematical sense and do not abide by constraints governing Aristotelian logic, such as the principle of the excluded middle.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quibus singulis universis hodie gratissimi animi sensus ultro proferimus.
To one and all of them I wish to express today my sentiments of deep
Idcirco liturgica renovatio, recto modo secundum Concilii Vaticani II mentem peracta, certo quodam sensu mensura est et condicio qua eiusdem universalis Synodi doctrina ad usum adducatur, quam quidem amplecti volumus profunda cum fide, habentes scilicet nobis persuasum per ipsum Concilium Spiritum Sanctum “dixisse Ecclesiae” veritates dedisseque concilia quae muneri eius perficiendo utilia essent coram hominibus huius nostri posteriorisque temporis.
For this reason liturgical renewal carried out correctly in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council is, in a certain sense, the measure and the condition for putting into effect the teaching of that Council which we wish to accept with profound faith, convinced as we are that by means of this Council the Holy Spirit "has spoken to the Church" the truths and given the indications for carrying out her mission among the people of today and
176) Hoc requirit ab operatoribus pastoralibus huius provinciae peculiarem institutionem ac vivum responsalitatis sensum.
(176) This requires a specific preparation and a keen sense of responsibility on the part of pastoral workers in the
Id quod sensum excitat frustrationis vel desperationis hominesque comparat ad sese subtrahendos ex ipsa nationis vita, multis interea ad emigrandum in de propulsis atque generato pariter quodam emigrationis « psychologicae » genere.
This provokes a sense of frustration or desperation and predisposes people to opt out of national life, impelling many to emigrate and also favoring a form of "psychological"
Simul vero oportebit has communitates fervidum exprimere hospitalitatis sensum erga fratres aliunde accedentes, in locis praesertim ad quae plures viatores et peregrinatores alliciuntur, quorum causa necesse saepe erit peculiaria capere consilia de adiutorio religioso praestando.(
At the same time, these communities should show a warm sense of welcome to visiting brothers and sisters, especially in places which attract many tourists and pilgrims, for whom it will often be necessary to provide special religious assistance.(
Vos qui “ portatis pondus diei et aestum ”, qui manum misistis ad aratrum et non aspicitis retro, et fortasse vos potius qui in dubitatione versamini qui sensus sit vocationis vestrae vel quid vestrum valeat ministerium, loca illa cogitate ubi homines sacerdotem vehementer exspectant et ubi multos iam annos, cum eius afficiantur desiderio, eum sibi adesse non desinunt optare!
Lk 9:62), and perhaps even more those of you who are doubtful of the meaning of your vocation or of the value of your service: think of the places where people anxiously await a Priest, and where for many years; feeling the lack of such a Priest, they do not cease to hope for his
Verbis et exemplo, in cotidianis necessitudinibus et optionibus, per gestus et clara signa, parentes filios ad veram instruunt libertatem, quae ad effectum adducitur per sinceram sui ipsius donationem, et in iis observantiam colunt alterius, iustitiae sensum, fervidam acceptionem, dialogum, promptum adiutorium, hominum mutuam necessitudinem necnon quodlibet aliud bonum ad vitam agendam veluti donationem.
By word and example, in the daily round of relations and choices, and through concrete actions and signs, parents lead their children to authentic freedom, actualized in the sincere gift of self, and they cultivate in them respect for others, a sense of justice, cordial openness, dialogue, generous service, solidarity and all the other values which help people to live life as a
Hucusque recensitae opinationes perducunt vicissim ad latiorem quandam notionem quae hodie efficere videtur communem multarum philosophiarum prospectum quae iam a sensu essendi recesserunt.
The positions we have examined lead in turn to a more general conception which appears today as the common framework of many philosophies which have rejected the meaningfulness of
Pernecessarium itaque est ut etiam philosophice de necessitudinis ratione interrogetur quae inter factum eiusque significatum intercedit; haec necessitudo proprium historiae efficit sensum.
There is a pressing need, therefore, that the relationship between fact and meaning, a relationship which constitutes the specific sense of history, be examined also from the philosophical point of
Eo igitur sensu inveniet presbyter, in ipsa sui deditione et pertinentia ad Ecclesiam particularem, copiosum fontem significationum et criteriorum pro discretione et actione, unde eius tum pastoralis missio tum vita spiritualis penitus conformetur.
