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Fanum Sancti Ioannis sub Pede Portus
sub specie aeternitatis
under the sight of eternity
sub poena
under penalty
sub Iove
p. of subduco
sub omni canone
with a suggestion of contumely
sub silentio
under silence
sub specie Dei
under the sight of God


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Ita indicat nobis provocationem ad realitatem sub Trinitatis lumine interpretandam.
In this way, he points out to us the challenge of trying to read reality in a Trinitarian
Nec enim aliud nomen est sub caelo datum hominibus, in quo oporteat nos salvos fieri (Act.
Mankind can no more be saved without His power, than it could be redeemed without His mercy. "Neither is there salvation in any
Hoc pacto Clazomenae rursus sub Persicam potestatem sunt redactae.
All manufactured wallpaper patterns are based on these groups.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nihil ergo mirum, si Dei Foedus cum populo eius tam solide illigatur vitae aspectui etiam sub corporea ratione.
It is not surprising, therefore, that God's Covenant with his people is so closely linked to the perspective of life, also in its bodily
Pauperes enim minime reputandi sunt uti « sarcinae » [91], sed uti subsidium quoque sub aspectu stricte oeconomico.
The poor are not to be considered a “burden”[91], but a resource, even from the purely economic point of
Gambia etiam se classificavit Certamine Mundano sub-20 anno 2007 in Canada.
The U-20 also qualified for FIFA U-20 2007 in Canada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vita sub aqua; protectio opis? oceani.
"Rock for Sale; Ocean Views".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Solutiones apte adhibendae sunt iuxta vitam populorum et ipsarum personarum, sub fundamento prudentis existimationis cuiusque condicionis.
Solutions need to be carefully designed to correspond to people's concrete lives, based on a prudential evaluation of each
Roma sub eius imperio placidissima et felicissima habebatur.
Robert and his family were among the most successful and prominent early settlers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sententia apostolica eius est Sub lumine Matris.
His sorcery is light-based.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anno 1820 sub titulo "capitaniae" primum constituta est.
In 1820, with the completion of the new, or "second", capitol, Vandalia became the capital of the state.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
nos consensum auctorum secuturi, quae diversa prodiderint, sub nominibus ipsorum trademus.
Proposing as I do to follow the consentient testimony of historians, I shall give the differences in their narratives under the writers' names.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ab anno 2008, res propriae quae in situ continetur est sub potestate Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial.
Since 7 October 2004 all game rules at Kurnik's web pages are available under the Creative Commons attribution-noncommercial licence.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maior Pacificae zonae pars est terra calida (Hispanice tierra caliente), elevationes sub 610 metrorum.
Most of the Pacific zone is tierra caliente, the "hot land" of tropical Spanish America at elevations under 610 metres (2,000 ft).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Canis in capsa sub mensa erat.
The dog was in a box under the table.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Praeterea christianae spei profitendae sub lumine non erit obliviscendum eandem ipsam inter religiones dialogi fundamentum iacere.
In the context of our profession of Christian hope, it cannot be forgotten that it is precisely this hope which is the basis of interreligious
Interim sub musculo milites vectibus infima saxa turris hostium, quibus fundamenta continebantur, convellunt.
In the mean time, the soldiers, under cover of the musculus, were rooting out with crow-bars the lowest stones of the enemy's turret, with which the foundation was laid.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hoc sub respectu moralistarum confessorumque Patronus docet: “Non sufficit opera bona patrare, oportet ea probe patrare.
As the Patron of moral theologians and confessors teaches: "It is not enough to do good works; they need to be done
Vexillum sub occupatione Italica.
Jews under the Italian Occupation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
aut ante difficultates pacis, quae saepe minationibus afficitur sub exitialium bellorum inquietudine?
Or by the problems of peace, so often threatened by the spectre of catastrophic wars?
Sicut sub ambitu universali proponitur colenda susceptio discreta, ita promovenda est auctoritas politica distributa et amplectens complures ambitus.
As well as cultivating differentiated forms of business activity on the global plane, we must also promote a dispersed political authority, effective on different
Ora Dives Sedes Campionatus Mundani Sub-17 Feminei anno 2014 a FIFA electa est.
It has been remodelled to host 2014 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup matches.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sub dictatura Nazista et opera coactiva administrabat.
Used by Coastal Command and Combined Operations.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Navis submarina seu navis subaquanea seu navis epibathica est navis quae sub maris aequore moveri potest cum periscopio.
During a pirate raid, Chett escapes with the pirates aboard their own ship in a fit of panic after shape-shifting Ols appear.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nihil novi sub sole.
Nothing new under the sun.tatoeba tatoeba
970 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.