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Homo in sua libertate a vocatione Dei appellatur ut crescat, ut maturet, ut fructum afferat.
People are approached in liberty by God who calls everyone to grow, develop and bear fruit.vatican.va vatican.va
Colunt discreti ac diversi, ut fons, ut campus, ut nemus placuit.
They live scattered and apart, just as a spring, a meadow, or a wood has attracted them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sol, ubi ubi est, fulget perpetuo, ut ut. Nubila eum a nobis eripiant; facitque suis Radiis Lucem; Lux diem.
The Sun, whereever it is, always shines, however dark it is. Clouds may take it away from us; by its rays it makes light and light makes day.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quedam enim opponuntur ut contraria, quedam ut relativa, quedam ut privatio et habitus, quedam ut affirmatio et negatio.
Quedam enim apponuntur ut relativa, quedam ut contraria, quedam ut affirmatio et negacio, quedam ut privacio et habitus.Literature Literature
Tum vero ingentem gemitum dat pectore ab imo, / ut spolia, ut currus, utque ipsum corpus amici, / tendentemque manus Priamum conspexit inermes.
Sighing he sees him, chariot, arms and all, / and Priam, spreading helpless hands in vain.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"„nonne vides"" aliquis cubito stantem prope tangens inquiet, ,,ut patiens, ut amicis aptus, ut acer?"""
inquiet, “ut patiens, ut amicis aptus, ut acer?”Literature Literature
Baptismus vester maneat velut arma, fides ut galea, charitas ut hasta, patientia ut tota armatura.
Your baptism must be a shield; your faith a helmet; your charity a lance; your patience a suit of armor.vatican.va vatican.va
quin, ut censuram patris, ut tris consulatus, ut tot egregiae domus honores deceret, desperatione saltem in audaciam accingeretur.
If you would act as becomes the censorship, the thrice-repeated consulate of your father, and all the honours of your illustrious house, let despair at any rate arm you to courageous action.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Evangelica vitis et palmitum imago alium fundamentalem nobis revelat aspectum vitae et missionis christifidelium laicorum: vocationem ut crescant, ut continuo maturent, ut semper fructum plus afferant.
The gospel image of the vine and the branches reveals to us another fundamental aspect of the lay faithful's life and mission: the call to growth and a continual process of maturation, of always bearing much fruit.vatican.va vatican.va
Sed nec Virgo ipsa cessabit nostris adesse rebus ut ut difficillimis, pugnamque prosequi iam inde a conceptu pugnatam, ut quotidie iterare liceat illud: Hodie contritum est ab ea caput serpentis antiqui (Off.
But neither will the Virgin ever cease to succor us in our trials, however grave they be, and to carry on the fight fought by her since her conception, so that every day we may repeat: "To-day the head of the serpent of old was crushed by her" (Office Immac.vatican.va vatican.va
Phil 1,27) in magnum periculum adduci; videmus alicubi contendi, plerumque tamen frustra, ut Episcopi, ut sacerdotes, ut christifideles denique se ab hac catholicae unitatis quadam quasi arce, a Romana videlicet Sede, misere seiungant.
In some quarters an attempt is being made—usually to no avail—to induce bishops, priests and faithful to withdraw their allegiance from this See of Rome, the stronghold of Catholic unity.vatican.va vatican.va
Caelum rotatur et ambit terram, stantem in medio. Sol, ubi ubi est, fulget perpetuo, ut ut densa Nubila, eripiant eum et nobis; facitque suis Radiis, Lucem, Lux Diem. Ex oppiso, sunt Tenebrae, inde Nox.
The heavens rotate and encompass the earth, which stands in the middle. The sun, wherever it is, shines perpetually, however dark clouds may take it away from us; it creates by its rays light, and the light of day. On the other side is darkness, and therefore night.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Exemplum eiusmodi interpretationis personae ipse Deus est ut Trinitas, ut Personarum communio.
The model for this interpretation of the person is God himself as Trinity, as a communion of Persons.vatican.va vatican.va
Vos vero, [viri] disertissimi, ut potestis, ut facitis, inlustrate saeculum nostrum pulcherrimo genere dicendi.
