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addiderat gloriam Nero eligendo ut potissimos, unde longa illis erga Neronem fides et erecta in Othonem studia.
Nero had added to their reputation by selecting them as his most effective troops.
Charlton T. Lewis

as being

Charlton T. Lewis

as is natural

Charlton T. Lewis

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addiderat gloriam Nero eligendo ut potissimos, unde longa illis erga Neronem fides et erecta in Othonem studia.
Nero had added to their reputation by selecting them as his most effective troops.latin-ancient latin-ancient
erant qui Vespasianum et arma Orientis augurarentur, et ut potior utroque Vespasianus, ita bellum aliud atque alias cladis horrebant.
Vespasian was indeed preferable to either, yet they shuddered at the idea of another war, of other massacres.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cum vero sermonem dicimus, verbum tali sensu accipiendus est, ut potius quam ad verborum explicandorum disciplinam velad litterarum rationem, ad anthropologicam et culturalem rem referatur.
And the word "language" should be understood here less in the semantic or literary sense than in the sense which one may call anthropological and cultural.vatican.va vatican.va
Vt in eiusmodi difficultatibus, quantum diligentia provideri poterat providebatur, ut potius in nocendo aliquid praetermitteretur, etsi omnium animi ad ulciscendum ardebant, quam cum aliquo militum detrimento noceretur.
But amid difficulties of this nature as far as precautions could be taken by vigilance, such precautions were taken; so that some opportunities of injuring the enemy were neglected, though the minds of all were burning to take revenge, rather than that injury should be effected with any loss to our soldiers.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ceterum tantum abest ut Apostolicae Sedi mens fuerit huius ritus integritati conservationique officere, ut potius Ruthenae Ecclesiae auctor fuerit ad antiquitus tradita in liturgicis rebus monumenta religiosissime colenda.
37. For the rest, far from its being the mind of the Apostolic See to damage the integrity or hinder the preservation of this rite, it rather caused the Ruthenian Church to cherish most religiously the traditions in liturgical matters handed down from antiquity.vatican.va vatican.va
Quo facto regem ut in sua potestate haberet, Caesar efficit, magnam regium nomen apud suos auctoritatem habere existimans et ut potius privato paucorum et latronum quam regio consilio susceptum bellum videretur.
Upon this, Caesar took care to secure the king's person, both supposing that the king's name would have a great influence with his subjects, and to give the war the appearance of the scheme of a few desperate men, rather than of having been begun by the king's consent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Pernecesse igitur est, nostris hisce temporibus, advigilare omnique ope allaborare ut id genus spectacula non illecebrarum scholae evadant, sed ut potius ad rectam hominum educationem et ad elatiorem morum dignitatem summopere conferant.
It is therefore one of the supreme necessities, of our times to watch and to labour to the end that the motion picture be no longer a school of corruption but that it be transformed into an effectual instrument for the education and the elevation of mankind.vatican.va vatican.va
Hac de causa considerandum est Nobis arcanum consilium Dei providentis atque benigni, non quidem ut intellegamus, sed potius ut adoremus precesque fundamus.
For this reason, it is necessary for us to meditate upon the mysterious design of the provident and good God, not indeed in order to understand, but, rather, that we may worship and pray.vatican.va vatican.va
Ut genitores fiant vocantur, vel potius ut cum Creatore cooperentur in elargienda vita.
They are called to become parents, to cooperate with the Creator in giving life.vatican.va vatican.va
Tantum vero abest ut materna Mariae deprecatio quidquain de Christi Salvatoris nostri efficacitate, quae praeponderat, pro qua nihil potest substitui, delibet, ut potius ex ea vim sibi propriam hauriat eiusque sit argumentum egregium (26).
But the cooperation of the Mother of the Church in the development of the divine life of the souls does not come to an end with the appeal to the Son.vatican.va vatican.va
Sit talis, ut res potius quam se ostendat.
ut res potius talis, quam se ostendat.Literature Literature
Quod ut O potius formidine falsa ludar et in melius tua, qui potes, orsa reflectas!'
ludar, et in melius tua, qui potes, orsa reflectas!’Literature Literature
Parvae enim Communitates, ut patefit, potius difficiliora a sodalibus poscunt, quam vitae genus praebent facilius.
Small communities, instead of offering an easier form of life, prove on the contrary to make greater demand on their members.vatican.va vatican.va
Dimittit ad finitimas civitates nuntios Caesar: omnes ad se vocat spe praedae ad diripiendos Eburones, ut potius in silvis Gallorum vita quam legionarius miles periclitetur, simul ut magna multitudine circumfusa pro tali facinore stirps ac nomen civitatis tollatur.
Caesar dispatches messengers to the neighboring states; by the hope of booty he invites all to him, for the purpose of plundering the Eburones, in order that the life of the Gauls might be hazarded in the woods rather than the legionary soldiers; at the same time, in order that a large force being drawn around them, the race and name of that state may be annihilated for such a crime.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Itaque qui adamant prudentiam carnis, ac nescire se simulant, christianum quemque debere bonum militem Christi esse: qui debita victoribus praemia consequi modissima via atque intacti a certamine volunt, ii tantum abest ut iter malorum intercipiant, ut potius expédiant.
