studeo oor Engels


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to be studying
I study.
I am attached or favorable (to), favor, support.
I dedicate myself (to), direct my efforts or attention (to), strive after.


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Charlton T. Lewis

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Hanc ipsam autem sanctitatem atque splendorem nos inquirimus ac promovere studemus.
It is precisely this holiness and splendor which we are endeavoring to discover and
Porter anno 1909 Universitatem Yalensem iniit, ubi litteras Anglicas, musicam, linguam Francogallicam studuit.
Entering Yale University in 1909, Porter majored in English, minored in music, and also studied French.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I'm studying.tatoeba tatoeba
Caesar, postquam per Vbios exploratores comperit Suebos sese in silvas recepisse, inopiam frumenti veritus, quod, ut supra demonstravimus, minime omnes Germani agriculturae student, constituit non progredi longius; sed, ne omnino metum reditus sui barbaris tolleret atque ut eorum auxilia tardaret, reducto exercitu partem ultimam pontis, quae ripas Vbiorum contingebat, in longitudinem pedum ducentorum rescindit atque in extremo ponte turrim tabulatorum quattuor constituit praesidiumque cohortium duodecim pontis tuendi causa ponit magnisque eum locum munitionibus firmat.
Caesar, after he discovered through the Ubian scouts that the Suevi had retired into their woods, apprehending a scarcity of corn, because, as we have observed above, all the Germans pay very little attention to agriculture, resolved not to proceed any further; but, that he might not altogether relieve the barbarians from the fear of his return, and that he might delay their succors, having led back his army, he breaks down, to the length of 200 feet, the further end of the bridge, which joined the banks of the Ubii, and at the extremity of the bridge raises towers of four stories, and stations a guard of twelve cohorts for the purpose of defending the bridge, and strengthens the place with considerable fortifications.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Illis vero haud paucis clericis, qui, usque Romam commigrare nequeant, vos itidem in praeclara proxima natione hospitale refugium apparare studuistis.
But since in many cases it has been impossible to send your students to Rome, you have worked solicitously to find an asylum in the hospitality of a great neighboring
Denique quiquid illic frugiferum saluti fore, quidquid expedire ad incrementa pietatis et fidei intelligamus, efficere per sacrum Consilium Nostrum christiano nomini propagando constanter studemus.
Furthermore, through the Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith, We will do whatever will be fruitful there for salvation and for the increase of faith and
In Ecclesia omnis homo - masculus ac femina - “sponsa” est, quatenus dono recipit Christi amorem redemptoris, sicut etiam quatenus eidem dono respondere studet propriae personae dono.
In the Church every human being - male and female - is the "Bride", in that he or she accepts the gift of the love of Christ the Redeemer, and seeks to respond to it with the gift of his or her own
Ad Italiam iit ut litteris studeret.
She went to Italy to study literature.tatoeba tatoeba
Alii varium genus artificum opportuna copulare societate student, consilio ac re iuvant, opus ne desit honestum ac fructuosum, provident.
Others, again, strive to unite working men of various grades into associations, help them with their advice and means, and enable them to obtain fitting and profitable
Asinius quoque, quamquam propioribus temporibus natus sit, videtur mihi inter Menenios et Appios studuisse.
Asinius too, though born in a time nearer our own, seems to have studied with the Menenii and Appii.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hoc ne eveniat in posterum, vobis omni ope atque opera enitendum est, venerabiles Fratres: quorum est et indignos repellendo, et idoneos eligendo, conformando, moderando, efficere ut praedicatores, qui sint secundum Dei cor, iam plurimi exsistant. — Respiciat autem misericors gregem suum Pastor aeternus, Iesus Christus, Virgine Sanctissima quidem, ut Matre augusta ipsius Verbi incarnati et Regina Apostolorum, deprecante ; ac spiritum apostolatus in Clero ref ovens, plurimos esse iubeat qui studeant « seipsos probabiles exhibere Deo, operarios inconfusibiles, recte tractantes verbum veritatis » [39].
21. Through the intercession, therefore, of the most Holy Virgin, the August Mother of the Incarnate Word Himself, and the Queen of the Apostles, may Jesus Christ the merciful and everlasting Shepherd of souls vouchsafe to look down with favor on His flock, fill the clergy with the apostolic spirit, and grant that there may be many who will strive eagerly "to present themselves approved unto God workmen that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." [II Tim. ii:15]
Si enim crebra data occasione Summus Pontifex Paulus VI indicavit « civilem cultum amoris » (125) velut finem, ad quem dirigi oporteret conatus omnes in provincia sociali et culturae necnon in regione oeconomica ac politica, addi decet idem illud propositum numquam impetratum iri, si in cogitationibus nostris et actionibus attingentibus vasta difficiliaque consortionis humanae loca adhaeserimus ad regulam « oculi pro oculo, dentis pro clente » (126), neque contra studuerimus formulam istam funditus reficere alioque animo perficere.
If Paul VI more than once indicated the civilization of love"125 as the goal towards which all efforts in the cultural and social fields as well as in the economic and political fields should tend. it must be added that this good will never be reached if in our thinking and acting concerning the vast and complex spheres of human society we stop at the criterion of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"126 and do not try to transform it in its essence, by complementing it with another
Ecclesiae Patres hanc ipsam, ad quam fuerant instituti, doctrinam profiteri ac propagare diligenter studuerunt.
