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Testis Jehovah
Jehovah's Witness · Jehovah's Witnesses
Testes Iehovah
Jehovah's Witnesses
Testes Jehovah
Jehovah's Witnesses
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Testium Jehovah
Jehovah's Witnesses


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Nomen Iehova depromptum est ex Isaias 43, 10-12, ut sequitur: 10 Vos testes mei, dicit Iehova, et servus meus quem elegi.
They also derived their name from Isaiah 43.10, 12, both of which contain the phrase, "Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Testis homo est, qui personas vel eventus observavit.
One such person was Goethe, who visited several times.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Id dicendum est de Apostolis, testibus oculatis, a quibus iam tradendus est cunctis hominibus nuntius eorum quae Christus « fecit et docuit », atque praesertim Crucis eius et Resurrectionis.
This holds true for the Apostles, the eyewitnesses, who must now bring to all people the proclamation of what Christ did and taught, and especially the proclamation of his Cross and Resurrection.vatican.va vatican.va
«Eritis mihi testes» (Act. 1, 8) – comprobat quantopere cupiamus ut tempus illud usque ad Magnum Iubilaeum Ecclesia haec agat tamquam “novum Adventum”, exspectationis videlicet tempus ac praeparationis.
'You shall be my witnesses' (Acts 1:8)" — expresses my desire that this Church should live the time leading up to the Great Jubilee as "a new Advent", a time of expectation and preparation.vatican.va vatican.va
Coetus formatorum testis sit vitae vere evangelicae et totalis Domino deditionis.
The body of formation personnel should witness to a truly evangelical lifestyle and total dedication to the Lord.vatican.va vatican.va
1974: Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, XII, (1974) 895). In Ecclesia porro testibus ipsis commendatur familiae thesaurus: iis nempe patribus ac matribus, filiis ac filiabus, qui suae humanae christianaeque vocationis semitam per familiam reppererunt, amplitudinem nempe “hominis interioris” (Eph. 3, 16)de quo dicit Apostolus, sicque sanctitatem sunt consecuti.
In the Church, the treasure of the family has been entrusted first and foremost to witnesses: to those fathers and mothers, sons and daughters who through the family have discovered the path of their human and Christian vocation, the dimension of the "inner man" (Eph 3:16) of which the Apostle speaks, and thus have attained holiness.vatican.va vatican.va
Ipsa tamen confirmet oportet revelationis continuam vim atque sese immittat in eandem interpretationem quam exhibet magna Traditio doctrinae vitaeque Ecclesiae, quarum sunt testes Patrum doctrina, Sanctorum vita, Ecclesiae liturgia atque Magisterii institutio.
Nevertheless, it can only confirm the permanent validity of Revelation and follow in the line of the interpretation given to it by the great Tradition of the Church's teaching and life, as witnessed by the teaching of the Fathers, the lives of the Saints, the Church's Liturgy and the teaching of the Magisterium.vatican.va vatican.va
Interim divinorum munerum auspicem et paternae Nostrae benevolentiae testem, vobis, Venerabiles Fratres, et Clero populoque vestro apostolicam benedictionem peramanter in Domino impertimus.
10. Meanwhile, as a pledge of heavenly favours and of Our own paternal goodwill, we lovingly bestow the Apostolic Benediction in Our Lord upon you, Venerable Brethren, and upon your clergy and people.vatican.va vatican.va
Itaque oeconomica Ecclesiae Gallicae condicio, compluribus etiam Episcopis testibus, non. talis videbatur quae praesentaneum aliquod remedium postularet, ipsaque ratio patrimonialis, quamvis difficilis esset et incommoda magnoque in discrimine ob improbam legem versaretur, idoneis non omnino destituta erat praesidiis e iure communi.
From the beginning of Our Pontificate We have appreciated the remarkable economic advance which has been made and have noted, too, that the spirit of union has not been diminished, neither has it been in danger of being weakened. As a matter of fact, the economic condition of the Church of France, according to the views of several bishops, is such that it does not appear to be in need of an immediate remedy.vatican.va vatican.va
Witnesslangbot langbot
Hac spe freti, quam pastoralis vestra sollertia adauget, caelestium munerum auspicem paternaeque benevolentiae Nostrae testem, cum vobis singulis universis, Venerabiles Fratres, tum clero populoque vestro Apostolicam Benedictionem amantissime impertimus.
44. Relying on this hope, which will be increased by your pastoral care, as a pledge of celestial gifts and a sign of Our paternal benevolence, We impart with all Our heart to each and all of you, Venerable Brethren, and to your clergy and people the Apostolic Benediction.vatican.va vatican.va
Saeculorum sic decursu ille repetitur eventus cuius testes fuerunt peregrini qui die illo Pentecostes Hierosolymis adstabant.
Time and again, therefore, in the course of the centuries we have seen repeated the event witnessed by the pilgrims in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost.vatican.va vatican.va
Caelestium interea praemiorum auspicem paternaeque benevolentiae Nostrae testem, vobis, Venerabiles Fratres, et clero populoque vestro universo, apostolicam benedictionem peramanter impertimus.
Meanwhile, Venerable Brethren, to you and to all your Clergy and people, we lovingly impart the apostolic benediction, a pledge of heavenly reward and a token of Our own paternal good will.vatican.va vatican.va
Dum vero confidimus, deprecatore pontifice sancto Gregorio, Deum supplicibus his votis benignas aures admoturum, caelestium donorum auspicem ac paternae Nostrae benevolentiae testem, Apostolicam Benedictionem vobis omnibus, Venerabiles Fratres, clero ac populo vestro peramanter impertimus.
