vel non oor Engels

vel non

Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

or not

Summary of alternatives, i.e. "this action turns upon whether the claimant was the deceased's grandson vel non."

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Sunt etiam multi partes, qui breve agiunt vel non graves sunt.
There will be long sequences where very little happens.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I n sensu compositionis est falsa, qui a t un c distribuitur hoc totum 'bonum vel non bonum'.
In the sense of composition it is false, because then the whole ‘good or not good’ is distributed.Literature Literature
Effectum huius voluntatis vir non potest non agnoscere vel non accipere, quandoquidem hanc et ipse voluit.
The husband cannot fail to acknowledge and accept the result of a decision which has also been his
Singuli se Christianos identificare vel fides Christianos recipere possunt vel non possunt.
Therefore, the person who encounters Mary cannot help but encounter Christ.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Qua de causa diligitur aequabiliter et recipitur a fratribus ac sororibus aliarum communitatum christianarum atque vel non christianarum.
For this reason she is also loved and accepted by brothers and sisters of other Christian communities and even by
Dyscravia coniungi potest vel non potest a consimili imbecillitate legendi, sicut dyslexia, in qua litterae consonantes usitatius sine voce cum voce dicuntur, et vice versa.
Dyscravia may or may not be accompanied by a parallel reading disability (i.e. a dyslexia in which letters denoting voiceless consonants are pronounced as voiced and vice versa).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Atque in regionibus etiam, quas vel non catholici, vel ne christiani quidem homines incolunt, non pauci agnoscunt quantopere Ecclesiae in re sociali praecepta humanae prosint societati.
In non-Catholic, even in non-Christian countries, men recognize the great value to society of the social doctrine of the
Is quidem sibi vult me in Deo et cum Deo amare etiam personam quae mihi non probatur vel quam non novi.
It consists in the very fact that, in God and with God, I love even the person whom I do not like or even
Species introducta, vel aliena, exotica, non indigena, vel non endemica, vel simpliciter introductio, est species extra suum spatium vernaculum crescens, quae ibi per actionem humanam advenit, aut considerate aut fortuite.
An introduced, alien, exotic, non-indigenous, or non-native species, or simply an introduction, is a species living outside its native distributional range, which has arrived there by human activity, either deliberate or accidental.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nihilo secius, quam.vis haec laudabili sane consilio statuissent, ii tamen, quorum causa esset, itemque imaginum effectores, vel non posse vel prorsus nolle, ex suscepta ultro obligatione, id exsequi visi sunt.
Nevertheless, in spite of this wise and spontaneously taken decision, those responsible showed themselves incapable of carrying it into effect and it appeared that the producers and the operators were not disposed to stand by the principles to which they had bound
Nonnulli greges, sicut Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo Rosae Crucis, ex conspectu non sectariano vel non religioso, subiciunt crucem roseam antecedere Christianitatem, ubi "crux corpus humanum, et rosa conscientiam hominis quae explicatur repraesentat."
Some groups, such as the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, from a non-sectarian or non-religious view, suggest that the rosy cross predates Christianity, where "the cross represents the human body and the rose represents the individual's unfolding consciousness.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quod anthropologia symbolica facile fuit complementum studiorum anthropologorum socialium vitae socialis et structurae socialis, multi Britiannici "functionalistae structurales" (qui reiecerunt vel non curaverunt Boasianam anthropologiam culturalem) Parsonianam culturae et anthropologiae culturalis definitionem receperunt.
Since symbolic anthropology easily complemented social anthropologists' studies of social life and social structure, many British structural-functionalists (who rejected or were uninterested in Boasian cultural anthropology) accepted the Parsonian definition of "culture" and "cultural anthropology."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Multa petroglypha habentur genus linguae symbolicae vel ritualis, non plene comprehensae.
