venditabaris oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

second-person singular imperfect passive indicative of venditō

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Ibi venditantur praecipue cibi, vestimenta, resque ad domum hortumque utiles.
They began collecting food, clothing, medicine, or anything usable for the soldiers in need.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
adiciebat Tullius Geminus accusator venditata ab eo munera principis et adipiscendorum honorum ius.
"He had composed many libels on senators and pontiffs in a work to which he gave the title of ""Codicils."" Talius Geminus, the prosecutor, further stated that he had habitually trafficked in the emperor's favours and in the right of promotion."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Liber proximus de Peepshow die 1 Novembris anno 2006 venditari coepit.
The most recent issue of Peepshow, #14, went on sale November 1, 2006.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Liba vendita et concremata sunt.
Movement and Distribution of Concrete.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anno 1964, Darby suas velitabulas venditare coepit.
In 1964, Darby began selling his sailboards.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
lento deinde agmine per finis Allobrogum ac Vocontiorum ductus exercitus, ipsa itinerum spatia et stativorum mutationes venditante duce, foedis pactionibus adversus possessores agrorum et magistratus civitatum, adeo minaciter ut Luco (municipium id Vocontiorum est) faces admoverit, donec pecunia mitigaretur.
The army then proceeded by slow marches through the territory of the Allobroges and Vocontii, the very length of each day's march and the changes of encampment being made a matter of traffic by the general, who concluded disgraceful bargains to the injury of the holders of land and the magistrates of the different states, and used such menaces, that at Lucus, a municipal town of the Vocontii, he was on the point of setting fire to the place, when a present of money soothed his rage.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sacrificus clamat tenete furem: venditor clamat tenete sacrificum: impostor clamat cohibete furentem sacrificum.
The priest cries stop thief; the seller shouts stop the priest; the cheat cries stop the mad priest.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
(Graece μονοπώλιον) est si in foro seu mercatura unus modo venditor est.
It is now the world's leader in this kind of auction sale.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Processus anno 1997 finit privatizatione, venditatis 49% sortium Britannicae societati Cable & Wireless sive C&W. Reliquae sortes inter Gubernationem (49%) et operarios (2%) dividuntur.
36% is developed by the government and operated by irrigators’ associations through the Communal Irrigation System, while the remaining 14% is developed and operated by individual or small groups of farmers through a Private Irrigation System (PIS).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anno 1932 a Marco Kramer condita est, patre Francisci Kramer, qui tabernam diutissime exercebat, principioque libros definitivos scholasticis venditabat.
Harvard Book Store was established in 1932 by Mark Kramer, father of longtime owner Frank Kramer, and originally sold used textbooks to students.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
10 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.