And you, Maternus and Secundus, combine charm and finish of ex-pression with weight of thought.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sed si inciderit, ut vulnera, ut famem et omnia,quae bellorum necessitas adfert, generose feram, optabo.
sed si inciderit, ut vulnera, ut famem et omnia quae bellorum necessitas affert generose feram optabo.Literature Literature
Post perveniens in Pegasus Galaxia, Antiquis habitavit in tellure, et nomine 'Lantea', vocans se 'Lanteans' ex eo tempore deinceps (etiam, fuisse relatum ut ut 'Atlanteans' per membra Atlantis Expeditio - nomen saepe per populos Pegasus describere expeditione membra).
After arriving in the Pegasus Galaxy, the Ancients settled on a planet they named 'Lantea', calling themselves 'Lanteans' from that time forward (also, they have been referred to as 'Atlanteans' by members of the Atlantis Expedition - a name often used by the peoples of Pegasus to describe the expedition members).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hoc detrimento milites nostri tantum afuerunt ut perturbarentur, ut incensi atque incitati magnas accessiones fecerint in operibus hostiurn expugnandis.
Our men were so far from being disheartened at this loss, that they seemed rather roused and animated by it.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Crebrius usque una iunguntur christiani ut humanam tutentur dignitatem, ut pacis promoveant bonum, ut Evangelii socialem provehant usum, ut in disciplinis artibusque animum christianum magis reddant praesentem.
With increasing frequency Christians are working together to defend human dignity, to promote peace, to apply the Gospel to social life, to bring the Christian spirit to the world of science and of the arts.vatican.va vatican.va
Hoc accedebat ut locus illa planitie aequitate ornaretur, et diei solisque serenitate ut mirificum, ut optandum tempus prope ab diis inmortalibus illud tributum esset ad proelium committendum.
This appeared evident to all; the rather because the plain would give their cavalry full room to act, and the day was so serene and clear that the gods seemed to have sent it on purpose to favor the engagement.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hoc idem genus communicationis commonere debet pastores ipsos, Episcopos praesertim et presbyteros, Ecclesiam in mundum mitti ut loquatur, ut Evangelium vocibus gestibusque praedicet.
This same kind of communication must remind pastors, especially Bishops and priests, that the Church is sent to speak, to preach the Gospel in words and deeds.vatican.va vatican.va
Haec ait et Maia genitum demittit ab alto, / ut terrae utque novae pateant Carthaginis arces / hospitio Teucris, ne fati nescia Dido / finibus arceret.
So saying, the son of Maia down he sent, / to open Carthage and the Libyan state, / lest Dido, weetless of the Fates' intent, / should drive the Trojan wanderers from her gate.tatoeba tatoeba
Hæc ait et Maia genitum demittit ab alto, / ut terræ utque novæ pateant Carthaginis arces / hospitio Teucris, ne fati nescia Dido / finibus arceret.
So saying, the son of Maia down he sent, / to open Carthage and the Libyan state, / lest Dido, weetless of the Fates' intent, / should drive the Trojan wanderers from her gate.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Idem ergo Ecclesiae et eius presbyteris erit experiendum: omnibus enim Spiritus ut donum exspectandum est, ut vocatio ad sanctificationem, ut sustentandae missionis iuvamen.151
This is the case for the entire Church and within her for priests: All have received the Spirit as a gift and call to holiness in and through the carrying out of the mission.( 57)vatican.va vatican.va
Omnes enim, vel qui in sacerdotum ordine eminebant, ut Origenes, et qui postea ad episcopatum evecti sunt, ut Cyrillus Hierosolymitanus, ut Ioannes Chrysostomus, ut Augustinus ceterique Doctores Ecclesiae veteres, sese ex sui quisque Episcopi auctoritate ad praedicandum contulerunt.
For all without exception, both those who distinguished themselves in the priestly order like Origen, and those later on were raised to the dignity of the episcopate, like Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Augustine and the other more ancient Doctors of the Church, undertook the office of preaching with the sanction and authority of their Bishops.vatican.va vatican.va
Quibus rebus nuntiatis Afranius ab instituto opere discedit seque in castra recipit, sic paratus, ut videbatur, ut, quicumque accidisset casus, hunc quieto et aequo animo ferret.
When these circumstances were announced to Afranius, he left the work which he had begun, and returned to his camp, determined as it appeared, whatever should be the event, to bear it with an even and steady mind.latin-ancient latin-ancient
1489 sinne gevind in 23 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.