spiritus mundi oor Engels

spiritus mundi

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spirit of the world

From The Second Coming |poem| by William Butler Yeats. Refers to Yeats' belief that each human mind is linked to a single vast intelligence, and that this intelligence causes certain universal symbols to appear in individual minds. The idea is similar to Carl Jung's concept of the collective unconscious.

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In hac autem coniunctione « peccati » ac « iustitiae » sic intellectae, « iudicium » docet veritatis Spiritum « mundi » culpam esse patefacturum in Iesu damnatione ad, mortem in Cruce.
In its turn, and in the context of "sin" and "righteousness" thus understood, "judgment" means that the Spirit of truth will show the guilt cf the "world" in condemning Jesus to death on the Cross.vatican.va vatican.va
Hac profecto ratione in rem deducitur « benignitas » infiniti trinitarii Amoris: accessus Dei, qui est invisibilis Spiritus, ad mundum aspectabilem.
In this way the "condescension" of the infinite Trinitarian Love is brought about: God, who is infinite Spirit, comes close to the visible world.vatican.va vatican.va
Ipse est Filius aeternus et unigenitus Patris atque unctus Spiritu Sancto, missus in mundum; Ipse, una cum Patre, Spiritum mittit Ecclesiae.
He is the eternal and only-begotten Son of the Father and the anointed of the Holy Spirit, sent into the world; it is he who, together with the Father, pours out the Spirit upon the Church.vatican.va vatican.va
Hac iustitia Spiritus Sanctus, Patris et Filii Spiritus, qui arguit mundum de peccato, ostenditur et fit praesens in homine uti Spiritus vitae aeternae.
In this righteousness the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Father and the Son, who "convinces the world concerning sin," reveals himself and makes himself present in man as the Spirit of eternal life.vatican.va vatican.va
In sua precatione monachus Spiritus epiclesim super mundum dicit et pro certo habet se exauditum iri, quandoquidem illa ipsam Christi precationem participat.
In his prayers the monk utters an epiklesis of the Spirit on the world and is certain that he will be heard, for this is a sharing in Christ's own prayer.vatican.va vatican.va
De hoc peccato, ut iam diximus, Spiritus Sanctus debet « arguere mundum ».
233 Concerning this sin, the Holy Spirit must "convince the world," as we have already said.vatican.va vatican.va
Haec vero explicatio simul illuminat quomodo intellegendum sit illud « arguere mundum », quod Spiritus Sancti actionis est proprium.
This explanation also indicates how one is to understand the "convincing the world" which is proper to the action of the Holy Spirit.vatican.va vatican.va
Alio autem in documento Concilii Vaticani II scriptum legimus « Procul dubio Spiritus Sanctus iam in mundo operabatur antequam Christus glorificaretur.
We read in another document of the Second Vatican Council: "Doubtless, the Holy Spirit was already at work in the world before Christ was glorified.vatican.va vatican.va
Filius, hoc amore permotus et missionem a Patre in Spiritu Sancto suscipiens, factus est mundi Redemptor.
8) The Son, invested with that love, accepted the mission from the Father in the Holy Spirit and became the Redeemer of the world.vatican.va vatican.va
In arguendo mundo de peccato, Spiritus veritatis obviam fit vocibus conscientiarum humanarum.
In convincing the world concerning sin the Spirit of truth comes into contact with the voice of human consciences.vatican.va vatican.va
Mundus mediaevalis cum spiritibus et magice est.
Mellifleur is the god of lichdom and magic.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eodem vero agente Spiritu, homo ac per ipsum mundus creatus, a Christo redemptus, supremae suae sorti propinquant in Deo.
Under the action of the same Spirit, man, and through him the created world, which has been redeemed by Christ, draw near to their ultimate destinies in God.vatican.va vatican.va
Donum et amor: haec est aeterna virtus, qua Deus, unus trinusque, se homini ac mundo aperit in Spiritu Sancto.
Gift and love: this is the eternal power of the opening of the Triune God to an and the world, in the Holy Spirit.vatican.va vatican.va
Quae quidem Redemptio simul perficitur continenter in animis atque conscientiis — per aetatum mundi decursum — a Spiritu Sancto, qui est « alius Paraclitus ».
And this Redemption is, at the same time, constantly carried out in human hearts and minds-in the history of the world-by the Holy Spirit, who is the "other Counselor. "vatican.va vatican.va
Haec nempe sunt elementa,[v3.n.352.3] quibus hic mundus administratur, aqua, terra, spiritus.
Haec nempe sunt elementa,^ quibus hie mundus administratur, aqua, terra, spiritus.Literature Literature