Many petroglyphs are thought to represent some kind of not-yet-fully understood symbolic or ritual language.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Realitas simulata, contra, a realitate "verae" difficiliter separari vel etiam non fieri potest.
Simulated reality, by contrast, would be hard or impossible to separate from "true" reality.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Linea vel pars non necesse est melodia anterioris.
"Big Bad World" is a previously unreleased song.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Istuc vel discipuli non catholici instituendi accedere solent.
Even non-Catholic students are accustomed to go there to be
Ut paenitentium dispositiones ad obtinendam vel non obtinendam remissionem ac congruam paenitentiam a sacramenti ministro dignosci possint, christifidelis, praeter peccatorum patratorum conscientiam, animi dolorem de illis atque propositum non amplius peccandi, (6) sua peccata confiteatur oportet.
In order that the minister of the Sacrament may know the dispositions of penitents with a view to granting or withholding absolution and imposing a suitable penance, it is necessary that the faithful, as well as being aware of the sins they have committed, of being sorry for them and resolved not to fall into them again,(6) should also confess their
Exemplar experientia brevis et genuina actori et spectatoribus est in eventu qui iterari, capi, vel vendi non potest.
The ideal had been an ephemeral and authentic experience for performer and audience in an event that could not be repeated, captured or purchased.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Iura humana in periculo versantur ne observentur, quia suo transcendenti fundamento orbantur vel humana non agnoscitur libertas.
Human rights risk being ignored either because they are robbed of their transcendent foundation or because personal freedom is not
Verumtamen sub lumine fidei quae in Christo Iesu hunc ultimum sensum agnoscit, facere non possumus quin philosophos, christianos vel non christianos, incitemus ut rationis humanae facultati confidant neque metas in philosophandi arte nimis mediocres prae se ferant.
Nonetheless, in the light of faith which finds in Jesus Christ this ultimate meaning, I cannot but encourage philosophers—be they Christian or not—to trust in the power of human reason and not to set themselves goals that are too modest in their
Ac si aliquid in eis offendero litteris quod videatur contrarium veritati, nihil aliud quam vel mendosum esse codicem, vel interpretem non assecutum esse quod dictum est, vel me minime intellexisse non ambigam (Ep.
And if in these Books I meet anything which seems contrary to truth, I shall not hesitate to conclude either that the text is faulty, or that the translator has not expressed the meaning of the passage, or that I myself do not understand."(
Harris, Rappaport, Vaydaque fuerunt praesertim graves ob eorum interpretationes materialismi culturalismi et anthropologiae oecologicae, theoriarum quae ambo sumpserunt "culturam" fuisse rationes extra corpus, vel non biologicas, per quas homines se ad vitam accommodare in varissimis naturae circumiectis potuerunt.
Harris, Rappaport, and Vayda were especially important for their contributions to cultural materialism and ecological anthropology, both of which argued that "culture" constituted an extra-somatic (or non-biological) means through which human beings could adapt to life in drastically differing physical environments.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Etenim si catholici homines, rerum externarum causa, cum hominibus consuetudinem iungant, qui vel nullo modo vel non recte in Christum credant, quia in errore versantur, tum vero illi sive occasionem sive incitamentum his dare possunt, ut ad veritatem traducantur.
Catholics who, in order to achieve some external good, collaborate with unbelievers or with those who through error lack the fullness of faith in Christ, may possibly provide the occasion or even the incentive for their conversion to the
Ulterius urgentem extulerunt necessitatem ut christifideles laici magistri et professores in diversis scholis, catholicis vel non catholicis, veri testes sint Evangelii per vitae exemplum, professionalem peritiam et rectitudinem, christianam inspirationem docentiae, salva semper, ut est evidens, variarum scientiarum et disciplinarum autonomia.
In addition they have emphasized the urgent need in various schools, whether Catholic or not, for teachers and professors among the lay faithful to be true witnesses of the gospel, through their example of life, their professional competence and uprightness, their Christian inspired teaching, preserving always-as is obvious-the autonomy of various sciences and
522 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.