Therefore, they who cherish the "prudence of the flesh" and who pretend to be unaware that every Christian ought to be a valiant soldier of Christ; they who would faro obtain the rewards owing to conquerors, while they are leading the lives of cowards, untouched in the fight, are so far from thwarting the onward march of the evil - disposed that, on the contrary, they even help it forward.vatican.va vatican.va
Haec omnia, Venerabiles Fratres, quae propensissimus in Scotos animus Nobis expressit, sic habete ut sollertiae potissimum caritatique vestrae commendata putetis.
13. All these things, Venerable Brethren, which Our affection for the Scottish people has suggested to Us, we commend to your thoughtfulness and charity.vatican.va vatican.va
. Insequenti tempore duo Lusitani fratres transfugenuntiaruntque Pompeium contionem habuisse: quoniam oppido subsidio non posset venire, noctu ex adversariorum conspectu se deducerent ad mare versum; unum respondisse, ut potius ad dimicandum descenderet quam signum fugae ostenderet; eum qui ita locutus esset iugulatum.
"When we had read the inscription, those who were employed to throw the bullet returning to the city, two Lusitanian brothers deserted, and informed us that Pompey in a speech made to his soldiers, had said: ""That as he found it impossible to relieve the town, he was resolved to withdraw in the night from the sight of the enemy, and retire toward the sea;"" to which one answered ""that it was better to hazard a battle than take refuge in flight,"" but he who said so was instantly put to death."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ecclesia continuo precatur et ministerio suo fungitur ne historia conscientiarum et historia societatum in magna humana familia ad « polum » peccati descendant reieciendis divinis praeceptis « usque ad contemptum Dei », sed ut potius se levent ad amorem, in quo Spiritus veritatis se patefacit, qui vivificat.
190 The Church constantly lifts up her prayer and renders her service in order that the history of consciences and the history of societies in the great human family will not descend toward the pole of sin, by the rejection of God's commandments "to the point of contempt of God," but rather will rise toward the love in which the Spirit that gives life is revealed.vatican.va vatican.va
Ordinatus et sapiens hic rerum usus tantum abest ut inferioris ordinis, idest societatis civilis bono adversetur, ut potius huius commoda maxime provehat; nec id inani verborum iactatione, qui mos est factiosorum hominum, sed re ipsa et summa contentione, usque ad bonorum, virium, vitaeque iacturam.
38. This wise evaluation and use of means is not in the least opposed to the happiness of that inferior ordering of means in civil society. On the contrary, the former promotes the latter's welfare - not, of course, by the foolish prattle of quarrelsome reformers, but by acts and heroic efforts, even to the extent of sacrificing property, power, and life itself.vatican.va vatican.va
Ita profecto in epistula sua ad Philippenses precabatur Apostolus : « Et hoc oro, ut caritas vestra magis ac magis abundet in ... omni sensu, ut probetis potiora, ut sitis sinceri et sine offensa in diem Christi, repleti fructu iustitiae ...
Precisely in this way the Apostle Paul prayed in his letter to the Philippians, "that your love may abound more and more...with all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruits of righteousness...."(vatican.va vatican.va
Qui nunc vero sunt homines, etsi Christiana lege instituti, fluxa praesentis aevi bona plerique sic consectantur, ut potiorem patriam in aevi sempiterni beatitate, non memoria solum elabi, sed extinctam prorsus ac deletam per summum dedecus velint; frustra commonente Paullo: Non habemus hic manentem civitatem, sed futuram inquirimus (Hebr.
But men of our day, albeit they have had the advantages of Christian instruction, pursue the false goods of this world in such wise that the thought of their true Fatherland of enduring happiness is not only set aside, but, to their shame be it said, banished and entirely erased from their memory, notwithstanding the warning of St. Paul, "We have not here a lasting city, but we seek one which is to come" (Heb. xiii., 4).vatican.va vatican.va
Quamobrem necesse est ut vigilans eademque sedula omnium opera penitus industriae huius artificibus suadeat, hanc « Legionis a decentia » contentionem non idcirco initium sumpsisse, ut brevi temporis spatio excidat ac neglegatur, sed ut potius — foederatarum Americae Civitatum Episcopis moderatoribus — honesta populi oblectatio, quovis tempore ac quibusvis rationibus habita, pro viribus in tuto ponatur.
An unceasing and universal vigilance must, on the contrary, convince the producers that the "Legion of Decency" has not been started as a crusade of short duration, soon to be neglected and forgotten, but that the Bishops of the United States are determined, at all times and at all costs, to safeguard the recreation of the people whatever form that recreation may take.vatican.va vatican.va
Iesus Christus in mundum venit potissimum ut unusquisque nostrum huiusce rei conscius fieret.
Jesus Christ came into the world first of all in order to make each one of us aware of this.vatican.va vatican.va
Necesse est potissimum ut boni faciendi consilium certae facultati bonorum gignendorum non opponatur.
Above all, the intention to do good must not be considered incompatible with the effective capacity to produce goods.vatican.va vatican.va
305 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.