In this sense, the priest finds precisely in his belonging to and dedication to the particular Church a wealth of meaning, criteria for discernment and action which shape both his pastoral mission and his spiritual
Persuasum semper magis habeant christifideles laici ipsorum apostolicam navitatem peculiarem sensum in paroecia assumere.
The lay faithful ought to be ever more convinced of the special meaning that their commitment to the apostolate takes on in their
In ipsa societate, quamvis multa sint secum pugnantia, largiorem et fortiorem invenimus iustitiae et pacis sitim, vividiorem sensum curae hominis de mundo deque cultu rerum naturae; apertiorem veritatis inquisitionem atque hominis dignitatis adsectationis, crescentem sedulitatem in multis totius mundi populorum partibus pro necessitudine inter nationes magis in usu posita et pro novo ordine orbis terrarum secundum libertatem et iustitiam.
Despite many contradictions, society is increasingly witnessing a powerful thirst for justice and peace; a more lively sense that humanity must care for creation and respect nature; a more open search for truth; a greater effort to safeguard human dignity; a growing commitment in many sectors of the world population to a more specific international solidarity and a new ordering of the world in freedom and
Eiusmodi introductio manuum operis, spiritali sensu imbuti, nova omnino apparuit.
Seeing manual labour as spiritually meaningful proved
Experrectus undevicesimo aetatis anno ad sapientiae amorem, cum Ciceronis perlegisset Hortensium: “Ille vero liber mutavit affectum meum . . ., et immortalitatem sapientiae concupiscebam aestu cordis incredibili” (EIUSDEM Confessiones 3, 4, 7: PL 32, 921), intimis iam sensibus veritatem amabat omnibusque animi viribus eam conquirebat semper.
He awoke at the age of nineteen to the love of wisdom, when he read the Hortensius of Cicero—"That book altered my way of thinking...and I desired wisdom's immortality with an incredible ardor in my heart."(
l° doctrinae copia, vitae testimonio et responsabilitatis sensu perspectus sit;
1) be distinguished by wealth of knowledge, witness of life, and a sense of responsibility;
Concilium Oecumenicum Vaticanum II iterum memorat: “Seminaria Maiora ad sacerdotalem conformationem necessaria sunt” (Decr. de institutione sacerdotali Optatam totius, 4) et formatio tradenda in Seminario maiore est specifice sacerdotalis, ordinata videlicet spirituali et pastorali sensu ad sacrum ministerium: “Alumnorum institutio eo tendere debet ut ad exemplar Domini Iesu Christi, Magistri, Sacerdotis et Pastoris, veri animarum pastores ipsi formentur” (ibid).
The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council also states that “major seminaries are necessary for priestly training” (Decree on the Training of Priests Optatam Totius, n. 4) and that the formation imparted in the major seminary is specifically priestly, that is, ordered spiritually and pastorally to the sacred ministry: “the whole training of the students should have as its object to make them true shepherds of souls after the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, Teacher, Priest and Shepherd” (ibid.)
Praeterea peculiaris formationis vis eiusque mira efficacia, quas theologiae magistri exercere valent, singulari modo pendent ex eo quod potissimum ipsi iidem magistri esse debent: «Viri fidei et pleni amore erga Ecclesiam, persuasi adaequatum subiectum christiani mysterii cognitionis unam exstare Ecclesiam; persuasi proinde eorum munus docendi authenticum ministerium ecclesiale esse, ac sensu pastorali praediti, ad discernendum, praeter contentus, etiam formas aptosque modos ad huiusmodi ministerii exercitium.
In particular, the formative effect of the teachers of theology will depend, above all, on whether they are "men of faith who are full of love for the Church, convinced that the one who really knows the Christian mystery is the Church as such and, therefore, that their task of teaching is really and truly an ecclesial ministry, men who have a richly developed pastoral sense which enables them to discern not only content but forms that are suitable for the exercise of their
In lato sensu, ulla navis consilio indicia colligere haberi potest speculatoriam esse.
At a trial, Fred Otash said the detectives had followed them to get the story.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Redemptio per crucem effecta reddidit homini in perpetuum dignitatem suam ac sensum exsistentiae in mundo” (IOANNIS PAULI PP.
[The] Redemption that took place through the cross has definitively restored to man his dignity and given back meaning to his life in the world."
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