sentio oor Engels


/ˈsen.ti.oː/ werkwoord

Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels


transitive: to think or believe
Me sentio persolum esse.
I feel very lonely.
Charlton T. Lewis




to become aware of

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experience · judge · perceive · suppose · see · think · understand · be of opinion · be sensible of · believe · decide · declare · deem · discern · discern by sense · endure · feel the effects of · give an opinion · hear · imagine · mean · notice · observe · suffer · undergo · vote

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Hoc proelio trans Rhenum nuntiato, Suebi, qui ad ripas Rheni venerant, domum reverti coeperunt; quos ubi qui proximi Rhenum incolunt perterritos senserunt, insecuti magnum ex iis numerum occiderunt.
This battle having been reported beyond the Rhine, the Suevi, who had come to the banks of that river, began to return home, when the Ubii, who dwelt nearest to the Rhine, pursuing them, while much alarmed, slew a great number of them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ii sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni monitum suis in cordibus resonare sentiebant: « Purgari prius oportet, deinde purgare; sapientia instrui, atque ita demum alios sapientia instruere; lux fieri, et alios illuminare; ad Deum appropinquare, et ita alios adducere; sanctificari, et postea sanctificare ».50
In their hearts they heard resound Saint Gregory Nazianzen's admonition: ''First be purified and then purify others, first allow yourself to be instructed by wisdom and then instruct others, first become light and then enlighten others, first draw close to God and then guide others to him, first be holy yourself and then make others holy''
Homines sentiunt se veluti nautas esse in vitae mari ad maiorem usque unitatem et necessitudinem vocatos.
People sense that they are, as it were, traveling together across life's sea, and that they are called to ever greater unity and
Sentimus profecto reconciliationem, quae in eius humanitate est peraeta, in efficacitate sacrorum mysteriorum, quae ab eius Ecclesia celebrantur, cui se ipsum tradidit quamque signum simulque instrumentum salutis effecit.
32) We experience the reconciliation which he accomplished in his humanity in the efficacy of the sacred mysteries which are celebrated by his church, for which he gave his life and which he established as the sign and also the means of
Quos quoniam fortuna in nostram detulit potestatem, si, id quod facere debetis, rem publicam cum optimo quoque defendetis, certum est vobis vitam et pecuniam donare. Quapropter quid sentiatis proloquimini.'
"If, therefore, now that fortune has put you in our power, you will take this opportunity to unite with the good citizens, in the defense of the commonwealth, I am determined to give you life and money: therefore speak openly your sentiments."""latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sentiunt Iesum secum colloqui de rebus, quae illis temporibus cum muliere non disserebantur.
They feel that Jesus is speaking to them about matters which in those times one did not discuss with a
Tali quidem modo alii cessant se extraneos sentire illique percipi possunt veluti pars « nostrum » quippe qui unum constituamus.
Others will then no longer be seen as strangers, but as part of a “we” which all of us are working to
Hi, sive vere quam habuerant opinionem ad eum perferunt, sive etiam auribus Vari serviunt (nam, quae volumus, et credimus libenter et, quae sentimus ipsi, reliquos sentire speramus), confirmant quidem certe totius exercitus animos alienos esse a Curione maximeque opus esse in conspectum exercitus venire et colloquendi dare facultatem.
They, whether they uttered the sentiments which they really entertained, or wished to gratify Varus (for what we wish we readily give credit to, and what we think ourselves, we hope is the opinion of other men), assured him, that the minds of the whole army were disaffected to Curio, that it was very expedient that the armies should be brought in view of each other, and an opportunity of a conference be given.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hac habita contione et ad extremam orationem confirmatis militibus, ne ob hanc causam animo permoverentur neu quod iniquitas loci attulisset id virtuti hostium tribuerent, eadem de profectione cogitans quae ante senserat legiones ex castris eduxit aciemque idoneo loco constituit.
"Having held this assembly, and having encouraged the soldiers at the conclusion of his speech, ""That they should not be dispirited on this account, nor attribute to the valor of the enemy, what the disadvantage of position had caused;"" entertaining the same views of his departure that he had previously had, he led forth the legions from the camp, and drew up his army in order of battle in a suitable place."latin-ancient latin-ancient
In Africa Septentrionali quidam tamen christiani, sese qui teneri sentiebant ad Domini excolendum Diem, vetitum illud reiciebant.
Some Christians in North Africa, who felt bound to celebrate the Lord's Day, defied the
Huius spei cognitione nutrita, ipsa « redemptam » se sentiebat, percipiebat se non amplius servam, sed liberam Dei filiam esse.
Through the knowledge of this hope she was “redeemed”, no longer a slave, but a free child of
Ex suo munere evangelico, Ecclesia sentit se vocari ad vigilandum pro pauperum multitudinibus, ad discernendas iustas eorum postulationes, ad conferendum ut eae efficiantur, etsi non sit ei bonum commune coetuum praetermittendum.
By virtue of her own evangelical duty the Church feels called to take her stand beside the poor, to discern the justice of their requests, and to help satisfy them, without losing sight of the good of groups in the context of the common
Qui “carni subiectus est” Dei legem sentit tamquam onus, immo tamquam negationem aut, quoquo modo, propriae libertatis imminutionem; qui, contra, amore movetur atque “Spiritu ambulat” (Cfr.
Those who live "by the flesh" experience God's law as a burden, and indeed as a denial or at least a restriction of their own
Oportet ut oratio post communionem atque conclusionis ritus — benedictio et Missae discessus — hoc in conspectu, iterum detegantur et melius aestimentur, ut quotquot Eucharistiae participes fuerunt responsalitatem sibi concreditam altiore ratione sentiant.