40. And while We trust by the intercession of the holy Pontiff Gregory that God may graciously hear Our prayer, We impart to all of you, Venerable Brethren, and to your clergy and people the Apostolic benediction with all the affection of Our heart, as a pledge of heavenly favors and in token of Our paternal good will.vatican.va vatican.va
Necessitatum porro prementium ac provocationum, quibus Ecclesia sollicitatur hoc in pervigilio Anni Bis Millesimi, recensio sinet quidem ut munia Christi testis in Africa delineentur ad efficacius Regni Dei aedificationi conferendum.
A mention of the urgent tasks and challenges facing the Church in Africa on the eve of the Year 2000 will enable us to sketch out the tasks of Christ's witnesses in Africa, so that they will make a more effective contribution to the building up of God's Kingdom.vatican.va vatican.va
Interea autem caelestium gratiarum auspex et conciliatrix esto Apostolica Benedictio, quam peculiarissimae benevolentiae Nostrae testem, tum vobis, Venerabiles Fratres ac dilecti filii, tum carissimae Sinensium genti universae peramanter in Domino impertimus.
30. Meanwhile may the Apostolic Benediction be for you an omen of heavenly graces, which in testimony of Our most special benevolence, We impart with much affection in the Lord both to you, Venerable Brothers and beloved sons, and to the whole and dearest Chinese nation.vatican.va vatican.va
Hanc ob causam Magistram evangelicae vitae se exhibet aptam potissimum ad semitas collustrandas iuvenum quorum munus erit se actores Evangeliique testes praebere apud posteras gentes.
As such, she appears as a Teacher of evangelical life, particularly effective in illumining the paths of young people, who must be the leaders and witnesses of the Gospel to the new generations.vatican.va vatican.va
Caesar singulis legionibus singulos legatos et quaestorem praefecit, uti eos testes suae quisque virtutis haberet; ipse a dextro cornu, quod eam partem minime firmam hostium esse animadverterat, proelium commisit.
Caesar appointed over each legion a lieutenant and a questor, that every one might have them as witnesses of his valor. He himself began the battle at the head of the right wing, because he had observed that part of the enemy to be the least strong.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Interea, dum pro Germania catholica, ut magnos habeat in re et religiosa et civili progressus, vota facimus, ea ut feliciter eveniant, singularem Dei omnipotentis opem et Virginis Matris Dei, quae ipsa regina pacis est, patrocinium genti dilectae imploramus : atque auspicem divinorum munerum et eamdem praecipue benevolentiae Nostrae testem, apostolicam benedictionem vobis, dilecte fili Noster et venerabiles fratres, vestroque clero et populo amantissime impertimus.
9. While expressing Our desire that Catholic Germany may make great progress in religion and civil life, and in order that this wish may be happily fulfilled, We beseech for the beloved German people the special help of Almighty God and the protection of the Virgin Mother of God, the Queen of Peace. As a pledge of the divine graces and also as sign of Our particular love, We impart, most lovingly, to you, Beloved Son and Venerable Brethren, to your clergy and people, the Apostolic Blessing.vatican.va vatican.va
Nonne egeat orbis hic noster laetis testibus ac prophetis beneficae Dei amoris potentiae?
Does not this world of ours need joyful witnesses and prophets of the beneficent power of God's love?vatican.va vatican.va
Interim caelestium munerum auspicem et paternae benevolentiae Nostrae testem vobis omnibus, Dilecti Filii Nostri et Venerabiles Fratres, cunctaeque genti Austriacae Apostolicam Benedictionem peramanter in Domino impertimus.
11. Meanwhile, as a presage of divine graces and in testimony of Our paternal good wishes, dear sons, and venerable brethren, We impart to you most affectionately in the Lord and to the whole Austrian nation the Apostolic Blessing.vatican.va vatican.va
Quae ut quam primum effecta dentur, flagrantissimas Nostras vestris precibus conserimus; atque caelestium gratiarum auspicem paternaeque benevolentiae Nostrae testem, vobis singulis universis, Venerabiles Fratres, cunctoque christiano populo Apostolicam Benedictionem effusa caritate impertimus.
37. That these things may be speedily accomplished, We join Our own most fervent prayers to yours. And as a pledge of heavenly graces and mark of Our paternal good will, with burning love We impart to each and every one of you, Venerable Brothers, and to the whole Christian people, Our Apostolic Blessing.vatican.va vatican.va
Ioannes “accepit eam . . . in sua”: primam ipsam veluti testem suscepit incarnationis mysterii.
John "took her to his own home." He took her as the first witness to the mystery of the Incarnation.vatican.va vatican.va
Secundum verba sancti Pauli, conscientia, quippe quae aliquo modo hominem ponat in conspectu legis, ipsa fit homini “testis”: testis eius fidelitatis aut infidelitatis erga legem, naturalis scilicet ipsius probitatis aut pravitatis morum.
According to Saint Paul, conscience in a certain sense confronts man with the law, and thus becomes a "witness" for man: a witness of his own faithfulness or unfaithfulness with regard to the law, of his essential moral rectitude or iniquity.vatican.va vatican.va
Quem ad modum christianae religionis sub initia magistratus ille Candacis Reginae Aethiopiae, laetatus magnopere quod per baptismum receperat fidem, iter suum persecutus est Christi testis effectus (Cfr.
Just as at Christianity's beginning the minister of Candace, Queen of Ethiopia, rejoiced at having received the faith through Baptism and went on his way bearing witness to Christ (cf.vatican.va vatican.va
204 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.