10. The Fathers of the Church have taken great care to proclaim and propagate this very doctrine in which they had been
Hoc autem exsequi poterunt familiae christianae tum per educandi suum opus, praebentes videlicet liberis exemplum vitae in veritatis, libertatis, iustitiae, amoris principiis innixae, tum per actuosum consciumque officium, collocatum in vere humano incremento societatis eiusque institutorum, tum denique per adiumentum variis modis tributum consociationibus, quae nominatim ordinis internationalis quaestionibus student.
Christian families can do this through their educational activity-that is to say by presenting to their children a model of life based on the values of truth, freedom, justice and love-both through active and responsible involvement in the authentically human growth of society and its institutions, and by supporting in various ways the associations specifically devoted to international
Ita fessus sum, ut studere non possim.
I'm so tired that I can't study.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ab annis inde praeparationis maiorem actuosioremque animorum intentionem in paupertatis difficultates, quibus adhuc terrarum orbis implicatur, concitare studuimus.
Already in the years of preparation, I had called for greater and more incisive attention to the problems of poverty which still beset the
Id mihi duabus de causis instituisse videntur, quod neque in vulgum disciplinam efferri velint neque eos, qui discunt, litteris confisos minus memoriae studere: quod fere plerisque accidit, ut praesidio litterarum diligentiam in perdiscendo ac memoriam remittant.
That practice they seem to me to have adopted for two reasons; because they neither desire their doctrines to be divulged among the mass of the people, nor those who learn, to devote themselves the less to the efforts of memory, relying on writing; since it generally occurs to most men, that, in their dependence on writing, they relax their diligence in learning thoroughly, and their employment of the memory.latin-ancient latin-ancient
De contentione inter ordines potissimum damnatur notio cuiusdam pugnae quae non ethicis rationibus vel iuridicis finitur, quae videlicet dignitatem personae alterius respuit (eadem proinde semet quoque reicit ipsa), quae idcirco omnem accommodationem amovet atque nihil universum societatis bonum persequitur, sed bonum particulare quod in bonum commune subrogatur et cuncta adversa tollere studet.
However, what is condemned in class struggle is the idea that conflict is not restrained by ethical or juridical considerations, or by respect for the dignity of others (and consequently of oneself); a reasonable compromise is thus excluded, and what is pursued is not the general good of society, but a partisan interest which replaces the common good and sets out to destroy whatever stands in its
Pindarum quisquis studet aemulari, Iulle, ceratis ope Daedalea Nititur pennis vitreo daturus Nomina ponto.
Pindarum quisquis studet aemulari, Iule, ceratis ope Daedalea Nititur pennis vitreo daturus Nomina ponto.Literature Literature
Ecclesiae insignis liturgica traditio docet ad fructuosam participationem necessarium esse ut quis personaliter respondere studeat mysterio celebrato, propriam Deo offerens vitam, in coniunctione cum Christi sacrificio pro totius mundi salute.
The Church's great liturgical tradition teaches us that fruitful participation in the liturgy requires that one be personally conformed to the mystery being celebrated, offering one's life to God in unity with the sacrifice of Christ for the salvation of the whole
Sunt tres praecipui gradus: basica educatio superior electi studiorum campi fundamenta suppeditans et in Baccalaureatus concessionem inducens; specializata educatio superior per quam studentes Diploma Periti adipiscuntur; et scientifico-paedagogica educatio superior in Gradum Magistralem inducens.
There are three main levels: basic higher education that provides the fundamentals of the chosen field of study and leads to the award of the Bachelor's degree; specialised higher education after which students are awarded the Specialist's Diploma; and scientific-pedagogical higher education which leads to the Master's Degree.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Methodus scientifica in singulis Facultatibus adhibeatur postulationibus respondens, quae singularum scientiarum propriae sunto Recentes quoque methodi didacticae et paedagogicae opportune applicentur, quibus personalis studentium navitas eorumque in studiis pars actuosa aptius promoveantur.
In the single Faculties let that scientific method be used which corresponds to the needs of the individual sciences. Up - to - date didactic and teaching methods should be applied in an appropriate way, in order to bring about the personal involvement of the students and their suitable, active participation in their
Cum suspicione de aliquo est, stultus se fingit, sed omnia huius facta et minimas res studet.
She hates thick-headed or stupid people and notices everything, but her advice tends to be understandable only to her.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Suis in scriptis, cum altius intellegere fidei mysteria studet, nullum inter eruditionem et devotionem, theologiam et mysticam intervenit discidium.
Because he is eager to understand more profoundly the mysteries of the faith, in his writings no separation comes between learning and devotion, theology and
Extra actuose studuit christianam fidem confirmare ac roborare religiosam vitam, haereticas inclinationes Catharorum arcendo, scriptis et sermonibus promovendo Ecclesiae reformationem, disciplinam et cleri vitam vertendam in melius iuvando.
In the outside world she devoted herself actively to strengthening the Christian faith and reinforcing religious practice, opposing the heretical trends of the Cathars, promoting Church reform through her writings and preaching and contributing to the improvement of the discipline and life of
201 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.