Hanc ipsam propter vim quae novam secundum Spiritum generat vitam, ministerium episcopale mundo ostenditur uti signum spei pro populis, pro singulis hominibus.
Precisely because of this constant process of begetting new life in the Spirit, the episcopal ministry appears in the world as a sign of hope for every individual and people.vatican.va vatican.va
»; sed eodem tempore ex hoc ipso imo dolore — et oblique ex ipso imo peccato, quod est « non credidisse » — Spiritus doni, homini et mundo ab initio dati, novam profert mensuram.
; but at the same time, from the depth of this suffering-and indirectly from the depth of the very sin "of not having believed"-the Spirit draws a new measure of the gift made to man and to creation from the beginning.vatican.va vatican.va
Iam inde a pristina hac Pentecostes testificatione opus Spiritus veritatis, qui « arguit mundum de peccato » repudiationis Christi, arcta ratione coniungitur cum testimonio exhibendo mysterio paschali: mysterio videlicet Crucifixi ac Resuscitati.
Beginning from this initial witness at Pentecost and for all future time the action of the Spirit of truth who "convinces the world concerning the sin" of the rejection of Christ is linked inseparably with the witness to be borne to the Paschal Mystery: the mystery of the Crucified and Risen One.vatican.va vatican.va
Tunc conscientia communis paternitatis Dei, fraternitatis omnium hominum in Christo — qui filii in Filio sunt —, praesentiae et actionis vivificantis Spiritus Saneti, faciet ut mundum contueamur nova iudicandi ratione, qua eum intellegamus et explanemus.
At that point, awareness of the common fatherhood of God, of the brotherhood of all in Christ - "children in the Son" - and of the presence and life-giving action of the Holy Spirit will bring to our vision of the world a new criterion for interpreting it.vatican.va vatican.va
Intendere hoc loco praecipue volumus in hoc Sancti Spiritus munus, quod est « arguere mundum de peccato », at simul etiam observare totum contextum verborum a Iesu in Cenaculo prolatorum.
Here we wish to concentrate our attention principally on this mission of the Holy Spirit, which is "to convince the world concerning sin," but at the same time respecting the general context of Jesus' words in the Upper Room.vatican.va vatican.va
Per Illum insuper, Spiritum Sanctum dicimus, Evangelium in mundum permanat, cum unus signa temporum - id est Dei - quae sint, discernere faciat, quae evangelizatio percipit eaque in hominum vita illustrat.
Through the Holy Spirit the Gospel penetrates to the heart of the world, for it is He who causes people to discern the signs of the times- signs willed by God- which evangelization reveals and puts to use within history.vatican.va vatican.va
Tibi proinde, Deus, Pater omnipotens, Deus Filius, qui mundum redemisti, Spiritus Deus, qui columen es ac sanctimoniae omnis magister, tradere optamus universalem Ecclesiam hesterni, hodierni, crastini aevi, Ecclesiam, quae et in Europa invenitur et per terras diffusa est cunctas.
To you, therefore, God the Father Almighty, God the Son who have redeemed the world, God the Spirit who are the sustainer and teacher of all holiness, I desire to entrust the whole Church of yesterday, today and tomorrow, the Church both in Europe and throughout the earth.vatican.va vatican.va
Supervacaneum fortasse non est hoc commonere: evangelizare significat, ante omnia, testificari simpliciter et directo Deum revelatum per Iesum Christum, in Spiritu Sancta; testificari eum mundum in Filio suo dilexisse, in Verbo Incarnato dedisse omnibus rebus exsistentiam hominesque ad vitam aeternam vocavisse.
It is not superfluous to recall the following points: to evangelize is first of all to bear witness, in a simple and direct way, to God revealed by Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, to bear witness that in His Son God has loved the world - that in His Incarnate Word He has given being to all things and has called men to eternal life.vatican.va vatican.va
Dolendum sane est quod, ut ex historia salutis patet, illud Dei appropinquare et adesse homini et mundo, mirabilis illa «benignitas » Spiritus in renisum et recusationem nostrae humanitatis incidunt.
Unfortunately, the history of salvation shows that God's coming close and making himself present to man and the world, that marvelous "condescension" of the Spirit, meets with resistance and opposition in our human reality.vatican.va vatican.va
Spiritus Sanctus, qui a Filio Redemptionis opus in mundo suscipit, eodem cum hoc munere accipit etiam officium salutariter « arguendi de peccato ».
The Holy Spirit, who takes from the Son the work of the Redemption of the world, by this very fact takes the task of the salvific "convincing of sin."vatican.va vatican.va
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