Given this, the Prayer after Communion and the Concluding Rite — the Final Blessing and the Dismissal — need to be better valued and appreciated, so that all who have shared in the Eucharist may come to a deeper sense of the responsibility which is entrusted to
Hoc in amoris prospectu erga Sanctam Ecclesiam, quae est « columna et firmamentum veritatis »,(197) optime intelleguntur Francisci Assisiensis in « Dominum Papam » devotio,(198) Catharinae Senensis filialis sollertia in eum quem ipsa « dulcem Christum in terra » vocat,(199) Ignatii Loyolensis apostolica obtemperantia eiusque « sentire cum Ecclesia »,(200) fidei festiva professio Teresiae a Iesu: « Ecclesiae sum filia ».(
Against this background of love towards Holy Church, "the pillar and bulwark of the truth" (1 Tim 3:15), we readily understand the devotion of Saint Francis of Assisi for "the Lord Pope",the daughterly outspokenness of Saint Catherine of Siena towards the one whom she called "sweet Christ on earth",the apostolic obedience and the sentire cum Ecclesia of Saint Ignatius Loyola,and the joyful profession of faith made by Saint Teresa of Avila: "I am a daughter of the Church"
Hoc est momentum quo ille propius pro populo munus implet verbi, sanctificationis atque pastoralis moderaminis, directe sentiens timores et difficultates, gaudia et exspectationes hominum atque omnes hortans ad spem.
This is the time when he is closest to his people in carrying out the ministry of the word, of sanctification and of pastoral leadership, when he most directly encounters their anxieties and cares, their joys and their expectations, and is able to address to all an invitation to
“ego multa dem ut potionem fortem in gula mea et lectum mollem post cenam bonam sentiam!”
“I would give a good deal for the feel of a strong drink in my throat, and for a soft bed after a good supper!”Literature Literature
Dum enim una ex parte, utpote creatura, multipliciter sese limitatum experitur, ex altera vero in desideriis suis illimitatum et ad superiorem vitam vocatum se sentit.
In his condition as a created being he is subject to a thousand shortcomings, but feels untrammelled in his inclinations and destined for a higher form of
Cottonus, cum suis adsectatoribus per multum controversiae suffragari soleret, solum prope eius finem sentire coepit multos ex eis positiones theologicas tenere quae procul extra praecipuum orthodoxiae Puritanae flumen erant, et quas non condonavit.
He tended to support his adherents through much of that controversy; near its conclusion, however, he realized that many of them held theological positions which were well outside the mainstream of Puritan orthodoxy, which he did not condone.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quo autem hoc consequamini, videlicet idem sapere idemque in iis, quae ad religionem pertinent, sentire, oportet omnes quidem constanter, ut facitis, in obedientia huic Apostolicae Sedi permanere: vos autem, dilecti filii, Patriarchae vestro, aliisque Antistitibus, qui vobis iure legitimo praesunt, fideliter subesse et obtemperare.— Quoniam vero ad hanc ipsam religiosam concordiam labefactandam saepe suboritur occasio cum ex dissensionibus in publicis negotiis tum propter iurgia de privatis rebus, primas illas a vobis arceat fidelis ea, quae spectatissima in vobis est, observantia et animorum subiectio erga supremum Othomanici imperii Principem, cuius perspecta Nobis est aequitas, studium servandae pacis, et egregia in Nos voluntas luculentis testata indiciis.
But since so many temptations arise to wean you from this religious unity - both from party strife connected with public life, and from distractions among your domestic circles - you will find your great defence from these evils in that loyal reverence and subjection of spirit, which is so conspicuous among you, towards the head of the Ottoman Empire, whose fairness of feeling, desire for peace, and good-will, evidenced on so many occasions towards Us, have been matters of universal
Ecclesia numquam se debellatam sensit coram omnibus iuris ad vitam, quod cuiuslibet personae proprium est, violationibus, quae processerunt et adhuc nunc procedunt sive a singulis sive ab ipsis auctoritatibus.
The Church has never yielded in the face of all the violations that the right to life of every human being has received, and continues to receive, both from individuals and from those in
Quidquid per illam sentis, in parte est; et ignoras totum cujus hæ partes sunt; et delectant te tamen.
Quidquid per illam sentis, in parte est; et ignoras totum cuius hae partes sunt; et delectant te tamen.Literature Literature
Si Status suum officium quadam in regione non exsequitur, quidam oeconomici coetus benefactores videri possunt ac re habere potestatem, cum sibi dari a quibusdam legibus vacationem sentiant, ut perveniant ad varias scelerum instructorum species, personarum commercium, stupefactivorum medicamentorum commercium et violentiam, quae difficulter eraduntur.
If in a given region the state does not carry out its responsibilities, some business groups can come forward in the guise of benefactors, wield real power, and consider themselves exempt from certain rules, to the point of tolerating different forms of organized crime, human trafficking, the drug trade and violence, all of which become very difficult to
Necessariae sunt sedes disputationis in quibus omnes illi qui quodammodo directe vel indirecte se sentiunt implicatos (agricultores, consumptores, auctoritates, docti viri mulieresque, vivaria, gentes infectis agris proximae et alii) suas exponere possint quaestiones vel ad latam cognitionem et fide dignam accedere ut deliberationes adhibeantur ad commune bonum assequendum praesens futurumque.
Discussions are needed in which all those directly or indirectly affected (farmers, consumers, civil authorities, scientists, seed producers, people living near fumigated fields, and others) can make known their problems and concerns, and have access to adequate and reliable information in order to make decisions for the common good, present and
Dic mihi quid sentias.
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